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Women always want to be attractive and be considered beautiful (i think most would consider that a better compliment than "hot"). The question is, what is beauty anyway? I do have to say that Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" ads are good at trying to get that message out that beauty comes in many forms. I think pin-up is the epitome of that, really embracing femininity and the female form in general. I have noticed that men seem to find many more things beautiful about women than we do ourselves. So everyone, chime in with your thoughts, what is beautiful to you?

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The arrogant woman wouldn't laugh at herself, but would rather point her finger at someone else for tripping/pushing/generally getting in her way. Confidence is in accepting your flaws, arrogance is thinking you're flawless.

Anita Fixx said:
Problem is this quickly becomes ARROGANCE in most people.
Wink Holliday said:
confidence |ˈkänfədəns; -fəˌdens|
a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities : she's brimming with confidence | [in sing. ] he would walk up those steps with a confidence he didn't feel.

A woman who appreciates her own qualities will stand a little taller, keep her chin up, meet someone's gaze... and comfortably laugh at herself if she trips over the curb while doing so. :)

Anita Fixx said:
What exactly do you mean by confidence? It can mean alot of different things.
That's right on Wink.

Wink Holliday said:
The arrogant woman wouldn't laugh at herself, but would rather point her finger at someone else for tripping/pushing/generally getting in her way. Confidence is in accepting your flaws, arrogance is thinking you're flawless.
Anita Fixx - I too used to be really skinny naturally. My mum thought I was anorexic but yet I used to drink build up milk shakes to try and make myself put on weight! I used to eat tons too. I still do though really shouldn't...high cholesterol. Pah.

It is very sad how the media now shows how women "should be" these days. No, women weren't supposed to have naturally flat stomachs (well some might but the majority, no). I'm very glad I've grown into a proper lady shape.

I also had a major back operation about...7/8 years ago now and have a big scar all the way down my back and a big one across my side...I don't like them at all and don't like displaying them but my boyfriend says they're lovely. I guess that's something I need to work on myself! I can't bend my back (constant good posture is a good point) so if I ever ever ever do any studio pin up inspired photos I hope that can be worked around!

Poppy Fields - try and ignore Ultimo (very very tough to do). I'm going to write them a hefty email at somepoint..not that it'll do any good! Check out Bravissimo if you haven't already. Proper ladies! Yay for them!
Amen winky. And the girls that publicly state they are so flawless they don't ever need to be in photoshop or the ones that state other people shouldn't call themselves models on a site full of amateurs with great potential? Because I know for sure it's been said on PL and reported by many to the madams...

Marissa Lily said:
That's right on Wink.
Wink Holliday said:
The arrogant woman wouldn't laugh at herself, but would rather point her finger at someone else for tripping/pushing/generally getting in her way. Confidence is in accepting your flaws, arrogance is thinking you're flawless.
True beauty radiates from the soul, it is seen in a womans eyes. A warm personality and a big smile. I find the femininity of pinup style models to be so much more sexy than that of stereotypical glamour models. Women that can look people straight in the eye and hold a good conversation. A woman can be beautiful to look at but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are beautiful people. True beauty is a combination of many things and a truely beautiful woman is one in a million and should be truely treasured. You Marissa, seem to be a truelly beautiful person.
When I approach someone (gal, & ladies) I say we have voted you the most beautiful gal or lady here today .. could I take a picture of you ? So far I have never been turned down , the camera captures the moment. So I sometimes never know the True Beauty of the women, but I will say the way you carry yourself speaks volumes.............c
Thank you very much Grant. I also like the poem you included.

The Sabboth Sinner said:
True beauty radiates from the soul, it is seen in a womans eyes. A warm personality and a big smile. I find the femininity of pinup style models to be so much more sexy than that of stereotypical glamour models. Women that can look people straight in the eye and hold a good conversation. A woman can be beautiful to look at but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are beautiful people. True beauty is a combination of many things and a truely beautiful woman is one in a million and should be truely treasured. You Marissa, seem to be a truelly beautiful person.
I do love honesty. :)

sfphotojournal said:
Intelligence - of course

Charm - certainly

Wit - yes please.

But what makes a woman really beautiful?

Enough resources to support my life of indolence.
I totally agree with you. True beauty is what comes from the inside. I don't know how many times I may have met someone who might have been *very* easy on the eyes, and was a total jerk (which made them less attractive in my eyes), as well as I've met many people who may not be poster models, but had the most gentle souls and enthusiastic spirits. That to me is what counts.

Show me a woman who lives out their passions despite who or what stands in their way, a woman who isn't afraid to stand up to a man when the need arises, a woman who fights for what she wants to do (whatever that may be), and I would say you have met a *beautiful* woman.

And, might I add something that I've noticed? I think despite the fact this conversation has been brought up to possibly get past all the media-filled opinions of beauty, the statements we say are still brainwashing in one way or another. A girl thinks she's too skinny, so she eats and eats to gain weight. Or, girls think they're too big so they diet. Curvy figures are what makes a woman, not stick-thin fashion models, or vice-versa. None of those statements or thoughts are healthy, nor any of them correct. I am not a curvy woman by any means, but that doesn't mean that I am any less of a woman -- and it certainly doesn't stop me from pin-up modeling :)

This is a good topic, though. Good post, Marissa :)

The Sabboth Sinner said:
True beauty radiates from the soul, it is seen in a womans eyes. A warm personality and a big smile. I find the femininity of pinup style models to be so much more sexy than that of stereotypical glamour models. Women that can look people straight in the eye and hold a good conversation. A woman can be beautiful to look at but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are beautiful people. True beauty is a combination of many things and a truely beautiful woman is one in a million and should be truely treasured. You Marissa, seem to be a truelly beautiful person.
I always have conflicting thoughts on that, when I was a little girl, I thought that it was the woman who weighed under 90 pounds. But I think that its someone who can go out without any make up and be comfortable
"There is no Beauty that hath not some flaw" I thnk it was Francis Bacon that said that and he's right. Beauty is judged by face measurements and how they rate proportionally to one another. The perfect face is was found in one woman (when I read this article back in 1993- yes! It's stuck with me that long!) was Jackie O's.
However beauty is more in the flaw. A perfect face becomes somehow bland in its perfection, whereas fashion models are sought after because they're strange looking.
I think that confidence and a good personality/kindness of heart are the most important things.
If you're confident it's incredibly appealing and attractive, even though you may not be the "best looking". However I've known girls whom I thought at first were beautiful but their hearts were cruel and the more I knew them the uglier they appeared to me until I wondered how I thought they pretty in the first place.
Does anyone else find that? Someone they revered in scholl as beautiful they meet 10 years later and are like- wow you are not pretty! Because they were a B***h and it shows in how they look today?
i definitely agree with this and I mentioned that earlier. I definitely can literally see a person differently based on how they treat me or others! My opinion can change pretty quickly the moment they show their true colors.

Wild Card Kitty said:
However I've known girls whom I thought at first were beautiful but their hearts were cruel and the more I knew them the uglier they appeared to me until I wondered how I thought they pretty in the first place.
Does anyone else find that? Someone they revered in scholl as beautiful they meet 10 years later and are like- wow you are not pretty! Because they were a B***h and it shows in how they look today?

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