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Just wondering what everyone's favorite WWII movie is, vintage or not! Mine is Enemy At The Gate. It is Jude Law's hottest movie before he became not hot after the nanny incident. And the chick Tanya who is a sniper for Russia is so badass. You go tough Russian chicks! Any movie set during this explosive time period is awesome though and I wanted to get some opinions so I can check out a few I haven't seen already!

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I love Keep Your Powder Dry. It stars Lana Turner as a WAC and is a great movie.

I'm a bit partial to all military movies. I do love Pearl Harbor though. Josh Hartnett and Ben Affyou have leck are yummy. Kate Beckinsale is gorgeous and I just love Jennifer Garner. I do love how the women still took pride in their appearence even in uniform. Although in todays military you have to be ready to go in minute so not much time to get dolled up. Ok, started rambling, I'm done. lol

I'll check out Keep Your Powder Dry, I love Lana Turner! And You're right MissRoniG those women do take pride in their appearance. All women should be so proud of their femininity!


I am not a fan of war, but a WWII movie that is a well acted piece is "The Great Escape" with Steve (R.I.P.) McQueen.  He did all of his own stunts too. Cool stuff with a lot of old skool actors.

I adore A League of Their Own. Not exactly a war movie, but definitely set in the period. The story is great, the characters are engaging. And the fashion is gorgeous!

No doubt - "Where Eagles Dare" (1968) with Clint Eastwood & Richard Burton...massive epic movie!

I've watched it at least  20 times...138 minutes of WWII feel!

If you're into WWII movies, and haven't seen this one, it's about time!

Casablanca would be the classic war love story and all around favorite.  For sheer realism "The Downfall" starring Bruno Ganz has to be the most gripping and intense.  Warning for those of you that don't like subtitled-this is a foreign film in German.

How the hell did I forget Casablanca?! That is, hands-down, my favorite period movie. It's tied with Singin' in the Rain for my favorite classic film, in fact. 

Don't forget scheidles list sorry I can't spell it

Guadalcanal Diary

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