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So I had my first pin up photo shoot earlier this month and it was everything I thought it would be and of course I am giddy as a school girl and totally hooked. I will be working with a budding photographer who has never shot pin up photos before but we both need practice in our art forms so we agreed to support and help eachother out.


Okay with that said I need to figure out what my photo shoot will entail....meaning since I am the one whose done it at least one I assume I have to figure out what I will  be doing. Any suggestions? I perfer classic-vintage pin up instead of doing modern retro. I feel super clueless and am even unsure if I made any sense LOL


Help this PinupMama out!!! Thanks!

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I suggest you direct your photographer to check out pin-up images you like, not to copy but to look at lighting, camera angles etc.  Good luck - I am sure you will both have fun!
Thank you both so much. Yes-it is all about isnt it??!! I think I may look up some old pin ups to get some inspiration :)
Find two or three photos you really like and show them to your friend. Then see what you can come up with together to recreate them, but in your own way. Also, keep a folder on your computer of photos you want to take inspiration from. Any time you see something you like, pin up, clothing, art, architecture, save it and go back and look later. You'll be surprised what you come up with.

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