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I was driving to work the other day and couldn't help but think about pet peeves. Because one of mine happens to be about driving and no matter how short the distance there always seems to be an idiot on the road. One is getting on the HWY and as your going up the on ramp the person in front of you doesn't accelerate to merge onto the HWY but instead comes to a complete stop!! WTF?

And when people drive down the turning lane like its there own personal lane. I was sitting in the turning lane the other day waiting for traffic to clear so I could cross over to Wendy's, I have an obsession with that place, and a car gets in the turning lane driving head on towards me. Hello, do you not see me sitting here? And after I get to turn, I see that he keeps driving down the lane to turn like 3 driveways why couldn't he have passed me and then get over into the turning lane?! UGH! LOL :oP

And as pissed off as that one gets biggest pet peeve is someone blowing there nose where people are eating!!! Whether it be a nice restaurant, fast-food, or the break-room at work!! It never f****** fails that someone blows there nose while I'm eating. That is so disgusting...get your ass up and go to the bathroom!! And its usually always an old person, too. You would think they would have more manners than us young folks.

That's my rant ;o) So what's your biggest pet peeve??

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Homeless people talking on make believe hands free devices while pushing their shopping carts ....
People not putting thing in their correct place. Like in the kitchen, the canned food goes on the canned food shelf. I know, it's a bit OCD, but a place for everything and everything in it's place!
I'm a little OCD myself ;o)
People who drunk drive. bastards.
One of my pet peeves is all the idiots on the subway and bus...I don't drive so I have to deal with public transit. : ( I was just talking about this yesterday, there's so many annoying retards like the drunks that vomit on the bus, those having arguments that should be done in their homes, the "ladies" who feel they have a right to pick up my bag and move it around so they can be more comfortable, the frequent shut downs of the subway because some j****** is shooting up the place or pushing people off the platform (see the news in Toronto these days...)
I think it's time to move to a smaller town!
Yea, sounds a little scary to me. I would hate to have to take public transportation!

Anita Fixx said:
One of my pet peeves is all the idiots on the subway and bus...I don't drive so I have to deal with public transit. : ( I was just talking about this yesterday, there's so many annoying retards like the drunks that vomit on the bus, those having arguments that should be done in their homes, the "ladies" who feel they have a right to pick up my bag and move it around so they can be more comfortable, the frequent shut downs of the subway because some j****** is shooting up the place or pushing people off the platform (see the news in Toronto these days...)
I think it's time to move to a smaller town!
I have so many it would be useless to start making a list without just writing a book. Daddy Cools rules for life.
That would be "Daddy Cool's Rules," and my pet peeve is missing and misplaced apostrophes. ;)

But seriously, I saw a sign this weekend which read "Custom Floor's" Um, custom floor's what? That should be Custom Floors, you sillies! Oh, and there's a florist down the street from me that sells "rose's" by the dozen. HAhahahahaha!

Daddy Cool {PL} said:
I have so many it would be useless to start making a list without just writing a book. Daddy Cools rules for life.
I would like to add misuse of "quotation marks" eg. "Real" Beef - uuuuuh, okaaaay. So what's the other stuff you're selling?
We need to open a Home for Abused Punctuation Marks, a safe house where people understand and appreciate their unique gifts.

Wink Holliday said:
That would be "Daddy Cool's Rules," and my pet peeve is missing and misplaced apostrophes. ;)

But seriously, I saw a sign this weekend which read "Custom Floor's" Um, custom floor's what? That should be Custom Floors, you sillies! Oh, and there's a florist down the street from me that sells "rose's" by the dozen. HAhahahahaha!

Daddy Cool {PL} said:
I have so many it would be useless to start making a list without just writing a book. Daddy Cools rules for life.

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