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I was bullied quite badly throughout all my school years and I still find myself as a grown woman being sought out by the same sort of people in my adult life. Still crippled by these people that like doing harm to others.

Anyone get bullied before? How did you handle it? Do you still encounter the same sort of people?


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Oh of course I was bullied. I wasn't happy about it, still wonder why people and especially children can be such cruel and unjust creatures. Years later I realized that these people were hurting inside and unloading. Most came from abusive, demanding or often over indulged homes and families. They were primed to self destruct and many have.

Remember people only have as much power over you as you yourself allow them to have !

No reason to put up with it. Wear your persona and your character with pride ! The experience may have been awful but it gives you a better, richer perspective on life and makes you that much better of a person than those one dimensional idiots who caused you pain !
I was bullied through middle school, but not through high school. I was a goth girl who interned with the police and med. examiner. I think that I scared the s*** out of people when I was in high school. I still encounter close minded people on a regular basis though. To get through I remember that I am a strong and intelligent woman, and I surround my self with people who really do value me for me.

People are usually meanest about what they are jealous of and what they don't understand.
Keep your head up!
Pay backs are a B****!
My junior year I was 5'6 and road a Harley '69 sportster to school & got noth'in but crap from the jocks & trendoids......... First day returning for my senior year 6'1 & ready to rumble....
6 days into school I knock'd out the senior varsity football star right in front of all the school at lunch for calling me FONZY....trouble was it was right in front of the principals office window!
Greasers 1
Jocks 0

That following year my musician "GRACE" landed me a job with a little know band from New York by the name The Stray Cats.......Needless to say how many of my former bullies would yell to try & get my attention as I walked on stage bring'n Brian Setzers gear out & did guitar changes on some of the bay area tour dates.........
L is for loooooooooooooosers & thier stuck in a rut IBM 9 to 5 jobs!
Yes I've grown enough inside to accept thier feeble attempts at ammends, but I still laugh my ass off inside at how life turned out........
Harley Mercier.............
Yup! I have it was in Primary school 10 years old this girl kept bulling me all the time until I found out she wanted to be friends so that sucked cause her bulling me all the time I finally got the nerve to ignored her! in middle school I was in 8th grade these to cholas gangsters chicks end up trying to pick up fights with me for no reason well I end up getting into fights with these chicks to defend myself at the end well I end up winning but got in trouble even thou it wasn't my fault so the end these chicks wanted me to join there gang never did didn't care walked away. It sucks some ppl have a a terrible way of showing you that they want to be your friend ugh kinda of annoying!
Well this discussion brought a tear or two to my eye. Just when you think you are the only one who was bullied, you read stories like these and realize that you aren't alone. I used to be called "Jew Nose" uhm... yeah, "JEW NOSE" Can you f*cking believe that s*it? That started as early as the 3rd grade. I was flat out told that I was ugly, to my face, and ended up quitting orchestra in middle school because a group of boys would strike up "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" when I would walk in the room. I used to sleep with a close pin on my nose to try and "shrink it" so I wouldn't be made fun of anymore. In high school, I was that girl who people borrowed clothes from, to go to parties that I wasn't invited to. My first real boyfriend, who I lost my virginity to, went too far with the"locker room talk" and before I knew it, very personal and intimate details about my body was common knowledge for most of the senior class and I was known as the "Freshman Slut". I later found out that a pair of underwear that I had left at his house was deemed "The Stupid Hat" for people to wear at parties he threw whenever someone committed a notorious "Party Foul". This is when I had the guts to dump him.
Mistress Zen, I too have encountered some of these awful people in the 12 years since high school. All fat, all have snot nosed brats for kids, all still live in the town we grew up in, bar tending at the same bar they used their fake ID's at, and they ALL SAY THE SAME DAMN THING: "Oh my God! You haven't aged a bit! You're so adorable! You know, I ALWAYS liked you in high school!" F*ck that, and f*ck them! Oh, and I love that you are winning that modeling contest BTW! *high five*
Sweetie, dont sell yourself short THEY ARE JEALOUS OF YOU ! Trust me about that. Just apply basic logic to that. If these people weren't threatened by you or your personality they wouldn't bother making their presence known. The old adage of the squeaky wheel getting the grease. You my dear threaten her it could be anything. More than likely you have a better persona, are more likable, perhaps are a better natural leader, have your own personal and sexy style anything really ! I used to get all sorts of crap at my old job, dirty looks, rumors etc etc etc. Two years later I found out from a trusted friend that 80% of the men in that joint had a thing for me and discussed me quite disgustingly. A few of the women had serious issues with me too as they didnt like the attention I was getting and put me down for being a bit more glamorous and claiming I did it to "get attention" I am married and the last thing I need is attention from frumpy and gross office rat men. Now the sexy Asian girl with the bobbed hait, glasses and tattoo that was a different story.........................

Mistress Zen said:
Lord knows what they have to be jealous of.
I'm just nice to everyone, isn't that how everyone should be? Sheesh I lose faith in so much of life. I can't even contemplate being mean just for the fun of it, or even out of jealousy.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
well...without over-complicating things....They're wicked jealous of you.

Mistress Zen said:
I've been encountering bullying at work, usually the strong female boss and they just remind me of the bitchy girls at school. I've just been fired for calling in sick 45 minutes late, just because she found something to use against me. She had previously moved me away from the group at work and then called me 'unsocial'. She completely ruined my work life to the extent that I didn't want to go in anymore.

I had a girl tell me 'f*** you' when she saw my boyfriend and how nice he treated me and then told me he would probably break up with me because we've been together for over 2 years and she had a friend who got broken up with.

I'm in a modelling competition at the moment (and winning) and I've had people send me messages telling me they want to punch my face in with a brick and someone posted on my page "Don't vote for her she has a b*** eye". Another girl posted "We don't like you, we're not voting for you, get the hint" on the competitions front page!

What is wrong with people?!
In my opinion people who bully are jealous of something that you have or are sorrowly lacking things in their own life. People who are happy and confident don't feel the need to pick on others or gang up on someone to make themselves feel good. Mistress Zen, if these people are picking on you my advice is to tell them "Darlin, I love myself so much that good comments are still flattering and bad comments just roll off my shoulders. Say something nice and I'll appreciate it, be a b**** and I'll say F*** You!!"

Even if you dont feel that way, fake it till you make it. That is what I did and one day bullies' comments really did just roll off my shoulders...
When I was really young, elementary school yes, all the time. My parents had me start kindergarten young and it didn't work out so hot for me. I got held back and I got called stupid all of my life. How do kids even remember that you got held back in kindergarten? I never let it get to me and I never, ever cried in front of them. I was a strong kid. I wish I had an ounce of that strength now. I think there are always people that prey on people's insecurities or what they might think are insecurities. I like to think that whenever someone picked on me or called me names or even said that I couldn't do something it only made me a stronger person and work harder to achieve my goals.
Im actually ashamed to admit it... but I was a bully back in school. Not the regular bully but a bullie's bully.
I loved picking up fights with kids bigger than me and basically being a wise ass with everyone... I am sorry to hear that some of you girls & guys we're picked on, and for those of you still in school... id recommend to fight back, fight clean... but fight back.
I got bullied pretty bad,
I was too smart for the dumb f'ers in the end tho and as i have quite a quick wit, i would say something back to them that was just too clever for their tiny brains to work out. It sorta stopped then, or wasnt so bad, or i didnt care so
But that was the last 2 years of highschool so was a bit late. I still come across people like it but it just makes me laugh more than anything.

You ever heard Bowling for soups 'High School Never Ends' if not listen to it, its so true!!

Exactly!!! that's what I was talking about!... wit can handle muscle!

Darling Nightmare said:
I got bullied pretty bad,
I was too smart for the dumb f'ers in the end tho and as i have quite a quick wit, i would say something back to them that was just too clever for their tiny brains to work out. It sorta stopped then, or wasnt so bad, or i didnt care so
But that was the last 2 years of highschool so was a bit late. I still come across people like it but it just makes me laugh more than anything.

You ever heard Bowling for soups 'High School Never Ends' if not listen to it, its so true!!

::raises hand::

I feel like my high school was a virtual henhouse. It seemed like every girl had something mean to say or do to another. And talk about cliques...they were awful. You know the movie Mean Girls? It was pretty much that.

I sometimes come across some of these girls from high school...and they're still girls. Seems like they've forgotten high school was over almost a decade ago. Sad, really. I just hold my head high and walk away from the drama like the grown up I am.

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