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ABC is putting out a new series this fall. A Mad Men style show, based on the Pan Am airline back in the day. I can't wait for this show!! In fact, I'm kind of stalking So here's a collection of stuff about it; pictures, reviews, articles, what ever I can find.


Anyone else looking forward to this??



Desiree found this link so now no matter where you are in the world you can join in on the fun!


You can watch Pan-Am online here:



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Niiiice! Hadn't heard about it, but looks awesome and Edson is such an airplane nerd. We will definitely be watching!
Cool, I will check it out.  I haven't heard anything about it either until now
I worked on the cockpit for the pilot episode! I hope the show takes off literally!!!!

it has my Christina Ricci in it!!! le hawtness




Christina looks fab! I can't wait to see this!

This was too cute... I had to make one.

Love it Roxy!

I can't wait for the show to premiere! Should be fabulous!


It's not from the show, but it's pretty cool. A Pan Am video from 1958 to show their new 707 jet service.


LOL at me reposting! Well my thread title was better WHOOP! HAHA ITS LIKE MAD MEN, IN THE AIR!
Have you watched Playboy Club yet? It's Mad Men with the Mob.... LOL. Your title was very creative though... I liked it. xoxoxo
Does anyone know if you can watch this and The Playboy Club in the UK? Me and the boyfriend are suffering without Mad Men so hoping one of these will ease the pain until the next MM season! :p

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