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I was reading Bernie's bio and she credits her mom as being her inspiration. It was refreshing to read because I hear so much negativity about moms who do things that are not the conservative societal norm. It makes me sad.
My husband's family would DIE if they knew I was going to do a pinup shoot. While I could give a crap what they makes me wonder how many of you encounter negativity about your choice to be involved in the pinup lifestyle? How do you handle it? Do you tell your kids what you do?
Just curious!

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Well, I have no kids (which I'm glad I couldn't handle that right now!). But my mom is VERY much against pin up stuff. Because not only is she Hispanic, she was also going to be a nun...but decided to get married and become a mother instead. So yeah, she's yelled at me about how it's all very stupid and vain as well as degrading to women. I used to be a live window model at this lingerie shop and I ALWAYS had to lie about it. I never told her I did that...she'd kill me! I feel bad about it because she's a very nice person and a good mom besides the sometimes conservative streak. But I mean I have it pretty good because I know other parents would disown their daughter for having tattoos, wearing "weird" clothes and painting pin up girls all the time.
I haven't really told my mom about it, she just knows that I have 'dabbled' in pinup. Except all the pics she has seen of me are not in lingerie at all. At least not yet lol. So far I have not met anyone that has said anything negative about my doing pinup, in fact everyone that knows seems pretty supportive. As for telling my kids, all I have told them is that I do pictures like they did in the "old days". I have actually done a couple of 'mommy and me' type shoots with my daughter. Something like both of us wearing cuffed jeans matching tops and our hair done in a similar way. I would like my daughter to get into it, but only if she wants to. I believe that pinup is very tastefully done, and for those who dont agree with it, well no one is asking them to look at the pics anyways. :)
Oh my goodness. I'm a mother of one and a newbie in the pin-up industry.
I have not come across anyone that has given me any negative remarks for being a Working Mother/Pin-up Model and if someone gave me some baloney about it should get ready to get for an ear full.
Luckily I have a very supportive family. My parents & Sisters have seen my pictures and although they were shocked to see me modeling in choonies they love them and thought I should continue modeling.
My daughter knows I take pictures in my choonies and fishnets. She has seen my pictures and thinks Momma Is Hawt.
I don't think that just because we're mother's we shouldn't be allowed to do something we enjoy...If you have the confidence in yourself and are good at it "Do it".
The way I see it mothers no matter what we do will always be at the receiving end of criticism for the choices we make.
Our society still have idealistic views of what women should be or should be doing. Even now in 2009 with women in the boardroom, increase in political power, and increased as positive role models in every aspect of life, one could think that women have gained true equality but unfortunately women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts. Why is that?
We still have come a long way from our fellow women and their struggle to have rights in the 1900's
Viva La Women!

Violet Absinthe*SGC* said:
I haven't really told my mom about it, she just knows that I have 'dabbled' in pinup. Except all the pics she has seen of me are not in lingerie at all. At least not yet lol. So far I have not met anyone that has said anything negative about my doing pinup, in fact everyone that knows seems pretty supportive. As for telling my kids, all I have told them is that I do pictures like they did in the "old days". I have actually done a couple of 'mommy and me' type shoots with my daughter. Something like both of us wearing cuffed jeans matching tops and our hair done in a similar way. I would like my daughter to get into it, but only if she wants to. I believe that pinup is very tastefully done, and for those who dont agree with it, well no one is asking them to look at the pics anyways. :)
My family is very supportive, they love the pin up and burlesque stuff that I do, they were even supportive when I was a stripper. I am very open with what I do, and my lifestyle choices. I do sometimes get looks from the other moms at my son's school, but if they don't like what I do, I see no need to associate with them. As for my son knowing, he's 7 and autistic, so he really doesn't care.... but I'm hoping he might take an interest when he gets older. Gypsy and her son Eric did her career together, I'm hoping for the same thing!
i think pinup moms are the greatest and would have loved it if my mom had been a pin up!
My mom is very supportive of the choices I have made. My son thinks its "cool that I take pictures." He and my mom are my biggest fans. My son goes to a very conservative school and at first they were a tad stand-offish but as they get to know me (and all my PTA skills HA) they are becoming friendly. My mom is so beautiful and seeing photos of her when she was younger makes me so proud. She loves the fact that I am trying to model! I say be proud of what you do and who you are!
there is absolutely nothing wrong being a beautiful mother who take beautiful pictures
I am so glad there are other moms out there that are living the lifestyle because its something that THEY want to do. I have gotten nothing but encouragement and positive feedback for making the decision to model. To my dear Lady Kadi, I am a mom of a 4 year old and I have always loved the pinup lifestyle, music scene, cars, etc. We have, since an early age, given our daughter exposure to the rockabilly and pin up lifestyle, with limitations of course. So this past week I had my first professional photo shoot and my husband and daughter could not have been more excited for me. Not only did I have a ton of fun but they saw how happy it made me. Now my daughter wants to have fun and have her picture taken too, like dress-up.

Being a mom is a full time job and takes alot of energy and having a regular full time job is exhausting at times too, but you should never ever forget your dreams, goal and aspriations especially after becoming a mom, because you are setting the stage for your children to realize their goals and reach for their dreams,through seeing you achieve them too, whatever they may be.

Of course its important to me about what my family thinks of me as well, but it has always been a longstanding rule that if it makes me happy and gives me joy, then that is what they wish for me. The most important part of the modeling and participation in the lifestyle, especially having a daughter, is for her to perceive a sense of confidence, poise, acheivement and fun and happiness. That is my goal as an individual and those are the values that I want to pass on to her.
OH MY GOSH!! GREAT POST/TOPIC!!...I WAS WONDERING THIS EXACT THING EARLIER TODAY!!!! I am a mother of a 1 yr old & a wife. My daughter is too little right now to fully understand. However, when she sees me trying to snap a quick pic of myself, she tilts her head to one side and says "CHEESE!"(shows me her teeth!).LOL! She likes getting her pic taken too!! I really don't see anything wrong with mothers(or wifes for that matter!) modeling at all either!!!
-- MY HUSBAND WAS NOT SUPPORTIVE ABOUT ME TAKING PICTURES *AT ALL! NO JOKE! He got soo jealous, for some reason..and would tell me things like"Why do you want other guys looking at you!?"...& i would say.."Dear..woman look at the pix too!,,and isn't that kind of the point??" Someone, not to long ago told me..."screw him! what you love!"..and that stuck with me!! ;-) Another thing i told him was.."I'm going to do this because it make me happy & feel good, & i love it! can be on my side & be supportive, or not..either way i'm gnna keep taking pix & doing what i love...and besides,its not fair for you to tell me NOT TO DO IT..i never once told you NOT TO fix up your 53' Bel Air or to sell it!!!..soo why would you not support me in this!?"
WHEN I MET HIM, 2 YRS AGO! & WE WERE JUST DATING..I TOLD HIM THAT I LIKE TAKING PICURES AND BEING IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA! SO ITS NOT LIKE IT WAS A TOTAL SURPRISE TO HIM WHEN I JOINED PL, & POSTED PICX OF MYSELF ON HERE, EVEN THOUGH HE "ACTED/PRETENDED" LIKE IT WAS!! AND HE KNOWS that i am passionate about it,i love it!, it makes me happy, & that i enjoy it!!! He finally, finally..came around when i told him.."Look at Sabina Kelly..she's a mother & a wife! tell me why i can;t do it!?" On top of that...i come from a family who can be pretty NEGATIVE at times.And i stress out & worry a lot too!..and i can already hear in my mind , what each one might say!! And now i have NEGATIVE IN-LAWS TOO!!..which sux, cuz i live with them!! :-/ I told my mother about it and all she said was.."oh, ok". I told my older sister and she was pretty cool about it, but shocked at the same time. I told my younger brother and he pretty cool with it too. My sister in law & mother in law.. on the other hand, for sommme weird reason get jealous of me? I think thats pretty sad, and lame.. but i havent told them about modeling in lingerie. I'm too afraid to say anything about it. becuase i just dont feel like hearing any of it at all!! :-/ My hubb told his parents "frankie's modeling" & they just had this expression on their face, like "yeah and!?".. like they could care less. but then when i'm not around. His mother asks him questions like.."why would frankie do that?" like theres sumthing wrong with me!?. But then when she catches me by myself..she acts the opposite..aka FAKE..and tells me "oh can i see ur pix, so i can show my co-workers!?" His mother has told me to my face before that she is jealous of me. and i was shocked about that!!..she was very serious too!?! i'm not that kind of person AT ALL. :-) . i honest to god, have never gotten jealous of any1 in my life! all!! Jealousy isn't attractive.
I would never do anything that would embarrass my kids when they get older. The pics I have dont were very tasteful.
I take my daughter to trade shoots sometime and she loves it. She loves that I make all these girls look beautiful.
Thank you Ladies for responding ,
We all have a special gift , the ART behind pinup poses were to help our Boys overseas during war time.
Its my observation that the Model may it be a parent or single lady does not matter.
On the young ins end make sure they are in the loop so there are no surprise down the road when they turn 16 or 18 .... Thank God for beautiful women ....amen

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