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Buffy's Blogs – January 2009 Archive (7)

It's hard to keep up

Today was a dream.

She is bliss.

Needless to say, I'm very happy right now. Content and almost buzzed, as if I was downing pink champagne and stuffing myself silly with strawberries and cream. I feel that small spark, that glimmer of hope - the maybe. The could be. I just hope she feels it too.

For now, this day was worth it.

Oh, I got a new tattoo yesterday - a scorpion on my tailbone. For the parable..."The Scorpion and the Frog".

"It's in my… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 25, 2009 at 9:51pm — 1 Comment

Oooh, now you got me, baby

I'm in a decidedly good mood.

Went to a show tonight with my friend Meghan, the Rock Final Four, for my friend Kim's band, Death By Adam. It was amazing - great energy! And it served to remind me how lacking I am in social skills. It's like I'm not wired right, missing bits and pieces.

Have I always been socially defective? I think so. I'm so insecure, I dissect myself in front of everyone. It's humiliating.

Ah well. I'm going to have to learn to get over it.

I'm too tired… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 10, 2009 at 11:52pm — No Comments

What to do - oh, what to do?

This could be a splendid thing.

And what a surprisingly splendid thing. I've never had this happen quite this way before.

And oh how disappointing it will be if I'm wrong about this...

Oh but this could be so cool! I feel like sunshine and coral and icecream and paintings - does that make sense? Bursts of color and radiance and sweetness...

I need to focus, and not get too head over heels. I have a tendency to throw myself into an obsession when what I really… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 7, 2009 at 11:14pm — No Comments PRESS RELEASE ~ second draft!!

Second verse, same as the first! Well, not quite....


A slick cherry red car breezed past you and through the stop light, but it was the blonde Sophia Loren lookalike with sailor tatts behind the wheel that caught your attention. Or maybe it was her bombshell friend in the passenger seat with her cocoa brown legs and polka dot heels propped out the window. And just as you were thinking, "She looks just like..." she turned and threw you a killer grin… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 7, 2009 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

I know what it is to be sad

Fact - I never imagined he's the kind of person that he was revealed to be.

Fact - I never thought I'd get up to the balls to ask her if she knew about the others.

Fact - I almost had a heart attack coming down from my adrenaline rush that motivated me to ask her.

Fact - I never dreamed she'd agree to talk things out with me.

Fact - I didn't realize she'd be my soul sistah from another mistah.

Fact - I never thought I'd see him squirm and… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 6, 2009 at 11:34pm — No Comments PRESS RELEASE ~ first draft!!

So as we all know, I belong to this awesome community called


...and I just recently got asked to write a press release for them in a Ol Skool Rods magazine. This is just the thing I need to be doing right now - a writing project with next to no guidelines or rules enforced, on a topic I love. I should probably be listening to my dad whom I mentioned the project to, and be getting paid for this, but frankly, I'm just too thrilled… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 4, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

But I can see that you're unhappy

New Years Resolutions:

~Write. I don't care what. Make f****** poetry of your grocery lists.

~Sing. Finally call Mr. Kracht and get voice lessons set up.

~Save up money. Cut your shopping on and at Ross in half. If you must shop, go to thrift stores and only buy what you cannot live without. If it's over $10, it better be Westwood.

~Get the strings changed on your bass so you can finally learn how to play.

~Practice more on your guitar.

~Eat. You… Continue

Added by Buffy on January 1, 2009 at 1:10pm — 1 Comment

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