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After a recent forum post on this topic I got to thinking. I wanted to express my opinion about what I think of mainstream pop Icons sporting the Pinup look. It also goes much deeper into whether or not pinup is a fad and as some have called it a "thing". Everyone is entitled to their own opinions which is what makes the world so wonderful. If you'd like to know where I stand on this issue, take a peek at my most recent post by clicking on my banner. As always I'd love to hear your opinion on this topic! Take Care,

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Beautifuly said Mz. London! I agree that that pin up fashion isn't just a passing fad because it has been around for... well... EVER! In a world where young girls are starving themselves in order to look like waify super models, it's comforting to see popular women in the media emulating a look that has withstood the test of time. A look and style that truly celebrates the beauty of a woman. If I had a daughter, I would rather see her idolizing the style of Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable and Hedy Lamarr over some unattainable ideal found in Victoria Secret catalogs ( not knocking VS, my favorite bra says "Pink" in the inside of the cups! ;-0 ) . This look doesn't really "belong" to any one culture. If it did, our grandma and great grandmas would be come out of their graves to take back their victory rolls! I also agree with what El Muerto X has to say about being comfortable in your own skin. His whole post was really right on the money!
I totally understand that you live the lifestyle everyday Ellie and I commend you for that. It is you just being you. That's awesome. Like you said before, it is a very alluring beauty to most women. That's why it's easy to see why people new to the look, just fall in love with it. Can't blame them for trying it out. I don't think they should be outcasted as posing. Living the pinup life is different though. I can see what you mean by that. First off, it's not cheap to pull off some looks, but with a great community like PL, we have people like Edson and Tessa Le Taunt showing us where to get "AWESOME FINDS" in thrift stores, it makes it much easier to access vintage items at a great price. Also, having influence from our past generations helped most of us alot. Some may not have been fortunate enough to have that and unfortunately, have to find all the great things about the lifestyle by themselves, which in turn could be a fabulous exploration and discovery. From music, cars, decor, clothes, to fashion, the options are endless. When it comes down to it, I think we should all support anyone interested in PINUP. Thanks Ellie for sharing your thoughts as always and we still need to hook up next time I'm in Monterey or Salinas. Take care.

Ellie Monster said:
I think that retro glamour is very alluring to all women. Men to this day still idolize Marilyn Monroe and Bettie Page. They personified beauty and grace. I think that a lot of women want to sport the look and channel their inner bombshell every once in a while, not necessarily everyday. I live this lifestyle because I love it. It isn't just a once and while look for me!
Not everyone understands that, but those that do are very dear to me <3!
I don't think that these women are posing, some of the sweetest girls that I have ever met are new to the look and experimenting. I love the enthusiasm that they have even if they just sport the look every once in a while. Fashion is inspiring....I love sharing that! For example, I think that Katy Perry is super cute...I love that she can bring the look and possibly the lifestyle to those who may really embrace it and never would have considered it before!

We do need to hook up sometime before I move in Dec, if you make it out this way!

Aubrey London {Madam} said:
I totally understand that you live the lifestyle everyday Ellie and I commend you for that. It is you just being you. That's awesome. Like you said before, it is a very alluring beauty to most women. That's why it's easy to see why people new to the look, just fall in love with it. Can't blame them for trying it out. I don't think they should be outcasted as posing. Living the pinup life is different though. I can see what you mean by that. First off, it's not cheap to pull off some looks, but with a great community like PL, we have people like Edson and Tessa Le Taunt showing us where to get "AWESOME FINDS" in thrift stores, it makes it much easier to access vintage items at a great price. Also, having influence from our past generations helped most of us alot. Some may not have been fortunate enough to have that and unfortunately, have to find all the great things about the lifestyle by themselves, which in turn could be a fabulous exploration and discovery. From music, cars, decor, clothes, to fashion, the options are endless. When it comes down to it, I think we should all support anyone interested in PINUP. Thanks Ellie for sharing your thoughts as always and we still need to hook up next time I'm in Monterey or Salinas. Take care.

Ellie Monster said:
I think that retro glamour is very alluring to all women. Men to this day still idolize Marilyn Monroe and Bettie Page. They personified beauty and grace. I think that a lot of women want to sport the look and channel their inner bombshell every once in a while, not necessarily everyday. I live this lifestyle because I love it. It isn't just a once and while look for me!
Not everyone understands that, but those that do are very dear to me <3!
Katy perry is a big one. She has a very classic look and is very beautiful but i feel any star doesnt truly appreciate what pin up is.
Hearing all these accounts of snobby pin ups, hmm, I think we all should be kind, understandable if we've had a bad day too. I've actually never seen or encountered any snobbery from a pin up. That's what i like about being here is that everyone is so classy in that respect, it's awesome! Everyone here just has an awesome personality it seems.
And for style, someone told me you're not a pin up unless you do the style hardcore everyday. I strive to have the style eveyrday but I can't always do that, so i bring in elements as much as I can. I mean i can't afford to buy lots of the clothes, I save up a long time and debate on a piece before i buy it. And sometimes there are times where we just can't dress up, like work, some may have a uniform to follow, so I think that it's kind of unfair to say you're not in the style just because you can't dress it to a T.
This kind of thing bothered me when I was like 18 but I'm in my 30s now and I could not give a damn what anyone does or thinks. Everyone has their own life to live and reasons for their choices. Its A= none of my business and B= cannot affect me. I used to think that because I believed in something that made it mine and all mine and any element of the whole used by an 'unbeliever' for superficial reasons was somehow an insult to my lifestyle. Its not, its irrelevant. Fashion was into goth for a while then punk now pinups next year it will be something else, rollerdisco perhaps? if its not you its someone else.
When the way you look is part of how you live your life then it takes on a meaning that is more than the sum of its parts so its easy to think you own it and easy to get vexed at those who think the 'look' is all it is. But they are right...clothes are just clothes the don't mean anything on their own and the fact that they have come to mean something to a group of people doesnt have to concern anyone else. The positive flip side of that is that the meaning can never be taken away by those who never had it in the first place.
Wowzer, the day I don't have the energy to accept a compliment or kind word or interest expressed in ME by a total stranger who takes the time from their day to share a moment and find it an eye rolling hassle I will be 6 feet under! Not sayin that i love talking about me myself & I but we have to understand the consequences of our actions ie/when you sport 2 sleeves people are gonna talk and maybe think about puttin the tats somewhere else if it's a bother to talk back? We should all be so lucky that the talk is always flattering. Thank goodness some fashions come with long sleeves other than a coat. I'd insist she wear that next time we rolled out - tee hee hee! I love ink and would love to have 2 sleeves but there is a reason I don't have more...

And as for Aubrey post she is RIGHT ON! I am all for anyone who wants to celebrate the PinUp. It's a tribute and it brings more awareness. No one owns it exclusively, but we do have our individual styles.

Tifa said:
People coming up to me in the streets or events giving me a compliment about my style gets me nothing but happy and honored that people say nice things!
I believe some people can be a bit snotty towards others but I also believe that it sometimes have to do with bad confidence.
Some people might look like glamorous, confident women but might not know how to take a compliment and therefore can be a bit “eum.. okey.. *look weird at the person saying a nice thing*”
Some people just can’t do the simple “thank you!”.
Of course there will always be people who have bad manners and look down on other people but try not to let them get to you.

Also, I have a friend with tattoos all over her arms. We were out one night at a club (mix between mainstream and semi rockers).
It was summer and she was warm but didn’t want to take off her jacket.
She- God it’s so warm!!
Me- Take of the jacket!
She – No, then I have to spend the evening talking to strangers about my tattoos. I just want to be left alone.
Me – Don’t be silly, people won’t even notice!
*takes of jacket* and 2 seconds later people were on her wanting to compliment, touch, ask about her tattoos.
She actually had to put it on so we could enjoy our conversation…
She really is a nice sweet girl, but after a while she did give people the roll eyes and trying to ignore them.
Impolite, yes, but she just did not have the energy.
So I believe there are more sides to things that some are being bitchy.

I’m a big believer in giving other people compliments and to be positive, don’t stop even if you encounter someone who gives you the “talkin’ to me? look".
At least you have been nice and done something positive, and she can go on being negative.

All people that gets an interest in a subculture/style starts somewhere.
Even Dita did.
Interesting topic for sure! Well I think that by many I am considered a poser as I am not a kitsched out tattoo sporting kind of girlie. I am actually am not even a huge hotrod fan but I am a fan of pinup, retro, vintage, deco etc. I am what one could call a purist. My husband and I live as best as we can in the 1930s-40s style. I dress vintage, I wear hats we live in and are restoring a 1937 era Art Deco home to historical accuracy. I love 1930s-40s music, clothing, style, cinema etc. There have been some that think I am a poser but I was retro before retro was ever cool. My inspiration is drawn from the old movies, the classic actresses and the romance of that era.

I will say that as purist as I am I think Katy Perry is a doll and I am glad someone is bringing the style to the mainstream. the world would look prettier if more girlies dressed that way. It is a timeless, elegant, and beautiful style and deserves to be popularized. I dont see a point in keeping the whole pinup look elitist or exclusionary I am 100% for a retrograde in style and a Pinup Planet !
Ah yes, well spoke.

Miss Audrey Brooks said:
Interesting topic for sure! Well I think that by many I am considered a poser as I am not a kitsched out tattoo sporting kind of girlie. I am actually am not even a huge hotrod fan but I am a fan of pinup, retro, vintage, deco etc. I am what one could call a purist. My husband and I live as best as we can in the 1930s-40s style. I dress vintage, I wear hats we live in and are restoring a 1937 era Art Deco home to historical accuracy. I love 1930s-40s music, clothing, style, cinema etc. There have been some that think I am a poser but I was retro before retro was ever cool. My inspiration is drawn from the old movies, the classic actresses and the romance of that era.

I will say that as purist as I am I think Katy Perry is a doll and I am glad someone is bringing the style to the mainstream. the world would look prettier if more girlies dressed that way. It is a timeless, elegant, and beautiful style and deserves to be popularized. I dont see a point in keeping the whole pinup look elitist or exclusionary I am 100% for a retrograde in style and a Pinup Planet !
I don't even know where to start on this subject. Got a few hours? A friend and I had a late night pow-wow on this very thing last night, I wish I would have taken notes.

I am pretty bitter about the whole thing and it reflects in my posts. I can't even post on the simplest things without dragging it into a rant. I'm even taking a hiatus from modeling right now because I felt like I started to blend into the backround. I am not inspired at all. It's all so oversaturated.

I wont go on any more in the fear of offending someone, but there have some pretty good points made here.
Miss Behavin said:
Wowzer, the day I don't have the energy to accept a compliment or kind word or interest expressed in ME by a total stranger who takes the time from their day to share a moment and find it an eye rolling hassle I will be 6 feet under! Not sayin that i love talking about me myself & I but we have to understand the consequences of our actions ie/when you sport 2 sleeves people are gonna talk and maybe think about puttin the tats somewhere else if it's a bother to talk back? We should all be so lucky that the talk is always flattering. Thank goodness some fashions come with long sleeves other than a coat. I'd insist she wear that next time we rolled out - tee hee hee! I love ink and would love to have 2 sleeves but there is a reason I don't have more... And as for Aubrey post she is RIGHT ON! I am all for anyone who wants to celebrate the PinUp. It's a tribute and it brings more awareness. No one owns it exclusively, but we do have our individual styles.

I can't say that I agree.
There are so many people who sport a look out there and not interested in hearing negative OR positive feedback.
Some people might want to get a tattoo in their face, that does not automatically mean that you want people to comment on it all the time.
Yes it does comes with it when you stand out and you have to learn how to deal (for your own sake) with it but it does not mean you have to like it.
It’s a difference to have a total stranger give you a nice compliment and to have people over you, touching you and interrupting you private conversations.
Too say that you have to cover up and to dress a certain way if you not like to have people comment is wrong. People should be able to wear and look the way they want to.
And in my case my friend HAD to wear a jacket in order not to be jumped at the entire evening and then I understand her being irritated.
If it was one comment once that is one thing but to have that every time you go out at a place where tattooed sleeves is not common, after a few years I can understand it would be frustrating.
If you give a compliment and the person gets happy – all good.
If you give a compliment and the person is snotty – ignore it! You don’t know if this person had crappy day, is a total bitchy idiot or just plain tired.

But I have to say it's rare to have people not liking positive feedback or compliments, 99% of the time it makes us happy. I love giving compliments to strangers myself and never have met someone who been snotty!
I just want to add that my opinion/bitterness/feelings of "oversaturation" has everything to do with personal experiences that I have been through with certain people in the city that I live in. It's not fair for me to generalize. I am a bit of a b***h about some things and none of it is ever meant towards any member of this website. Just wanted to clear that up, I've got into trouble in the past

On a lighter note, I find it funny that I get "You look like Katy Perry" comments ALL time, anywhere I go....the laundry mat (just today) grocery store, Circle K, you name it. Funny how people will grab whatever reference that they are framiliar with from popular culture to try to relate to you and pay you a compliment. I appreciate it, but at the same time have never been one to approach strangers so I can't really relate to being that way.

Kristy C said:
I don't even know where to start on this subject. Got a few hours? A friend and I had a late night pow-wow on this very thing last night, I wish I would have taken notes.

I am pretty bitter about the whole thing and it reflects in my posts. I can't even post on the simplest things without dragging it into a rant. I'm even taking a hiatus from modeling right now because I felt like I started to blend into the backround. I am not inspired at all. It's all so oversaturated.

I wont go on any more in the fear of offending someone, but there have some pretty good points made here.

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