hey there friends , i really need your help . i am in the running to win a scholarship to the ruby makeup academy . if you all could follow these easy steps and vote (like) my pic i would be more than grateful
this is something that is going to help get me the job i have been wanting and help me take care of me and my little girl. dont think of it as just another girl asking for help , think of it as you helping a mom help her child .
this is something that means the world to me , you dont have to "attend" this just follow the steps
follow this link like the page then go to my pic and hit like
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151419983308496.575650.75394038495&type=3 this is the pic you are voting for
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151419996848496&set=a.10151419983308496.575650.75394038495&type=3&theater please i REALLY need your help , if you could also invite your friends to help me that would be even better , i need this . times are hard and i cant afford to pay to go to school but to win this would be the greatest blessing ever
so please find it in your heart to no pass this up and vote for me.
Thank You all from the bottom of my heart
LOVE Pinky Swear