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You wake up in the morning and have to make a trip to the grocery store. You just need a few basics. So, what do you do? You wash and roll your hair. Then you pin it perfectly. The you put on a full face of makeup along with a designer outfit. Don't forget those 5 inch heels! Seriously, is there anyone who doesn't wear this stuff to go grocery shopping?

I mean, just look at Dita...

LOL. Ok, seriously. I love the girl to death, but she gets this done up for the market?! I guess that's why she's Dita and we're not. ;)

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Well, you might like my summer vacation look...which consists of flip flops and some ratty old dress..yeah! Fancy eh? Or I'll wear some old jeans and a shirt if I really wanna put some effort. lol ; P Honestly, when I'm in Chile at the beach and on vacation I don't wanna spend 4 hours getting dressed, fixing my hair, make up,etc. What's the point? I like to go swimming, body boarding and surfing so it's all gonna get wet and full of sand anyway. The summer for me is just too damn short so why worry what anyone thinks of me? I could care less, the most important thing is spending as much time as possible in or around the ocean. Maybe it's different if you live in a place like that all year..I dunno. But for me the time I have there is too short to waste. Of course, if you're going out at night you put on the lipstick and nice dress otherwise..relax!

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
You go Sydney! When I go to the store I like to see the gals in a baggy sweatshirt, pj bottoms and flip me.......

Syd Valentine said:
Does Dita have three kids???? Guessing not.

There is no way in HELL I could take the time to get this dressed up for an every day chore like shopping. It's ok though because it makes the few times when I CAN dress up even more fun and special. If the people don't like what I look like on an everyday basis and make a decision to judge me on it then oh F*@&ing, well! I am who I am and part of who I am is a busy, BUSY mom. Sometimes I don't even look in the mirror before I haul ass out of the house. If something important needs to be done, that's my priority... not how I look while I am doing it. I may look like a complete slob sometimes but I know I can look FABULOUS too, and that's all that matters.

If Dita can find the time to do herself up this good for a trip to the market, then more power to her! I say, enjoy it while it lasts! :)
If I had the wardrobe I would do it too! She's gorgeous. Insanely gorgeous.
Uhh... yeah. I was totally wrong on that one. LOL. from the front they just look like low wedges... eek!

NolaChick™ {M} said:

Semi comfy shoes? Yowch! Not in my world! LOL.
I've done this a couple times, I admit. And wearing heels helps me limit my time in the store, and therefore the amount of money I spend. But when I go out for groceries I'm not really looking for a lot of attention. And lets face it- looking that good at the market gets a lot of attention- at least in Arizona it does. Dita is a celebrity and people would be more shocked to see her in sweat pants and flip-flops. Although we'd love her for it nonetheless. It would be thrilling to see her dressed down in something basic and comfortable and see that she's as human as the rest of us.

I just moved to an extremely small, casual, and laid-back town and people stare when I go out to dinner on a Sunday in a nice dress with my parents. So I prefer the jeans and t-shirt uniform when shopping. I like shopping in peace and quiet without hoots and hollers from males with no inner dialogue that have never seen a woman look like that in public before.

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