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It's that time, post 'em up!

Mine is to do a "30,000 mile tune up" on myself. Lasik, some dental work, get rid of my acne, maybe some plastic surgery. Just a little "fix up" now that I'm 30.

I vote 2010 should be the "Year of the Make Over"

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You make it sound like you're falling apart just cuz you're 30! OK, I sometimes feel that way about myself, too! I'm all for makeovers, but maybe 2010 can be the year of loving yourself the way you are.

I think you are beautiful just the way you are darlin. But, if this year you vote it the "Year of the Make Over" and that makes you happy...then, I support you. That's what are friends are for anyway, right?
I vote that 2010 brings a lot of good things for you and the rest of our PLers!
My New Year's Resolution is to get a better paying job so I can get all of those things that Roxy listed! :)
LOL, you guys took that the wrong way. I love myself, in fact, I'm f***** awesome, lol. But I'm past my 20's now, and since I made it this far I think I deserve a little pampering. I plan to look just as good these next 30 years as I did my first, and we all know that without a little work, that is just not possible.

So now let's hear what YOUR resolutions are!
"Make Over" That about sums up my resolutions too!
teeth whitening, loose the vanity weight . . . among other things!
hmm. I want to take more pictures of things. I think thats a reasonable resolution... and chop darlin you just need that carrot danglin in front of you to start running... Figure out your carrot, then run after it... Running is great therapy....
I run and yes it is great "therapy". My resolution is the same this year as it was last, enjoy every moment and have more fun.
To learn to drive the damned car I bought. I bought it in September and have only taken it out about 4 times. I have never driven a stick shift before, and really didn't want one.....but couldn't pass up buying a perfectly running car for $200.

I want my freedom back SO bad. I've been without my own transportation for about 3 years. Freedom is staring me in the face out in my driveway and I am too chicken s*** to make it happen.

I just keep getting so royally freaked out in traffic trying to shift that thing.....people honking at me, flipping me off, then I panic thinking I am gonna get in an accident, my insurance is gonna go up.....AHHH f****** PANIC attack.

I just need to suck it up and start driving every day, it's the only way I am gonna get my freedom back.
gosh... 2010... it will b quite a year for me.

Well, my resolution is makin it to Ireland :) <3
2010 - I am going to put on those pasties and chase my dream. SF...get ready. :D
You win LOL! ! ! ! Bro if I don't have to walk another step again i'd be happy! Lets ROLL!

richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:
Run. Who the hell can run anymore.

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