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I personally don't do this, but I am curious of who does and how do you do it? To me unless I am getting paid for like modeling products, I don't see why a photographer would pay me.. Thanks for all the info in advance :) 

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We have a whole thread on this from a while ago that should answer any of your questions. You can find it here. But I would love to see what other people have to add now. 

The bottom line is if you have an amazing portfolio, have worked with the best, have photographers and companies contacting you, and basically are the s***, you can get paid. It's not impossible, but it is hard. You have to have something that people want, and aren't getting somewhere else. 

If you do decide to go that route; good luck, I'm sure you will be successful! 


Ginger, if a photographer contacts me wanting to shoot to improve their portfolio - I charge. If a photographer contacts me for one of their personal projects, they're a hobbyist, etc - I charge. The only times I don't charge is when I am the one trying to improve my portfolio or when I am working with a photographer whose portfolio is of equal caliber to mine, then it is usually a trade shoot. I sometimes do trade work also when I am traveling and my travel has been paid for - but even then, I usually have set up a substantial amount of paid work in that area. 

Does that help at all?


Ginger, if you don't think you are at that point yet, you probably aren't. When you hit that stage, you'll know it! It's different for everyone. We've all seen those "models" who are brand new with shoddy portfolios who think they are the s*** and they should get paid right away. They don't make it very far. You, luckily, are not one of those girls. Your work is good, and the fact that you have a doubt means that your attitude is a good one. When you feel you're ready to charge, I think you'll find that people are willing to pay. Just be honest with yourself about your level in this business and you'll be successful. 

Thanks for this! I'm going to use AlabamaDeer's wise words and go by them.

Concerning companies, how cheeky is it to ask them to feature you/look at your portfolio? I just don't want to assume rude, but then I also don't want to wait around and expect things to happen.

Companies need models to sell their stuff. Models need companies to further their reputation and career. It's a give and take. The worst they can do is say no, so go for it! 

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