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So at work the other we had a conversation about the first album you ever purchased. We had a lot of boring answers, but I thought it was pretty interesting. The first album I ever owned was Godsmack:

I still rock out to this, and it's made me dream of being on album cover. Not sure why, that girl just rocks the house.

What was the first album you purchased?

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My VERY VERY first albums don't really count, to me, but here goes:

The first tape I ever had was NKOTB, in kindergarten!

The first tape I ever bought with my own money was... *gulp* ...All 4 One 'I Swear' single... hahahaha circa 4th or 5th grade.

After grammar school and into the teen years (and into music I'm actually not ashamed to admit I listened to)...

The first CD I ever owned was Alanis Morrisette's 'Jagged Little Pill.' I got this for Christmas along with my first Sony Discman! XD

The first CD I ever bought with my own money was No Doubt's 'Tragic Kingdom.' I still listen to this same cd (few scratches and skips here and there) in my car regularly, I still love it to pieces! Gwen Stefani is too fabulous.

As for records, I got a bunch all at once when I was in 7th or 8th grade. The ones I remember are:
2 Pink Floyd records (Dark Side and The Wall)
2 Queen records (A Night at the Opera and A Day at the Races)
A couple 45's including Devo, Elvis, and my absolute favorite: The Big Bopper's Chantilly Lace (which is now my standby at Karaoke)
Hell yeah, Alanis and No Doubt! "Tragic Kingdom" is still their best record!

Well you did say first album right?
The first one I remember picking out was Bonnie Tyler, Total Eclipse of the Heart.

But really my first one was one of these two... I don't remember what I got first.

Yeah, the very first don't really count do they? Because it would be a Strawberry Shortcake record and a Sharon, Lois and Bram record. Yay for the Elephant show! Yeah that takes me back...damn I'm old! lol and yes, I confess later on there was a NKOTB and Ace of Base tapes!
Mine was a 45" record (like for a turntable) it was Dexy's Midnite Runners single Come On Eileen. I bought it in first grade and I still have it.

I love that episode in "The Young Ones" where they play a song in the lavatory! : )

LisaLuxx said:
Mine was a 45" record (like for a turntable) it was Dexy's Midnite Runners single Come On Eileen. I bought it in first grade and I still have it.

Band on the Run.. Wings..

When i was 12... and i saved my pocket money up for months to get it...
nothing wrong with the new kids on the block! i'm still a blockhead and went to their concert last year lol ya, ya, i'm a dweeb at heart lol

my first cd that i ever bought w my own money was salt n peppa hahahaha

oh David, how I love thee. :D

And John....((meeeow!))

Cassette: knotb.... Arrowsmith

Cd: waynes world soundtrack....
the first album that i ever remember buying with my own money was powerman 5000's tonight the starts revolt. my favorite cd store near my house was closing and it was the only cd i could afford. i was 10, and in for a treat. man i still love that album.

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