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1. Background images that render the profile information illegible
2. Glitter comments
3. Copyright-protected images (Elvgren, anyone?) that have been illegally customized with a personal message of "enjoy your weekend" or whatever
3a. Usually in a completely inappropriate font
4. Being flooded with impersonal, "have a great day"-type comments*
5. Reiterating someone else's comment within a thread because you couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread before adding your 2¢
6. Posting a new thread on a preexisting topic because you didn't perform a keyword search first
8. AnD wHaT tHe FeK iS wItH tHiS?

Okay, Li'l Mizz Cranky obviously needs a cup of coffee. Did I miss anything?

*Many thanks to Victoria Ortega-Allen, who mentioned this annoyance before I did and opened the floodgates of my wrath ;)

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Comment by Filmmonkey on February 4, 2009 at 9:22am
Sign me up for all of these. And I suppose now I have to stop using "pix" for pictures. :-(
The one I really just don't understand at all is number 1. When people add "busy" backgrounds don't they even take a peek at it? Can't you preview the page before you publish it?

And thanks for the note about copyright usage.

Comment by Wink Holliday on January 23, 2009 at 6:40pm
One more peeve! You know that dotted red line that shows up under some words when you type? It means you've probably misspelled that word. FIX IT. Otherwise, I have a hard time reading what you're trying to tell me, AND you look like an idiot. Or lazy. Or both. (This does not apply to people who speak/write English as a second language. You folks are stars. I don't know enough of any other language to attempt to converse in it, and English is a tricky one anyway.)
Comment by Zombie Kitten Originals on January 22, 2009 at 9:24am
98% of them are in the public domian, most studios no longer exist....that is why you see those "50 movies packs of old horror or sci-fi movies" .

In addition to the regular Copyright laws...there are also Intellectual Property Infringements!

Comment by Wink Holliday on January 22, 2009 at 6:58am
In Zombie Kitten's defense, some of those B-movie images may be okay to use. Maybe. If the studios slacked in renewing the copyright. "Works published before 1964 that did not have their copyrights renewed 28 years after first publication year are in the public domain." Many old-school pinup images are in the public domain at this point; but the Elvgren estate, as well as Vargas, Armstrong, Moran and others, have renewed the copyright protection on their images.
Lesson: Be willing to do your research, or risk winding up in court!
Comment by Zombie Kitten Originals on January 21, 2009 at 10:24pm
I love customize images...however they are usually from obscure b-movies.
Comment by Dottie Darling on January 21, 2009 at 3:47pm
Yes, I completely agree.

Also anyone who uses acronyms for every word.
Comment by Victoria Ortega-Allen on January 21, 2009 at 1:15pm
wow who did that Rob? Thats pretty lame. I hate when I give models photos and I don't get photo credit when they decide to post them up or pass them off to other people like clothing companies. Thats why now I put my logo on EVERYTHING.

Comment by Brittany on January 21, 2009 at 11:32am

Glitter comments are the worst. Especially the really big kind that blink and do all sorts of crazy stuff and make the page load rreeeaaallllyyy slooowwww.

You are awesome.. But, what about these..?

- !!!!1111!!!!!!!!!1 (Is it really that hard to make an exclamation point? What's with the "1"s??)
- L33T. (Does it really need an explanation? Who needs to write with numbers and letters??)
- leaving a comment without any sort of punctuation i mean how are you supposed to make complete sense of something youre reading when theres no end or beginning come on people we all took english 101 in high school make use of it i don't want to read your comment 3 times to make it make sense

That's my contribution anyway.. :P
Comment by Victoria Ortega-Allen on January 21, 2009 at 10:53am
Yes!!! I started something. I like that you put them down in list. Now maybe people will actually get the hint because I'm still getting these comments! you're awesome Wink!

Comment by Wink Holliday on January 21, 2009 at 7:25am
I know that you're kidding, but just in case someone reads this and doesn't know: No, you do not "own" a copyrighted image just because you bought a print or a book or whatever. You own the copyright ONLY if you CREATED the work, or if the person/legal entity that DOES own the copyright SIGNS IT OVER TO YOU.
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