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Can we compile a list of our favorite old movies - clips would be great too! See I'm a bit of an old movie addict and I fear I've run out of old movies to watch and it's not that I don't also love new flicks but there's just nothing like snuggling down on the couch and watching the old stuff. Any Genre and any film pre 1970.

My list is really long so if you want it I'll send it to you via PL e-mail I'd love to share it too but I don't want to clog up the boards and this is also more about hearing from you guys in hopes of hearing of a movie I haven't yet heard of!!
Thanks for sharing.
xo Mimi

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The Bad Seed is one of my favorite old school movies. Me and my mom always quote it!
well, i like abbot and costello films. they made a great comedy duo. also check out hells angels with jean harlow in it! 1930's film , not about the motorcycle gang. check out how to be very , very popular with betty grable 1955, its great her name is stormy tornado! enjoy!
- Desk Set
- Rear Window
- Vertigo
- Gigi
- The Thin Man
- To Sir, With Love
- hundreds of others ;)
I agree. We just made a NEW old movie. Hot Rod Girls Save The World. Not to plug my work, but old films like Hot Rod To Hell and Wild Ones were a major inspiration for me. Many new films from Hollywood are too "in your face" sometimes.
Ha Ha Ha - "I thought I saw some mean little gals in my time but you're the meanest." I had to stay home sick from work today and I've been watching the Bad Seed on you tube! It is good!! I'm totally into it. -gotta go watch the ending. ;) she's a cold cookie that one.... I wonder if she did it???

Seanna Miriah said:
The Bad Seed is one of my favorite old school movies. Me and my mom always quote it!
Adding The Bad Seed to my Netflix queue right now!

Mimi First said:
Ha Ha Ha - "I thought I saw some mean little gals in my time but you're the meanest." I had to stay home sick form work today and I've been watching the Bad Seed on you tube! It is good!! I'm totally into it. -gotta go watch the ending. ;) she's a cold cookie that one.... I wonder if she did it???

Seanna Miriah said:
The Bad Seed is one of my favorite old school movies. Me and my mom always quote it!
Oooo Wink! I love the thin man movies. Myrna Loy is so adorable the way she constantly makes fun of her hubby. Plus they are total lushes and sleuths at the same time. I also love Desk set I think Spencer Tracy was great with Hepburn but when she plays Tracy Lord across from Cary Grant she really shines!! I loved all the scenes in "The Philadelphia Story" circa 1940.

Wink Holliday said:
- Desk Set
- Rear Window
- Vertigo
- Gigi
- The Thin Man
- To Sir, With Love
- hundreds of others ;)
King Kong (1933 version of course)
Sunset Boulevard
Dracula - universal and Hammer versions
King Creole

as you say there are many to choose from...
Just a many more! Fight boredom..Stay glued to Turner Classics...they have great film festivals and Star of the Month!!! Check out their website too!

Imitation of Life... I cry every time!!!

Bette Davis...can't get enough!!!

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane....Bette + Joan Crawford = crazy fun!

I love Rita Hayworth in "Gilda"


I'm not a big musical lover...but I absolutely love Gene Kelly! Especially in An American in Paris!

I still NEVER get tired of watching Gene Dance the fountain scene in American in Paris is soooo beyond lovely. Plus Kudos on Rita in Gilda!!
Gene and Cyd dancing in Singin' In The Rain! Awesome!

Mimi First said:
I still NEVER get tired of watching Gene Dance the fountain scene in American in Paris is soooo beyond lovely. Plus Kudos on Rita in Gilda!!
anything with the love of my life, marlon brando.... i watch streetcar constantly, also, "on the waterfront"... I COULDA BEEN A CONTENDER!
"the maltese falcon", "the quiet man" with maureen o'hara
and i'll throw in my dad's all time favorite... "yankee doodle dandy" starring james cagney.

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