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We all know they exist - unfortunately, usually on runways. Show us the most terrible, hideous shoes you've ever seen!

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hahaha I'm so happy you put Uggs in this. And what on earth is that last one?? Those are scary looking. My toes would suffocate..haha
The worst part about those... I'VE SEEN PEOPLE WEARING THEM IN REAL LIFE. Ahhh Berkeley, California - the people are one of a kind.

Sassy McBrassy said:
hahaha I'm so happy you put Uggs in this. And what on earth is that last one?? Those are scary looking. My toes would suffocate..haha
Didn't DD just buy some shoes like the last ones?

The others just make me want to ask why?! why would you do that to yourself?!
Yikes. And actually, those last ones are by Vibram...Daniel Rodriguez says that they're AMAZING. I just bought a pair. They let your feet function the way that they're supposed to, it's like being barefoot but better! I can't wait until mine get here and I can go running in them!! So yeah, they're fugly, but if they're as good as everyone says, I'll sacrifice "cuteness"!
jajajajaaaaa!!! indeed I do own the last pair. they are Vibram Five Finger shoes. I suffer from really bad shin splints. I own two pairs actually, my blue ones (Avatar edition as Edson calls them) and a black pair. ugly??? for sure, I wont deny it. do they help me?? I will never run w/o them ever again. I wear mine a majority of the time (the black ones of course). In fact I bought my blacks ones last week specifically for Disneyland this weekend.

no worries though, you wont see me wearing these at any car shows or rockabilly shows.


I love you, sir.

Dear Daniel {★} said:
jajajajaaaaa!!! indeed I do own the last pair. they are Vibram Five Finger shoes. I suffer from really bad shin splints. I own two pairs actually, my blue ones (Avatar edition as Edson calls them) and a black pair. ugly??? for sure, I wont deny it. do they help me?? I will never run w/o them ever again. I wear mine a majority of the time (the black ones of course). In fact I bought my blacks ones last week specifically for Disneyland this weekend.

no worries though, you wont see me wearing these at any car shows or rockabilly shows.


Ooooh, do they help shin spints? I suffer real bad with shin splints

Hahaha, I think I would die from embarrassment if I wore them to a show LOL. But if they help shin splints I'm half tempted by them.......

Dear Daniel {★} said:
jajajajaaaaa!!! indeed I do own the last pair. they are Vibram Five Finger shoes. I suffer from really bad shin splints. I own two pairs actually, my blue ones (Avatar edition as Edson calls them) and a black pair. ugly??? for sure, I wont deny it. do they help me?? I will never run w/o them ever again. I wear mine a majority of the time (the black ones of course). In fact I bought my blacks ones last week specifically for Disneyland this weekend.

no worries though, you wont see me wearing these at any car shows or rockabilly shows.


Shin splints were the reason I bought them in the first place. Someone had recommended them to me. My shin splints would get so bad I would have to take a break for a few weeks at a time. I have yet to have any problems. I'll jog/run an average of 2.5-3 miles per session. It's funny I've actually read that people wear them for fashion... really??? wtf??? I'll be the first to admit they look funny!!!!


WOW! Ok I admit, you just sold them to me. I cant even run for the damn bus without gettin shin splints. I really wanted to start running, but didnt fancy a few weeks off work.

Glad you dont wear them for fashion. Thats like socks and sandals, just eww

Dear Daniel {★} said:
My shin splints would get so bad I would have to take a break for a few weeks at a time. I have yet to get them yet. I'll jog/run an average of 2.5-3 miles per session. It's funny I've actually read that people wear them for fashion... really??? wtf??? I'll be the first to admit they look funny!!!!


Uggh! They're all hideous! The first pair though, those take the cake!!
Haha!! The last pair if comfortable must be worth it.
hahaha...WTF is with the hoof shoes?! Ew.

I absolutely cannot knock McQueen and Nina Ricci, but the rest are pretty awful.

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