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I would love to create a ladies social club, but I'm not exactly sure where to begin or what it takes. 

I know that in the 50s teenagers often formed clubs or gangs and planned parties and did things together (on the level to delinquent). Adults had their clubs too, men had thier moose lodges and bowling clubs and women had bridge. The type of club I would like to form would be a weekly or a monthly gathering of ladies of common interests and tastes (the most obvious being the love for pinup and retro styling) to enjoy the company of others. This could center around bridge, although I admit I don't have a clue how to play, or bowling which is fun and relatively easy. Maybe even outings to favorite vintage shops for shopping trips etc. 
Of course dances, parties and group outings to concerts would be great fun also. Basically, what I am looking to form is a vehicle by which people can meet friends, form lasting memories and have a great time doing it. 

I would love to meet some lovely ladies in my area that interested in pinup and like to have fun. I'm usually the odd one out everywhere I go because of how I dress. It's never a negative experience, but it'd be nice to roam in packs too! I find myself living for the next big meet up (RATP, VLV, Ink&Iron) just so I can rub elbows with pin-ups, retro lovers, and tattoo enthusiast. It would be wonderful to have that more often. 

So for those of you who have done this or are currently apart of a social club, my question is where do I start? What things do I need to consider etc. I've have this desire for a while, but I'm sure there are things im not aware of.  Which is why I am seeking the wisdoms of the community. Thank you all in advance for relplying :-)


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Well, PL is kinda like a social club. We have meet ups and get together all over for different events (although i think we should do more), and through the site many of us have become very close friends, and consider each other family. We've made many lasting memories, and have had an amazing time doing it.

To really start a social club I would guess that your first order of business would be to find other girls to join. Being in a club is a good way to meet people, but you need to have at least a few people to start it.  Then you need a name, an objective and a set of rules/guidelines.

I noticed your down in SoCal. We have a ton of members down there, and those of us up here in NorCal travel down there quite a bit. Be sure to join the West Coast group and join in at the events that get posted, and if you want, plan your own! We haven't had a SoCal meet up in a while hit me up if you want to work on planning one, it's the best way to meet fellow members and I think we're love overdue!

Thanks, Roxy!

I will join the west coast group, and I'd love to collaborate on a meet-up! Maybe I'll find a few ladies that want to start meeting socially on a regular basis :)

What types of meet-ups have there been in the past? I have to admit, I'm kind of a square, so ice cream socials and picnics in the park are fun to me. Don't get me wrong, I like bars and the like but there's got to be entertainment or dancing.

I need to start thinking up some ideas for a SoCal meet up! I want to meet all you fabulous people :)

Well let's see... we had an ice cream social last year at viva, and a vintage picnic the year before in May in SoCal. I'm not joking, you've hit them both on the head. We like things that are fun, all ages, and let people really get to talk and get to know each other. Shoot me a PM and we'll throw some ideas around.

I have my own little crafty group, just lady friends who are into the same things and we kinda have our own little social group. We even have matching jackets (I am a complete nerd!). I think you just need to take a chance and interact with other people who are obviously interested in the same things you are and see where it goes.

As mentioned, meet ups are a great way to do that. Just be yourself, do things you like, and see where it goes from there! Girls are always so weird about talking to each other, but I like to think they're all just me and nervous that the other person is sitting there judging them or doesn't like them for one particular reason or another.

Hi! I co-run the North West Burlesque Society- we are a monthly social meet for burlesque lovers. We have people into give talks, performance slots, and run/host workshops. The best way to start is to write a plan of what you want to do with the group, activities or just a space for social meeting etc. We have found that being fairly structured helps, people like that we have speakers each month etc, as well as just being for socialising. After that, you would need to decided on a date and time, keep it regular every month, and find a suitably central venue. We charge £3 on the door and have £12 yearly memberships, this is not for profit, we use the money for paying the travel of our speakers. Our website is, have a peek and ask me anything if you have questions x

I am also in So. Cal and would love to find more retro loving girlfriends in Lalaland! or  Los Angeles ;). Would be happy to help with planning events. I am a total geek and have dreamed of having a girls bike club, jackets and all! How fab! xxVanessa

Yes, organization is important. I plan to get everything some onto paper first, before I start asking ladies to join. That way they know exactly what they are "signing up for" 

Glorian Gray said:

Hi! I co-run the North West Burlesque Society- we are a monthly social meet for burlesque lovers. We have people into give talks, performance slots, and run/host workshops. The best way to start is to write a plan of what you want to do with the group, activities or just a space for social meeting etc. We have found that being fairly structured helps, people like that we have speakers each month etc, as well as just being for socialising. After that, you would need to decided on a date and time, keep it regular every month, and find a suitably central venue. We charge £3 on the door and have £12 yearly memberships, this is not for profit, we use the money for paying the travel of our speakers. Our website is, have a peek and ask me anything if you have questions x

I'm hoping to get a meet-up in the works, I'll be sure to let you know! 

I know there must be a bigger community of retro-lovers in LA, but it's hard to find them if you don't know where to look. 

SweetLeigh said:

I am also in So. Cal and would love to find more retro loving girlfriends in Lalaland! or  Los Angeles ;). Would be happy to help with planning events. I am a total geek and have dreamed of having a girls bike club, jackets and all! How fab! xxVanessa

I admit, I have been shy at events in the past. Everyone always seems to already know eachother and I felt like an intruder. But this year, I decided take more chances and make the extra effort to make things happen for myself :-)

RedHeadedHarlotte said:

I have my own little crafty group, just lady friends who are into the same things and we kinda have our own little social group. We even have matching jackets (I am a complete nerd!). I think you just need to take a chance and interact with other people who are obviously interested in the same things you are and see where it goes.

As mentioned, meet ups are a great way to do that. Just be yourself, do things you like, and see where it goes from there! Girls are always so weird about talking to each other, but I like to think they're all just me and nervous that the other person is sitting there judging them or doesn't like them for one particular reason or another.

I think what you're talking about is available at

This is fantastic! Im thinking about starting something similar in my town. We have quite a few ladies interested in pin up and here lately a bunch of random local "pin up" groups have popped up on facebook but they don't do anything. I want to start a group that actually does stuff, raise money/do food drives for local charities, send care packages for troops overseas (as I understand they still need them), have monthly meet ups for dinner, etc. Around here the 'social clubs' are either really uptight snooty toot type people or its an unorganized loose thing on facebook that never does anything. Im starting small by just inviting some of my girly gal pals to get dressed up and meet for dinner once a month and eventually invite more and more ladies in.

I'm looking to join a social club! I'd love to join yours when the time comes. It would be wonderful to be a part of an active group with ladies of similar interests. It'd be so fun. So let me know how I can help/participate.

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