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I make it to my 9am call on time, with a 4-shot nonfat latte in hand. Artificially alert, I am ready to face the shoot. All of the models are on time. Staggering, perhaps, but not staggered. Okay, well, there's going to be a lot of waiting around while the special effects MUA works her magic on FIVE gals and one token guy. Not the best planning on the part of the photog., but she's young and new and learning her way. Gotta start somewhere, and I'm sure this is her first gig of this size.

Okay, the MUA and her assistant are setting up shop, when suddenly, there's a noticeable pause in the flurry of activity. It seems as though a case has been left behind, and it's the one with all of the hair stuff AND the latex to help make us into zombies. It's a 45-minute drive, each way, for the MUA to run back for it. But, it's Sunday, so the options are limited. All of the models have already cleared the day for this, so we finish signing our releases, sit around, do our nails, and chat. And wait. And make phone calls. And wait. I ask the photog. how long she thinks this shoot might go, given the delay. She has more girls than the casting call specified, so does she really need me? She says she does have enough girls to go it without me, but she really likes my look and can I please stay at least for the classic car portion? Well, flattery and cars go a long way with me. I agree to stay a bit longer.

The MUA returns! Minus her assistant, who called migraine and went home to a darker, quieter place. Okay, hair and first layer of latex for Gal 1. Then Gal 2. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have two friends surrounded by uninstalled Halloween décor, who could really use an extra set of hands. Gal 3. Gal 4 is getting her first layer when I take the photog. aside, explain that it is already 1pm, we've been there for 4 hours, and at this rate it will be at least another 2 before our zombifying is complete. I am very sorry, I was looking forward to this shoot and I'll try to work with her again, but this is getting nowhere, and slowly.

I'm willing to spend 6 hours for special-effects makeup on a good shoot, or heck, even just for fun, but this group of models has NOT been 'clicking' and I am getting the distinct impression that it is going to show in the photos.

Sigh. Maybe NEXT zombie season. And zombies being what they are, that could be next month. ;)

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Comment by calculationtheme__xo on October 21, 2008 at 8:54am
Aww, too bad it didn't work out! But yes, there will always be another zombie shoot. =)
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