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You wake up in the morning and have to make a trip to the grocery store. You just need a few basics. So, what do you do? You wash and roll your hair. Then you pin it perfectly. The you put on a full face of makeup along with a designer outfit. Don't forget those 5 inch heels! Seriously, is there anyone who doesn't wear this stuff to go grocery shopping?

I mean, just look at Dita...

LOL. Ok, seriously. I love the girl to death, but she gets this done up for the market?! I guess that's why she's Dita and we're not. ;)

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I has to have my hair DID & Makeup done to take the trash out ....which happens to be located outside my door two feet away....tehehehehe. If i go out with my hair undone and no makeup......People would have to call the national guard. I'd get mistaken for freagin GODZILLA!!
Doing my hair and make up is a bit much. My hair is super straight so it's too complicated to really fix up (so I only do that when I have a lot of time and someone else is doing my hair). I don't wear make up, there have been very few occasions that I have worn make up for. I just make sure I dress to impress. =D
I am most likely in the minority when I say: there is a time and place to look your best.

I cannot be bothered to 'dress up' for things like the grocery store or general errand running. Often this means leaving the house without make-up *gasp* and wearing whatever I feel like. *the horror!*

On the other hand, I do make a point to be presentable when going out [i.e. going to a bar/show/dinner/movies] or performing, with emphasis more on the latter.

It's not so much the time or effort, as I used to have to put my make-up on all the time and felt too vain. Besides, it's really amusing when people stare at you b/c you have no eyebrows and you're trying to figure out if you have a boogie hanging from your nose or something. *aha*
I've gone grocery shopping in heels plenty of times, because I run my errands on the way home from work. However, I don't put on heels specifically to go TO the supermarket. My hair, no matter how hard I try, will never look that good. I often go for days at a time without even brushing it, and nobody can tell. Such is my hair. But a fresh coat of lipstick? Sure. And I only ever leave the house without eyeliner by rare accident! I may not ever have a Chanel suit, but I like to at least look "put together" even when I'm only in jeans and a well-fitting t-shirt.
my normal routine is to go shopping right after the gym so yeah NO WHERE NEAR looking that glammed out and for the record I am not one of those put on a whole face of make-up and jewelry for the gym kinda gals. however I wake up is what you get.;)

but I sure do love to dress up!
I'd say, regarding the Dita Photo, She combed her hair, used a little Studio Fix on her face, red lipstick and threw on a dress. I don't see stockings and she's just wearing a sandal like heel. The sun glasses hide eyes that might not be made up. I've gone to the market like that and it took a very short time to get ready.
I agree, Kim. I don't see the 'forced' look that everyone else is getting from this. Maybe it's just because she's wearing a dress and lipstick? I noticed the semi-comfy shoes too, and I think that's what's doing it for me. I mean, honestly.. can you imagine Dita in anything else? I bet she doesn't even own anything more comfy or casual than what she's wearing here!
uuuum.... actually, I can't even go outside to check my mail or walk my dogs without do this. And if I know someone is coming to my house...even if its just the UPS guy, I will litterally get completely ready as if I were getting ready for a shoot! My family gets so mad at me...... they know that they can't just say "okay, let's go"... they have to warn me about an hour and a half before we leave...... lol. You just never know who you're gonna run into..... :)
I would much rather scold her use of plastic bags, than her lipstick. :)
Its about having your own standards for yourself. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to both look AND ct the part

Im always well put together, hair, make-up and outfit,organised and on-time
Unless i've just been with my man, he's seems to revel in taking me apart again and making me late!

Mia x

Semi comfy shoes? Yowch! Not in my world! LOL.
dita looks so grand!!!

ok, i'm a little over the top... but i could only dream to be dita....
i perfer to WEAR the rollers to the store!

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