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ever have some one come up to you and ask you if "that hurt" weather it be a tattoo or a piercing... and what was your reaction... i have both so i get it alot some one asked me once did that hurt on your chest? and i replyed NO never i love it when people repeatedly drag needles accross my chest till i bleed... lol


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I have both my Monroe and nipples pierced. So, I get that question a lot. Generally, I tell people that the Monroe didn't hurt too bad but the healing time sucked. But the nipples, that's a whole different story. I tell them F*** yes it hurt. Not only did it hurt like s*** but I got both nipples done so it was 2x the pain. And it took several months for them to heal fully. So that was especially irritating.

You should see the faces I get from people when I tell them my nipples are pierced. A lot of them think I am psychotic. And sometimes it is fun to screw around with them when they ask you if it hurt and tell them, " It actually felt wonderful" and leave it at that.

But seriously people, piercings/tattoos are generally ALL going to cause some sort of pain whether it be minimal or a whole freakin' lot. So to even ask if it hurt-Is a stupid question. It's having a needle shoved through/in your skin... Com'on.
I tell most people, that "No it didn't hurt to me but it might to you" :) Especially to the one on my neck...everyone seems to think that that one must have hurt the worst and it really didn't. Now my pin-up nurse on my leg hurt like hell..LOL
ahh you all are great i love the reply to this some of you really made my day with a good giggle or two!
i can honestly say after having 4 kids all natural i have a high tolerance for pain, the only part of my body that felt really weird was my elbow and even that didnt hurt it just felt like someone was taking a nail and a hammer to my now i am not going to sit and say i love pain cause no one does, but i really dont have much reaction to things that most people would say it hurt just my thoughts :)
I agree with PinupGirl.. I inherited a high tolerance for pain from my grandmother.. shes a badASS.. BUT my chest piece, after 5 hours of work, made me moan.. and i mean like.. OH MY GOD GET IT OVER WITH NOW OR I WILL DIE moan.. not a good one! five more minutes and i would've called it quits.
AND Just last night.. as ALWAYS when Im in public, I had a girl in the loo tell me she loved my chest piece.. blah blah.. and DID IT HURT.. its like the post we had earlier.. the stupid questions people ask you about your tats.. or when they grab and touch you for no reason.. its silly! I just say yes. and they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS rub their own chest, make the squished up face and say ooo ouch that HAD to hurt! I just nodded and tried to get into a stall...
as far as piercings, i took all of them out.. well the ones people can see.. partly because people liked to use them as a conversation opener with me.. i hated it. "hey nice lip ring, I always wondered what its like to kiss someone with one of those.." Yeah.. you're not about to find out jerk ass!
I have gauged ears but no one really notices the double zero awesomely gorgeous swarovski crystal tunnels because they look like real earrings.. when someone DOES notice.. they make the wincy face and ask if it hurts.. present tense.. like WTF.. yeah they're killing me night and day.. thats why i have them.. *sarcasm*
I only have smaller tattoos right now but if you can't handle needles or pain you shouldn't be asking, hahaha!
I usually describe it as a cat repeatedly scratching you in the same spot.

Honestly though some folks need to learn to open up conversations better than with a "did that hurt?" question. What kinda dee da dee does that?
I have one on the back of my neck. It tickled like crazy on the back and the nape but stung on the sides. Seriously that's one of my no-no spots too so talk about an odd feeling.

Jinxy said:
I tell most people, that "No it didn't hurt to me but it might to you" :) Especially to the one on my neck...everyone seems to think that that one must have hurt the worst and it really didn't. Now my pin-up nurse on my leg hurt like hell..LOL
I haven't got any tattoos (but I WANT IT !! and i'll do it when I'll be 23, a really big symbolic project...) but i've got piercings, i love it. I used to have corsets, one in my back with 6 rings and one on my left arm with 10 rings. It was during summer so everybody saw it when I went outside. There were reactions like "uuuh my goood what that stuff on her !!!", a lot like "waoo can I look it closer ? it's really beautiful !" and OBVIOUSLY, the famous question "does it hurt ?" with apprehension in the eyes. And I always answer NO. Corsets are surface piercings, it doesn't hurt, and moreover when you do it it's because you WANT it, so pain... pfouah you feel nothing ^^ cicatrisation had been very perfect so I kept it for 2 MONTHS !! (i'm not kidding). However, i've just done vertical labret and this... it REALLY hurts ! but so beautiful =)
In general people say that it doesn't hurt because when you do it it's because you love it, it also depends on people and zones of the body =)

(sorry if there are mistakes, i'm a frenchgirl doing her best!)
I get it alll the time its very annoying... some peole just seem to be so oblivious. Most of the time i say they are fake!
Cicero's original text:

…neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?"

H. Rackham's 1914 translation:

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it?
Call me crazy but I kinda enjoy the "pain" from getting tattooed..and I enjoy the smell, sound and sight of it. I've been craving to get some ink for awhile so maybe that's why...

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