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The new season of Mad Men started two weeks ago, and it looks pretty good so far. So who's watching??

A few things I found interesting this season:

Peggy's new boyfriend thinks she's a virgin... that's an interesting lie.

Sally has a stalker, ewwwww. That kid has always been creepy.

Don is hiring hookers?? This man could get any woman he wanted the first season, not he has to pay, sad!

Don's secretary's boyfriend called him pathetic. No one, especially not a young guy like that would have said that before.

I don't like seeing him fall like this, he was kind of a jerk, but I liked him as he was. Not like this... it's sad.


**And for more Mad Men stuff, check out our these other threads:,,**

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The last two weeks have been pretty good. I like how they are focusing on the women. And the wardrobe! Every girl on the show makes me want to dress better, down to the secretaries and the women on the street.

Poor Joan, the boys that work there are jerks to her, her husband is going to war, she gets mugged, and now all this confusion with Rodger. I feel bad for her. But even in all the turmoil, she still looks amazing. And if we could all compose ourselves like she does, just imagine how much nicer our world would be.

And as much as I'm afraid Peggy is headed twords a Beat lifestyle, I like how she is starting to react to the racism issues, and I like how she told off dude. Her job is important to her, and she is very loyal to Don and the company.

Poor Sally, I feel so bad for her. Her mother is a raving lunatic, and a massive b****, and her dad is pretty clueless about taking care of children, especially a little girl. But that was pretty typical of the fathers in the 50's/60's.
Yea it's been a long time since there was any discussion.

You're right about Peggy she's loyal, a good worker, and opinionated. Sometimes people like that are pushed out of a company in favor of drones. I hope that doesn't happen to her.

I want Don to get it together and keep Sally but the truth is he's gotta work there's nobody to watch her. It's kinda sad.
I was pleased with the last 2 episodes. I'm confused as to when Joan lost the power...she's always been in control, @ Sterling Cooper NOBODY would have talked to her that way. She basically runs the joint, no way she should have to be subjugated to THAT kind of abuse. I saw the Rodger thing coming a mile away though (didn't everyone?)

Peggy is starting to cheer me up. She's creating her own identity within the company, and I like the bonding between her and Don. They're good for each other (as friends). I feel awful for little Sally. I would have run away from home TOO! I was surprised that Betty let Don come to the birthday party, but I was a little pissed at her "reasons". "we have everything" WTF is THAT?'re miserable and your children HATE you! So what do you "have" really? Annoying.

Okay, I could go on for days....Can't wait until this weeks episode!
A little more about last weeks episode: (9/19)

I loved the part where Dan brought Sally out to Betty, and the women all stood behind him. It was like the were rallying behind him and Sally. Seemed like a warning to Betty in a way. I also loved the french toast part where she used rum "not bad" LOL.

I really like Joan and Roger together, I think they should just give it up and leave the spouses. I thought it might happen with the pregnancy, but no luck.

RIP Miss Blankenship- a great quote in her honor:
Cooper: A three letter word for a flightless bird.
Ida: Emu.
Cooper: No it starts with an "L"
Ida: The hell it does.
This weeks episode (9/26)

I love that they went to the Playboy club!! Who would have thought Lane would be a member, AND that the reason he didn't want to go home was because of his "chocolate bunny"! But dang his dad was ruthless!!

Poor Joan and Rodger. They just can't catch a break. I think he should have punched the doctor, he was so rude! But she is so graceful and lady like in everything she does. I just adore her! But I have to wonder if she really went through with the abortion. Should be interesting.

I can't believe there are only 3 episodes left. So sad!
Yea Lane's relationship with his dad is really weird.

Sometimes people are rude. You don't have to punch every one of them.

Too bad about the agency loosing Lucky Strike.
Holy Season finale!!!

Don and Megan got engaged, Joan kept the baby, and Peggy saved the agency.

I had a feeling Joan was gonna keep the baby. We know she wanted one, and truth be told, she's not in her 20's anymore. Back then, if you didn't have a baby by 30, they told you that you shouldn't have one at all. I'm glad she kept it, if will come back to bite her in the ass, but if it makes her happy, good! And won't it be interesting to see Joan play the mom role??

As for Don and Megan, I hope we get to see their wedding and they don't do it in the off season. I want to see a big expensive mid-sixty's wedding! Megan seems good for Don, and although I liked Faye, he needs someone who is good with his kids. And the milkshake thing proved just how different she was from Betty.

I can't believe it's the end of the season. I already want more!
I'd help u kill for her wardrobe

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
Don't get me started on Betty. In season one I liked/felt bad for her, but she has turned out to be a raving b****, and a bad mom!! And as far as I'm concerned, there is no excuse for being mean to your children. No wonder Sally hates it there, I bet she's thrilled that Glen did that to the house. Although.... I'd kill for her wardrobe!!

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