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This may seem like a totally off the wall question but.... I am curious!

The other day one of the ladies at my gym's daycare showed up with a big, black "plus" sign on her forehead. I thought it was a cool make-up trend starter or something but she explained that she had just come back from church and that it was "ASH WEDNESDAY" and that it was NOT a plus sign but a cross the priest had painted on her forehead with ashes. I've heard of Ash Wed. before but I am not Catholic so I don't know much about it. I thought it was closer to Easter which is in April but she informed me that there are 40 days of... Lint? or Lent?... that starts with Ash Wednesday leading up to Easter. She told me that during these 40 days Catholics have to give up something they really value... she used Caffeine, Sweets, Starbucks... as examples.

I am not a religious person. I am "spiritual" in my own ways. BUT I am EXTREMELY interested in different religions and beliefs. I could just research it on-line of course, but I thought it would be more fun to ask people to give their own opinions and thoughts and experiences first.

So, is/was anybody Catholic? What can you tell us about Ash Wednesday and Lent(?) and Easter? If you have to give up something of value for 40 days, is it supposed to be something more important than material things? Can it be a... person, for example??

Looking foreword to your responses!


Syd Valentine

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Anita Fixx said:
LOL at what? No entiendo.

And please don't post a pic of the LOL What? freaks me out. If you know what I'm talking about (ask my geeky brother). Gracias! : P

Daddy Cool {PL} said:
I love that you used the word DEBATE. It's so refreshing to have someone you can talk to instead of fight about things like religion or politics. SO many people are stubborn and close minded about their beliefs so it's fun when you can actually have a decent conversation about your different views and still be friends afterward! Thanks for your input!!!

Ally Katt {SGC} said:
LOL plus sign. One of my coworkers was Catholic and every year on Ash wednesday she'd go to the base catholic church, go to mass and come back to work with the cross on her forehead. And no one was allowed to tell her to wipe it off because its religious. I loved it that she wasn't embarrassed. She grew up devout cahtholic and I was raised Methodist, presbyterian, and non denom so we used to have religious debates in the shop.
I didn't see the picture earlier!! HAHAAHA NICE

Daddy Cool {PL} said:

Anita Fixx said:
LOL at what? No entiendo.

And please don't post a pic of the LOL What? freaks me out. If you know what I'm talking about (ask my geeky brother). Gracias! : P

Daddy Cool {PL} said:
Please do. I would love to read it.

I agree! Yes a positive force. Loving.....something that's not to be FEARED. I have my morals with out fear. I do and don't do things based on what I believe is right not because I am afraid of eternal damnation. BUT... whatever works. I guess some people feel they need fear to keep them in line or the promise of an afterlife.
I agree, it's not the best feeling in the world to think that there might not be anything out there after we die.... but there are SO many religions and beliefs, what makes people think their's is the only one or the RIGHT one?? I definitly think people should have the right/freedom to believe in whatever they want and I try really hard not to think less of people for their choices but I have to admit that those who choose to condemn and push their beliefs on other people are not my favorite.

I also like the fact that the Native religions are so respectful of nature and everything around them. I like pagan religions for EXACTLY this reason. I have a good friend who is Wiccan and I have always been into the druid and Gaelic history because I have Scottish and Irish background. It's a common misconception that pagans are "DEVIL WORSHIPPERS". They don't even BELIEVE in the devil. They have gods and goddesses and spirits that represent every part of nature and life. Everything/being has a purpose and is to be appreciated and respected. What a wonderful concept!!!

I remember when I first met my husband's father and step-mother. I have a celtic knot tattooed on my back, representing Rhiannan, the Goddess of music. (I am a musician-it is an important part of my life). She asked me if it was a "devil sign". I responded "Uh..NO. It's celtic..pagan." and she said "Yah, I know."
Ignorance, it's NOT bliss, people!!!!! Frustrating!

Getting into your background if you are comfortable with that.... I am assuming you are from Chile? Were you born there? What is their Native religion? It must be somewhat different than the Native religions here.... Navajo, Ute (etc).

I have really enjoyed having this conversation! I hope we can talk more about this and other aspects of life again! :)
Anita Fixx said:
Hmm...seems we have similar views about all this. Although I find I can relate to Native spirituality a lot. Maybe because of my background or just because I've always been a bit different. For instance, I like their idea of calling "God" simply "the Creator". I can relate to that just as an's nice to think that there's just this positive force that loves creating life and death (the two exist together). If that exists it would be more like that then the old man with a white beard you see in Christianity...that's I feel about it. I don't care about other people's beliefs or converting them to mine. Everyone should have the FREEDOM to believe whatever the hell they want.
Yeah, as I once heard : "religion is one thing that makes people feel superior to others WITHOUT doing anything." People will use it as a cop-out to do s***. People always need something to justify their actions and beliefs, everyone does this. I read a good book about that recently..can't remember the title now. I'll try to find it.

Syd Valentine said:
That's what always kind of blew my mind when I was growing up.... the hipocracy of it all.

I got picked on a lot by kids from church going families. It was a small town so pretty much everyone went to a church of SOME kind. There was a Catholic, a couple of Baptist ,a Jehova Witness and a Born Again (of some sort) church. There were several Christian Women Clubs from the different churches..... there was always some sort of fight or "drama" going on between the members. Followers from this church berated followers from that church.... blah blah and BLAH. At any rate, these kids were mean!! I was always being told how I was "going to hell" if I didn't start going to church, etc. etc. This started in 1st grade. We are talking 6 year-old children, here. Surprising, until you consider the fact that the adults in these so called "Christian Households" were the people who got in bar fights on the weeknights; people who got arrested for drunk driving, domestic abuse, drug deals. These people (most of them) were the ones that did horrifically vindictive things to each other and others in their community. And yet, my family and I, despite the fact that we were kind and caring individuals who were positively involved in our community in many different ways and who had a loving home together, were going to suffer eternal despair and punishment because we "didn't believe" or we "didn't except Jesus Christ as our Savior". This is the part of religion, Christian religion at least, that doesn't make an ounce of sense to me what so ever. I have come to think that Catholicism and many other Christian religions offer a "cop-out" if I may, for doing shitty things. A murderer or rapist or child molester can confess his/her "sins", accept Jesus Christ as his savior and get into heaven.

Unfortunatly, I don't know very much Spanish at all so I'm afraid the Vina Del Mar video might be wasted on me! BUT, I think I'm catching the drift! :)

Thank you for all the information you have given. I appreciate learning about other people, their lives and backgrounds... most of all their opinions and thoughts.

And, I have to say that the little of Native spirituality that I have researched was very becoming to me.
I agree though, humans tend to screw s*** up no matter how it's handed to us. :P
I was actually born in Canada but my parents are from Chile. And I have traveled there often and even lived in Chile when I was 11-13 years old. I have both citizenship though...and hopefully I can get a EU (European Union) citizenship soon because my dad and his side of the family are also EU citizens (from Spain). Collecting passports yay! : P
Anyways I can't tell you anything specific about the religions of native cultures in Chile. They NEVER teach that sorta thing in school (and I think they should). The main Native ethnic group in Chile are called Mapuches and there's also Araucanos and in the North they have other groups related to the Incas. I don't know much but from what I do know there are similarities with North American Natives an things I can respect. Also I've felt a lot more acceptance from Native people here then from other types of people here. Even the so-called "punks" I used to hang out with in Toronto were more close minded and prejudiced. Not very punk at all...Anyway that's another topic. Here's one of my favourite quotes:

Only after the last tree has been cut down,

Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

Cree Prophecy

Syd Valentine said:
Please do. I would love to read it.

I agree! Yes a positive force. Loving.....something that's not to be FEARED. I have my morals with out fear. I do and don't do things based on what I believe is right not because I am afraid of eternal damnation. BUT... whatever works. I guess some people feel they need fear to keep them in line or the promise of an afterlife.
I agree, it's not the best feeling in the world to think that there might not be anything out there after we die.... but there are SO many religions and beliefs, what makes people think their's is the only one or the RIGHT one?? I definitly think people should have the right/freedom to believe in whatever they want and I try really hard not to think less of people for their choices but I have to admit that those who choose to condemn and push their beliefs on other people are not my favorite.

I also like the fact that the Native religions are so respectful of nature and everything around them. I like pagan religions for EXACTLY this reason. I have a good friend who is Wiccan and I have always been into the druid and Gaelic history because I have Scottish and Irish background. It's a common misconception that pagans are "DEVIL WORSHIPPERS". They don't even BELIEVE in the devil. They have gods and goddesses and spirits that represent every part of nature and life. Everything/being has a purpose and is to be appreciated and respected. What a wonderful concept!!!

I remember when I first met my husband's father and step-mother. I have a celtic knot tattooed on my back, representing Rhiannan, the Goddess of music. (I am a musician-it is an important part of my life). She asked me if it was a "devil sign". I responded "Uh..NO. It's celtic..pagan." and she said "Yah, I know."
Ignorance, it's NOT bliss, people!!!!! Frustrating!

Getting into your background if you are comfortable with that.... I am assuming you are from Chile? Were you born there? What is their Native religion? It must be somewhat different than the Native religions here.... Navajo, Ute (etc).

I have really enjoyed having this conversation! I hope we can talk more about this and other aspects of life again! :)
Anita Fixx said:
Hmm...seems we have similar views about all this. Although I find I can relate to Native spirituality a lot. Maybe because of my background or just because I've always been a bit different. For instance, I like their idea of calling "God" simply "the Creator". I can relate to that just as an's nice to think that there's just this positive force that loves creating life and death (the two exist together). If that exists it would be more like that then the old man with a white beard you see in Christianity...that's I feel about it. I don't care about other people's beliefs or converting them to mine. Everyone should have the FREEDOM to believe whatever the hell they want.
Yeah, as I once heard : "religion is one thing that makes people feel superior to others WITHOUT doing anything." People will use it as a cop-out to do s***. People always need something to justify their actions and beliefs, everyone does this. I read a good book about that recently..can't remember the title now. I'll try to find it.

Syd Valentine said:
That's what always kind of blew my mind when I was growing up.... the hipocracy of it all.

I got picked on a lot by kids from church going families. It was a small town so pretty much everyone went to a church of SOME kind. There was a Catholic, a couple of Baptist ,a Jehova Witness and a Born Again (of some sort) church. There were several Christian Women Clubs from the different churches..... there was always some sort of fight or "drama" going on between the members. Followers from this church berated followers from that church.... blah blah and BLAH. At any rate, these kids were mean!! I was always being told how I was "going to hell" if I didn't start going to church, etc. etc. This started in 1st grade. We are talking 6 year-old children, here. Surprising, until you consider the fact that the adults in these so called "Christian Households" were the people who got in bar fights on the weeknights; people who got arrested for drunk driving, domestic abuse, drug deals. These people (most of them) were the ones that did horrifically vindictive things to each other and others in their community. And yet, my family and I, despite the fact that we were kind and caring individuals who were positively involved in our community in many different ways and who had a loving home together, were going to suffer eternal despair and punishment because we "didn't believe" or we "didn't except Jesus Christ as our Savior". This is the part of religion, Christian religion at least, that doesn't make an ounce of sense to me what so ever. I have come to think that Catholicism and many other Christian religions offer a "cop-out" if I may, for doing shitty things. A murderer or rapist or child molester can confess his/her "sins", accept Jesus Christ as his savior and get into heaven.

Unfortunatly, I don't know very much Spanish at all so I'm afraid the Vina Del Mar video might be wasted on me! BUT, I think I'm catching the drift! :)

Thank you for all the information you have given. I appreciate learning about other people, their lives and backgrounds... most of all their opinions and thoughts.

And, I have to say that the little of Native spirituality that I have researched was very becoming to me.
I agree though, humans tend to screw s*** up no matter how it's handed to us. :P
Oh...I didn't see the pic before. I get it now..ha!

Daddy Cool {PL} said:

Anita Fixx said:
LOL at what? No entiendo.

And please don't post a pic of the LOL What? freaks me out. If you know what I'm talking about (ask my geeky brother). Gracias! : P

Daddy Cool {PL} said:
My family is Catholic but I have chosen not to be.
I agree with you Anita there is nothing fascinating about it. There is a lot I could say about Catholicism but I don't want to piss anyone off so I'll keep my mouth shut.

Anita Fixx said:
Yes, I'm supposed to be Catholic...was baptised, went to Catholic school (even a French immersion one..oui!oui!) but there's NOTHING fascinating about it. Most Latinos are's called colonialism. Quando llegaron los indios con los espanoles...That's a popular Chilean joke. Don't worry if you don't get it. If Catholics had to give up a child for Lent I don't think too many people would be Catholic...or maybe they would? A break from the kids right? Haha!
Now I'm just spiritual in my own way. I don't need anyone to dictate that to's something very personal. For me even listening to music can be spiritual so there ya go.
Awww.... I'd love to hear what you have to say! Message me??
I have NO idea what an EU citizenship is but I hope you get one soon! (I will have to research that.....)
It must have been wonderful getting to travel/live somwhere OTHER than here. So far I have only been to Canada. (Hoping to change that in the future.)
Of course they don't teach the Native cultures, right? Governments can have more power over people by limiting their education. It's really too bad.
It's funny you say that about the "punk" scene in Toronto. I had a similar experience where I was living in '98. I started out thinking I was into something really AMAZING and all about "changing the world" and "stickin' it to the Man." It wasn't though. It was a joke and not ALL, but many of them turned out to be more judgmental and closed minded than the "jocks" and "cheerleaders" I avoided in H.S. Interesting how that works out, 'eh?


That quote is beautiful and intense. Thank you for sharing.

Anita Fixx said:
I was actually born in Canada but my parents are from Chile. And I have traveled there often and even lived in Chile when I was 11-13 years old. I have both citizenship though...and hopefully I can get a EU (European Union) citizenship soon because my dad and his side of the family are also EU citizens (from Spain). Collecting passports yay! : P
Anyways I can't tell you anything specific about the religions of native cultures in Chile. They NEVER teach that sorta thing in school (and I think they should). The main Native ethnic group in Chile are called Mapuches and there's also Araucanos and in the North they have other groups related to the Incas. I don't know much but from what I do know there are similarities with North American Natives an things I can respect. Also I've felt a lot more acceptance from Native people here then from other types of people here. Even the so-called "punks" I used to hang out with in Toronto were more close minded and prejudiced. Not very punk at all...Anyway that's another topic. Here's one of my favourite quotes: Only after the last tree has been cut down,

Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.

Cree Prophecy

Syd Valentine said:
Please do. I would love to read it.

I agree! Yes a positive force. Loving.....something that's not to be FEARED. I have my morals with out fear. I do and don't do things based on what I believe is right not because I am afraid of eternal damnation. BUT... whatever works. I guess some people feel they need fear to keep them in line or the promise of an afterlife. I agree, it's not the best feeling in the world to think that there might not be anything out there after we die.... but there are SO many religions and beliefs, what makes people think their's is the only one or the RIGHT one?? I definitly think people should have the right/freedom to believe in whatever they want and I try really hard not to think less of people for their choices but I have to admit that those who choose to condemn and push their beliefs on other people are not my favorite.
I also like the fact that the Native religions are so respectful of nature and everything around them. I like pagan religions for EXACTLY this reason. I have a good friend who is Wiccan and I have always been into the druid and Gaelic history because I have Scottish and Irish background. It's a common misconception that pagans are "DEVIL WORSHIPPERS". They don't even BELIEVE in the devil. They have gods and goddesses and spirits that represent every part of nature and life. Everything/being has a purpose and is to be appreciated and respected. What a wonderful concept!!!

I remember when I first met my husband's father and step-mother. I have a celtic knot tattooed on my back, representing Rhiannan, the Goddess of music. (I am a musician-it is an important part of my life). She asked me if it was a "devil sign". I responded "Uh..NO. It's celtic..pagan." and she said "Yah, I know."
Ignorance, it's NOT bliss, people!!!!! Frustrating!

Getting into your background if you are comfortable with that.... I am assuming you are from Chile? Were you born there? What is their Native religion? It must be somewhat different than the Native religions here.... Navajo, Ute (etc).

I have really enjoyed having this conversation! I hope we can talk more about this and other aspects of life again! :)
Anita Fixx said:
Hmm...seems we have similar views about all this. Although I find I can relate to Native spirituality a lot. Maybe because of my background or just because I've always been a bit different. For instance, I like their idea of calling "God" simply "the Creator". I can relate to that just as an's nice to think that there's just this positive force that loves creating life and death (the two exist together). If that exists it would be more like that then the old man with a white beard you see in Christianity...that's I feel about it. I don't care about other people's beliefs or converting them to mine. Everyone should have the FREEDOM to believe whatever the hell they want.
Yeah, as I once heard : "religion is one thing that makes people feel superior to others WITHOUT doing anything." People will use it as a cop-out to do s***. People always need something to justify their actions and beliefs, everyone does this. I read a good book about that recently..can't remember the title now. I'll try to find it.

Syd Valentine said:
That's what always kind of blew my mind when I was growing up.... the hipocracy of it all.

I got picked on a lot by kids from church going families. It was a small town so pretty much everyone went to a church of SOME kind. There was a Catholic, a couple of Baptist ,a Jehova Witness and a Born Again (of some sort) church. There were several Christian Women Clubs from the different churches..... there was always some sort of fight or "drama" going on between the members. Followers from this church berated followers from that church.... blah blah and BLAH. At any rate, these kids were mean!! I was always being told how I was "going to hell" if I didn't start going to church, etc. etc. This started in 1st grade. We are talking 6 year-old children, here. Surprising, until you consider the fact that the adults in these so called "Christian Households" were the people who got in bar fights on the weeknights; people who got arrested for drunk driving, domestic abuse, drug deals. These people (most of them) were the ones that did horrifically vindictive things to each other and others in their community. And yet, my family and I, despite the fact that we were kind and caring individuals who were positively involved in our community in many different ways and who had a loving home together, were going to suffer eternal despair and punishment because we "didn't believe" or we "didn't except Jesus Christ as our Savior". This is the part of religion, Christian religion at least, that doesn't make an ounce of sense to me what so ever. I have come to think that Catholicism and many other Christian religions offer a "cop-out" if I may, for doing shitty things. A murderer or rapist or child molester can confess his/her "sins", accept Jesus Christ as his savior and get into heaven.

Unfortunatly, I don't know very much Spanish at all so I'm afraid the Vina Del Mar video might be wasted on me! BUT, I think I'm catching the drift! :) Thank you for all the information you have given. I appreciate learning about other people, their lives and backgrounds... most of all their opinions and thoughts.

And, I have to say that the little of Native spirituality that I have researched was very becoming to me.
I agree though, humans tend to screw s*** up no matter how it's handed to us. :P
No , but a lot of people we know are ...
To many strict rules for some, others born and raised ..

I agree with NolaChick. I can only say that I was baptized and that is the extent of it for me. I am familiar with the traditions of Catholicism, but I do not practice it or any other religion. I do however respect any and all who do.

NolaChick™ {M} said:
I'm Catholic and everyone here pretty much covered it! LOL.
I'm soposed to be a Roman Cathlic and i Have only ever set foot in a church the day i was babtised. Just the way I have been brought up. I'm sure if my family practised the religion I would.

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