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Well, it's that time of the year. The big events are done and everyone is getting ready to relax until spring when the "event season" starts up again.

And we all know it starts with Viva... so people are starting to plan their trips, get wardrobe ideas, and *think* about saving their money.

I know a lot of people are already planning on going to Viva, some are still on the fence, and some are first timers that might need a little encouragement.

So let's get a roll call going of all the PL members and family that will be at VLV 16!

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TC and I will be there for sure! We're not staying at the Orleans this year (we decided to do something different), but we'll be around for sure and can't wait to see everyone!
Well yes, I like how you think my dear! I'm looking to get a group of single ladies together to pitch in together for a suite. Who is up for this??

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! All the way from Houston, Texas!

I am going! It's my favorite time of year in Vegas. Will there be another PL meetup? I haven't been able to go to the last two meetups. 

I will be there! ^_^ I can't wait to meet more new friends and hang out with the ones I made from last year!! I had a great time and don't intend on that changing. :) I will keep an eye out on the meetups too!

I am totally down for that if you wanted to PM me or message me on FB, I would love to know the deets!

B. Sinclair {★ PL Army Lt.) said:

Well yes, I like how you think my dear! I'm looking to get a group of single ladies together to pitch in together for a suite. Who is up for this??

You know I'll be there! And I won't be working at the car show this year, so I'll actually get to see it!

B. you should start a separate thread for this! It's a great idea.

B. Sinclair {★ PL Army Lt.) said:

Well yes, I like how you think my dear! I'm looking to get a group of single ladies together to pitch in together for a suite. Who is up for this??

There will be another Meet Up, and B. Sinclair and I are gonna plan a killer one this year! Keep watching for an official thread about it.

Sarah Vamp said:

I am going! It's my favorite time of year in Vegas. Will there be another PL meetup? I haven't been able to go to the last two meetups. 


This will be my first time attending VLV!! I am all booked at the Gold Coast and I'm already day dreaming about my wardrobe! I am traveling alone all the way from upstate New York - So I am very excited to meet new friends!

Julez & I will be there again... See Y'All There! & Lets Shoot!!! 8)

 I am considering going! I have always wanted to go, I think it would be alot of fun! It would be my first time.. and I'd love to shoot there, too!


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