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For the ladies... (warning guys TMI! birth control discussion)

This is a question for any of you ladies who have taken and or are currently on the Depo-Provera shot.

I only recieved the shot ONCE and as a result gained 15 pounds. I had heard stories about sever weight gain and expressed my concerns with my doctor about it but she still talked me into it anyway. She said as long as I remained active and didn't change my healthy eating habits that I would be fine. I went for an appt last week and told them I'd be damned if they give me another evil shot, so they suggested Mirena (and IUD) and she swears that it does not cause weight gain like Depo.

Well I seem to have managed to pack on 15 pounds these past 3 months and it all just came so fast.....I was 127 before the shot and I just weighed in at 142 last night.

I am FURIOUS about this situation most of all because before the shot, I was in probably the best shape I have been in since high joke. I haven't been under 130 pounds since I was 19. I feel like all the hard work I did to get to that point is now ruined and it's going to take me forever to get back to where I was.....I dunno, I'm just feeling really discouraged.

So my question is has anyone else had a similar experience with Depo or any other type of BC for that reason.....what did you do?

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I posted a discussion similar to yours not all too long ago. You might find some answers there that may be able to help.

As my post says, I had the Mirena IUD and although I did end up having issues with it, they weren't really all that bad and I otherwise loved it. It's the only form of birth control that I had ever used, and after having it taken out I decided to try for baby #2 sooner than we'd originally planned, so I'm currently expecting. After this little one gets here, I'm thinking Mirena will be my choice of birth control again, but we'll see.
If you're really not happy with the shot and your doctor is suggesting Mirena would be good for you, it really is a good option, IMO. It's different for everyone, but I never gained weight. Actually, I lost a lot of weight and then ended up putting on weight as soon as I had it taken out... It also completely stopped my periods-no spotting, no nothing EVER, which was amazing. I had it for over two years and it obviously didn't screw with my fertilization either, if that should be one of your concerns.
i just got a depo shot, i havnt gained any wieght i didnt gain because of bad habits so. im sure not puting extra hormones in your body helps. do what you need to sister.
I gained some weight on Depo, but I'm not sure how much. My weight fluctuates a bit normally. I've been on it 2 years and only gained weight in the beginning. I'm going off it soon, so I'm hoping the weight will come off. We'll see.
I was on depo for over 2 year and gained weight off and on, but the largest side affect i saw was sore joints and severe headaches non stop. also i had some acne which never went away. I switched back to the pill and all side affects of the depo have subsided and am much happier overall. hope this helps you
I recommend Yaz. I had zero weight gain aside from my bust line filling out a little. Also the hormones don't fluctuate like some of the pills. I feel very normal on it except my cycles are extremely predictable and easy to deal with and it only has 4 dummy pills instead of 7. It also helps your skin, and PMDD.
when I was 25, I heard that birth control pills would shorten your menstrual cycle dramatically. I was 120 lbs then. my period lasted an average of 17 days from the age of 12 on up. no that is not a typo. it was so heavy that I had to wear diapers to bed for the first 6 days of it. so, I wasn't worried about getting pregnant, I just wanted a shorter period. so I took the pill. 3 days later I went from 120 to 137!!! only 3 days!!! then I had a period for 46 days straight. the only reason it stopped then was because I quit taking the pills. never took them again. then when I was 27, they all of a sudden went down to 5 days a month. I thought there was somethihg wrong with me, but since I had no insurance, I never went to a doctor. when I was 36, a 66 year old co-worker told me that she had the same thing when she was young. she said that if you have a really heavy period, you have these non cancerous tumors in your uterus that cause you to bleed heavily and that they usually go away on their own in your mid 20's. but some women aren't that lucky and have to go get their uterus scraped to get rid of them. pretty gross eh? then when I was 36, I met my husband and had developed high blood pressure and it would have been dangerous to take the pill. we didn't want any kids, so he had himself neutered. what a great guy!
they have a thing now called a tubal. no hormones in it at all, so no acne, weight gain, etc... they stick basically "corks" of a sort and plug your tubes. no chance of getting pregnant! so that way if you ever want a kid someday, you can get "uncorked" ha, and try to get preggies. if not, leave them in there. unlike an IUD, where you can get pregnant on it.
I can't do BC with any kind of HM's in it. I turn into a crazy person! I never took the shots, but I have heard bad things about them like weight gain.
The Mirena IUD has LOW dose HM's in it, so it's usually better. I have the copper IUD which has zero HM's in it and have never ever had a problem. Its like 99.99 % too. I don't have to think about it or do anything. Its just there and works! I've had mine for almost 3.5 years and they last up to 10. BUT with IUD's you have to have had a baby to get it I believe.
Good Luck!
I had some friends get IUDs and they had never had kids before. but, one of my friends got pregnant with an IUD. she was scared to death that it would hurt the baby. she did have it, and it was fine.

Aubrey London {Madam} said:
I can't do BC with any kind of HM's in it. I turn into a crazy person! I never took the shots, but I have heard bad things about them like weight gain.
The Mirena IUD has LOW dose HM's in it, so it's usually better. I have the copper IUD which has zero HM's in it and have never ever had a problem. Its like 99.99 % too. I don't have to think about it or do anything. Its just there and works! I've had mine for almost 3.5 years and they last up to 10. BUT with IUD's you have to have had a baby to get it I believe.
Good Luck!
Thanks everyone. I'm getting Mirena put in Thursday, I'm nervous. It's supposed to hurt like the dickens for women who have never had children before, cause they have to dilate the cervix...yikes. Since it's a super low dose or hormones that are time released I am guessing that it's not going to make me blow up like the Depo did.

I am having a really hard time losing the weight from the Depo. Harder than it's been in the past to get weight off. I feel like crap.
I would warn against any IUD I had one and have had friends that had them too and they are nothing but trouble. I am sure there are those ppl that swear by them but from my HORRIFIC expierence and some of my friends' I would stay away from them! As much as it sux, I do the pill and would reccomend it. Just make sure you take it everyday!
our bodies play the worst tricks on us! i just took my next shot of Depo (last week). i've been on Depo shots now since...2007. my weight fluctuates and has for years! but i would say the Depo hasn't been on my team for keeping my weight at bay. i've had WLS and i can't eat a whole heck of a lot. so for me to gain any more than 5 pounds is absurd! (i packed on damn near 50!)
i've been thinking of switching to the IUD. i was told it didn't cause weight gain AND (big bonus for me), it'll still stop my periods! but in order to get the IUD i've been told i'll have to miss my next Depo shot (due just after January 1st.), and let my body have a break-through (which will probably be massive since i haven't had a cycle in so long), and let them insert the little antenna while bleeding! GASP!!!

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