October 12, 2010 from 3pm to 4pm – Welland, Ontario Canada (Artepixel Studio)I am proud to announce that next Tuesday, October 12th at 15:00 (Toronto time ; the same as New York), I am be in a live chat drawing one Pinup and sharing a pleasant time with everybody that drop by…Organized by Artepixel Studio / Cris De Lara. | Type: live, chat, about, pinup, art.
November 12, 2010 from 8am to 9:30am – It's Art WebsiteI will be alive in It's Art Live Chat painting in digital environment Pinups' Expression from my last traditional pinup drawing session.
Just click the link: http://itsartm.ag/b7xMOo to see the page…Organized by Cris Delara | Type: pinup, art, live, chat