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This is a follow up to a forum topic of itchy tattoos! Just thought I'd try to help with my own little routine that seems to work for me considering I have very sensitive skin.
(And by no means do I assume that people aren't doing this already and still have itchy problems, everyone's skin is different!)

The first thing after getting work done is when I get home I immediately wash it with anti-bacterial soap and then clean it with a fresh paper towel (only a paper towel because it's more sanitary then an actual towel) and put on a thin layer of Eucerin Lotion which is for severely dry should NEVER use Neosporin. That same night I clean it again and put on Eucerin and cover it with saran wrap and tape it down. That way, when I'm sleeping it doesn't dry out and I don't rub it in lint and dust that could be on the bedding. I even did this when I had my chest tattooed and had to put tape in my arm pits which SUCKED to take off the next day but I'm always glad when I do this. (I use the tan packaging tape that most tattoo artist use when they wrap you up before leaving).

I've used A&D a lot in the past but it's been questionable. The debate about A&D is that it's point is to heal a rash which includes the rash being the actual ink work so if this makes you weary at all I can safely say that Eucerin Lotion is another option. I've never had a problem with A&D and it stands for A Vitamin and D Vitamin so it's got to be good right? It's your call. Anyway,

First thing when I wake the next day, I clean it again the same way and same with the lotion. I also clean it twice throughout the day too. If you don't do this for at least the first two days you will get a sped up process of healing which can cause MAJOR itchiness and peeling. Never let it get dry during the first three days! It's always going to itch a little but if you don't let the wound gradually heal (treating it like a bad rash) it's going to work faster to peel and can cause you to itch it madly into a scab. It will also, cause you to have to get further painful touch ups down the road! It sucks to get a needle in a wound that's only had a few months to heal back up!

I do that process for the first two-three days depending on the size of the tattoo and then the third day I stop wrapping it at night.

I keep up with the Eucerin for a week and then switch to a lighter lotion after that like Jergens or Aveeno from there on out, especially focusing it on that area after showering always. This is when the peeling really starts going down, which I usually just get in a steam like hot shower and use anti-bacterial soap to help rub some of the dead skin off rather then picking at a dry soar.

I've been able to keep a tattoo that I got ten years ago from blowing out and it still looks amazing, other then the natural process of slight color fading. And I have always, always kept sunscreen on all of my work. I didn't sit through all of that pain to let the sun blast it off my skin!

Hope this is helpful to all! Happy Holidays everyone!


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For the first 3 days I use Eucerin's Aquaphor. The stuff is amazing. I heal so much faster now then I did before I found out about this gem of a product.
when I get a new tattoo.... the first few days I don't put anything on it! NOTHING, zero, zip....nothing. But after every nice warm shower I run COLD water over the tattoo for 5 mins. to close the pores! Once the tattoo starts to feel ichy, I put Palmers Cocoa Butter on it twice a day...
DITO!! I leave the saran on from the shop for about an hour or 2 wash it with warm water and unscented antibacterial soap.. and do nothing until it starts to dry.. but i use eucerin or a & d or lubriderm.. whatever unscented lotion i have around.. it really isnt a science.. it is whatever you feel comfortable with. Ive even dry healed my neck tattoo no lotion or a&d the entire time.. because i wanted to see if it healed better or not.. it healed the same.. FASTER.. but the outcome is the same.. it was just more uncomfortable! haha..

Zombie Kitten said:
when I get a new tattoo.... the first few days I don't put anything on it! NOTHING, zero, zip....nothing. But after every nice warm shower I run COLD water over the tattoo for 5 mins. to close the pores! Once the tattoo starts to feel ichy, I put Palmers Cocoa Butter on it twice a day...
My boyfriend is an artist and he recommends this....just wash it with anti bacterial soap, but put NOTHING on it the first couple days. After the second day put a thin layer of unscented lotion (we use Curel) a couple times a day until it's healed.

Zombie Kitten said:
when I get a new tattoo.... the first few days I don't put anything on it! NOTHING, zero, zip....nothing. But after every nice warm shower I run COLD water over the tattoo for 5 mins. to close the pores! Once the tattoo starts to feel ichy, I put Palmers Cocoa Butter on it twice a day...
I also leave my new tattoo alone for the first few days, aside from washing it with the antibacterial soap. I will then use A&D ointment especially when it starts to itch....and in my experience I have found that particular ointment relieves the itch almost immediately!! :)

Zombie Kitten said:
when I get a new tattoo.... the first few days I don't put anything on it! NOTHING, zero, zip....nothing. But after every nice warm shower I run COLD water over the tattoo for 5 mins. to close the pores! Once the tattoo starts to feel ichy, I put Palmers Cocoa Butter on it twice a day...
Whenever possible, I try to keep my tattoos wrapped for up to three days. I wash with antibacterial soap and apply aquaphor and then a layer of saran wrap (I do this about three or four times each day). The saran wrap helps keep the tattoo from drying out. Of course, sometimes it isn't feasible to keep a tattoo wrapped for three days, but when I can, I have amazing results! Aquaphor is the best!
stay out of the sun! i had put Vaseline on my tattoo and went to a car show got sun burnt and it faded.
Have to check this method out. Just got a new one on the hip.

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