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Every town has a place that is known to be haunted, *ahem*, "haunted".
Even when I lived in a podunk town in Texas, we had "Goat Man's Road", although I suffice it to say that it needs no further explanation, lol.
I'm now located in Liberty, Missouri, and we have an old mansion which used to belong to the secret society/fraternal group otherwise known as the International Order of Odd Fellows. There has always been rumor and speculation of paranormal activity within the place. I'm not one to believe in the ghostly sorts, but I had a recent venture on the property and decided to look further into it. I found some rather interesting stuff, for anyone that would like to read what I blogged about. CLICKY

So now I'm curious as to what other supposedly haunted places are out there. I watch the paranormal investigation shows on Discovery channel, but they only ever seem to run around Halloween. I can't wait till then, so share your haunted locations, personal experiences, and photos if you got'em... pweeeese.

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I live about a 20 minute drive from The New Forest which, basically, is a terrifying place! There's Beauliea Abbey which is haunted by murdered monks and the mysterious Blue Lady (I have a personal story about her which still scares me stupid to this day). Then there is the village of Burley which houses a coven of witches who were persecuted. Plus, there are hundreds of ghosts of lost souls that perished alone on the moors, the haunted taverns, and spooky woods.

And then there is the Abbey that is just down the road from me; it was a victim of Henry VIII's Dissolution in 1538, and it is said that when the soldiers came to shut down the monastery and loot the treasure, the Abbott hid the treasure in a underground vault and it was never seen again. The legend of the treasure is almost unknown around here but it's been covered by the story that in the late nineteenth century a team of 'archaeologists' (ie: treasure hunters) went to find it. It is said that one of them saw the ghost of the long dead Abbott and he was so scared he had a heart attack and died. However, this could be a genuine ghost story or it could just be a cover up to stop looters trying to find the treasure. Nevertheless, the Abbey's lost gold has never been found...

I LOVE ghost stories! Tell me more!
I have two stories about places ive worked.
I work in a bridesmaid shop in kingston upon thames.
We moved from the High street last year. The old shop was Henry VIII's bakery.
In the old shop (number 8 and 10) we never liked going out the back of the number 8 side. It just always felt like we were invading someone's house. anyways, one night my boss was alone at work. and along the side of her desk was a rail with dresses on. Something caught her attention out the corner of her eye. It was a gentleman, dressed in clothing from around the 1500's. as she was about to say Who are you? get out. he dissapeared. she checked outside thinking it must have been a reflection or something. No one on the entire street.
The week after, we were there on a late night thursday. close to closing time. I thought I heard someone walking in the No 8 side, as I had been sitting down I didnt see anyone come in. My immediate thought "Oh s***, someone sneaked in. better go help the old bat"
I went round, No one there. looked in the big mirror cause I could still hear the footsteps INSIDE the shop not more than 2 or 3 meters from me. Sounded like a mens dress shoe. (we have laminate) In the mirror I saw a black cloak swoosh around the corner of the rail.
Other times in the shop we had the light switch on no 8 turn itself off. The stock room door would open and close. We heard beads dropping.
We got a psychic in, just for kinda a laugh. we gave her no information. She described him perfectly, his name was Edward. and he thinks the dresses in the black bags are funny. At the time I had been working there almost 18months. I knew everything about the shop. I didn't know there were a stash or dresses in black bags, the only person who knew was the owner.
Apparently, he liked us. But the stock room on No 8 was his, and he didn't much like us going in there. Turns out there was a fabric shop not long after the bakery, owned by a guy named Edward.

The new place is just as bad. It was a Public house, built as part of the original kingston. We have the ghost of a young girl aged around 11 or 12 and her grandmother upstairs in the stock room. They only make noise or show themselves to either me or the owner. But we got the same psychic in, shes called delilah (the little girl)
she likes me cause I have red hair like her and her mum. and she likes having all the dresses around.
for this one, both me and my boss kept having dreams with the same red haired girl. finally we were like, OK im gonna go round the corner. You draw the girl you see, ill draw the girl I see. We drew the same girl, and matched her up to the Public houses daughter. after that I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs having my dinner. heard the footsteps. shouted up. She appears in the door way. I never moved so friggin fast in my life!
I admit I get terrified if i have to go up there alone.

You may think Im nuts, but I just tell what I saw, what happened, and the research we put into the buildings.
Well it isn't exactly a ghost story.....but in Montana where I am originally from we supposedly have werewolves in a small town up near Glacier Park called Browning. It is actually part of the Indian Reservation and that particular tribe is full of "shifter" lore. Not cute and cuddly like Twilight, more like demolish all the local livestock type stuff goes on up there. Because I used to intern with the state, I know that there are 3 filing cabinets full of sightings and attacks. I also know that at one time, Highway Patrol was pressing to have clips of silver bullets sent to them. For Real! It is one of the creepiest places, the sun goes down and the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You don't spend anymore time outside than you have too. The weirdest thing though is how you never hear dogs barking. It makes you uneasy just to be there!

The fame of this little town has drawn national attention, an episode of the X-files was made about Browning and a segment for a show about the Bizarre was filmed for the Sci-fi Channel!
I love that you guys did your research! Awesome stories!

Betty Maraschino said:
I have two stories about places ive worked.
I work in a bridesmaid shop in kingston upon thames.
We moved from the High street last year. The old shop was Henry VIII's bakery.
In the old shop (number 8 and 10) we never liked going out the back of the number 8 side. It just always felt like we were invading someone's house. anyways, one night my boss was alone at work. and along the side of her desk was a rail with dresses on. Something caught her attention out the corner of her eye. It was a gentleman, dressed in clothing from around the 1500's. as she was about to say Who are you? get out. he dissapeared. she checked outside thinking it must have been a reflection or something. No one on the entire street.
The week after, we were there on a late night thursday. close to closing time. I thought I heard someone walking in the No 8 side, as I had been sitting down I didnt see anyone come in. My immediate thought "Oh s***, someone sneaked in. better go help the old bat"
I went round, No one there. looked in the big mirror cause I could still hear the footsteps INSIDE the shop not more than 2 or 3 meters from me. Sounded like a mens dress shoe. (we have laminate) In the mirror I saw a black cloak swoosh around the corner of the rail.
Other times in the shop we had the light switch on no 8 turn itself off. The stock room door would open and close. We heard beads dropping.
We got a psychic in, just for kinda a laugh. we gave her no information. She described him perfectly, his name was Edward. and he thinks the dresses in the black bags are funny. At the time I had been working there almost 18months. I knew everything about the shop. I didn't know there were a stash or dresses in black bags, the only person who knew was the owner.
Apparently, he liked us. But the stock room on No 8 was his, and he didn't much like us going in there. Turns out there was a fabric shop not long after the bakery, owned by a guy named Edward.

The new place is just as bad. It was a Public house, built as part of the original kingston. We have the ghost of a young girl aged around 11 or 12 and her grandmother upstairs in the stock room. They only make noise or show themselves to either me or the owner. But we got the same psychic in, shes called delilah (the little girl)
she likes me cause I have red hair like her and her mum. and she likes having all the dresses around.
for this one, both me and my boss kept having dreams with the same red haired girl. finally we were like, OK im gonna go round the corner. You draw the girl you see, ill draw the girl I see. We drew the same girl, and matched her up to the Public houses daughter. after that I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs having my dinner. heard the footsteps. shouted up. She appears in the door way. I never moved so friggin fast in my life!
I admit I get terrified if i have to go up there alone.

You may think Im nuts, but I just tell what I saw, what happened, and the research we put into the buildings.
My old house was haunted in the same way your number 8 room was. After midnight in my old house no one went downstairs, not even my incredibly sceptical father, purely because we felt like we were intruding. I think my mum saw a mist in the dining room once, but nothing more than that.

I've also had a freaky dream thing! As I said in my earlier post on this topic, it's about Beauliea Estate. I had never been there until about three years ago, and yet I had a really freaky dream about it. I didn't know where I was in the dream but I knew I was in a 17th century-ish house, and it had green walls and dark panelling, with a large portrait gallery with many paintings of former owners. Then I heard my name being called from upstairs, so I went up the grand staircase and saw a woman in a deep blue Victorian style dress. Then I woke up.
About a year later I went to Beauliea Estate. I went in with my mum and immediately began to freak out as I knew I had seen it somewhere before. It was when I got into the portrait gallery that I really started to feel uneasy as I could recognise names and faces of the people in the portraits. I told my mum this and she just said it was a weird coincidence.
But then, the tale gets weirder. Six months after I visited the house I was sat watching Most Haunted Live (anyone else like those shows?) all by myself in my slightly haunted house. This show was on the Beauliea Estate and they had already explored the monastic grounds. Then they moved into the main house, and ran a VT. In the VT they said many ghost stories about the house and gardens, but one made me really sit up. Apparently there is a woman in a blue Victorian dress at the top of the stairs that calls young women's names...
I was so scared I had to call my parents to come home!

Betty Maraschino said:
I have two stories about places ive worked.
I work in a bridesmaid shop in kingston upon thames.
We moved from the High street last year. The old shop was Henry VIII's bakery.
In the old shop (number 8 and 10) we never liked going out the back of the number 8 side. It just always felt like we were invading someone's house. anyways, one night my boss was alone at work. and along the side of her desk was a rail with dresses on. Something caught her attention out the corner of her eye. It was a gentleman, dressed in clothing from around the 1500's. as she was about to say Who are you? get out. he dissapeared. she checked outside thinking it must have been a reflection or something. No one on the entire street.
The week after, we were there on a late night thursday. close to closing time. I thought I heard someone walking in the No 8 side, as I had been sitting down I didnt see anyone come in. My immediate thought "Oh s***, someone sneaked in. better go help the old bat"
I went round, No one there. looked in the big mirror cause I could still hear the footsteps INSIDE the shop not more than 2 or 3 meters from me. Sounded like a mens dress shoe. (we have laminate) In the mirror I saw a black cloak swoosh around the corner of the rail.
Other times in the shop we had the light switch on no 8 turn itself off. The stock room door would open and close. We heard beads dropping.
We got a psychic in, just for kinda a laugh. we gave her no information. She described him perfectly, his name was Edward. and he thinks the dresses in the black bags are funny. At the time I had been working there almost 18months. I knew everything about the shop. I didn't know there were a stash or dresses in black bags, the only person who knew was the owner.
Apparently, he liked us. But the stock room on No 8 was his, and he didn't much like us going in there. Turns out there was a fabric shop not long after the bakery, owned by a guy named Edward.

The new place is just as bad. It was a Public house, built as part of the original kingston. We have the ghost of a young girl aged around 11 or 12 and her grandmother upstairs in the stock room. They only make noise or show themselves to either me or the owner. But we got the same psychic in, shes called delilah (the little girl)
she likes me cause I have red hair like her and her mum. and she likes having all the dresses around.
for this one, both me and my boss kept having dreams with the same red haired girl. finally we were like, OK im gonna go round the corner. You draw the girl you see, ill draw the girl I see. We drew the same girl, and matched her up to the Public houses daughter. after that I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs having my dinner. heard the footsteps. shouted up. She appears in the door way. I never moved so friggin fast in my life!
I admit I get terrified if i have to go up there alone.

You may think Im nuts, but I just tell what I saw, what happened, and the research we put into the buildings.
I went back out to Odd Fellows today, and took some photos. There were a bunch of cars parked in the front of the building, and people standing around, so I didn't want to impede on whatever was going on. I managed to take a lot of photos of the back of the property, though, if y'all would like to look through them. =0]
The back isn't nearly as beautiful as the front. I can't wait till they finish the remodeling. I contacted the winery last night, and received an email this afternoon. I'm in the process of setting up a tour of the place, and I sooo hope he'll allow photography. We're meeting up for wedding purposes on deciding exactly where we'll want everything to take place, so I'll just use the excuse, "I don't want to forget what everything looks like". =0p

Good topic, I love the paranormal.
I live on a very old college campus and there are lots of stories. The Hall were I live is built on the remains of a house. There was a little girl, Emily, who lived there and drowned in the bathtub. There is this super creepy tub in one of the bathrooms on the second floor that people assume is the same tub. Its so weird because all of the other bathrooms only have showers. So its said that she haunts the second floor. I've never seen anything personally, but the people who live up there sometimes hear water running at night. My friend also swears that her jewelry box went flying across the room, all by itself. She was in the middle of a fight with her boyfriend. I guess Emily didn't like all of the yelling.

Then in the other girls Hall there is this secret tunnel that connects that building to another Hall. They say that a girl was killed and buried down there. I've only been to the entrance of the tunnel, I refuse to go through lol. Its against the rules to go down there, but people do anyway for hazing and stuff like that. All I know is that its really creepy, and no one ever goes all the way through.

That's only two, but there are loads more. I've also had some weird experiences over friends houses, and at my childhood house too.
Growing up in Louisiana..especially New always hear lots of ghost stories. I even have a friend who is a ghost hunter and does tours & such.

My particular story happened to my mom when she was a young bride. Where they lived was surrounded by several large cemeteries. My dad usually worked long hours so she was home alone at the time. She was in the process of making dinner when she heard a noise in the living room. She went to see what was going on and there was a little boy on there couch. She asked him all kinds of questions: where's your mommy, where do you live etc. He got up and ran straight through the door! She went outside and saw him run right into the cemetery. She saw him a few more time after that but never in the house again.
Some of the orchards in our town are said to be haunted. There was a guy in the 70's who would hire illegal immigrants to pick peaches, then he would murder them and bury their bodies in the orchards. My friend lives across from one of those orchards and her neighbor's house is haunted. I've had personal experiences when my stepdad and grampa died. Nothing major tho.
I used to live in Whitefish, MT. Browning is CREEEEEEPY!!!! ((gets goose bumps))

Ellie Monster said:
Well it isn't exactly a ghost story.....but in Montana where I am originally from we supposedly have werewolves in a small town up near Glacier Park called Browning. It is actually part of the Indian Reservation and that particular tribe is full of "shifter" lore. Not cute and cuddly like Twilight, more like demolish all the local livestock type stuff goes on up there. Because I used to intern with the state, I know that there are 3 filing cabinets full of sightings and attacks. I also know that at one time, Highway Patrol was pressing to have clips of silver bullets sent to them. For Real! It is one of the creepiest places, the sun goes down and the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You don't spend anymore time outside than you have too. The weirdest thing though is how you never hear dogs barking. It makes you uneasy just to be there!

The fame of this little town has drawn national attention, an episode of the X-files was made about Browning and a segment for a show about the Bizarre was filmed for the Sci-fi Channel!
I've had paranormal stuff happen around me since I was about 11 or 12. I used to work at this gym that was built in an old rock quarry (they turned the whole quarry into a shopping center). I used to open the gym at 5am (ALONE) and I used to hear the weights moving like someone was working out, the hydrolic elevator doors would open go upstairs and then open again (I had a friend that was an elevator mechanic that said hydrolic elevators have to be called they wont do that on their own), my name was called, the retail shop gates would rattle, steam would come from the locker rooms and you would hear the showers on! The kids that worked at the movie theater next door would say that the 2nd floor restrooms were spooky! The restroom doors would open and close by themselves, you would see shadows go into the stalls or through the walls.

At my last house I lived in I was sitting at the computer and the closet door was next me. I saw someone walk behind me and go in the walk in closet and shut the door (I thought it was my husband, fresh from the shower) I asked him "ready for me to make dinner?" and a few seconds later I heard my husband yell "holy ****! What tha hell!" I ran to the kitchen and he said a shadow had walked out of the pantry and into the backyard! At our house is was the kitchen, the pantry, our closet and then our bedroom! Whatever I had seen walked straight through the closet into the kitchen and then into the backyard!!

I love the paranormal! I do ghost hunts when I can with the local society here. We never miss an episode of Ghost Hunters lol!
My Aunt is a clairvoyant here in Everett Washington. I don't talk to her much anymore but we were really close when I was younger. (she's amazing at it too! talk about being creeped out!)

When I was 12 she told me a story about me.

As she tells it (and she's not one for exaggerating) :

I was 5. My aunt was staying with us for a visit. It was late, about 1am. My mom and step dad woke to the sound of me calling for them. They both came, along with my aunt, and I was sitting up in my bed, looking mighty pissy, with my hands over my ears. "I can't sleep when they're dancing! Make them stop dancing!" I cried! (more angry than scared, my aunt says) "who's dancing?" they asked confused. "the Indians! Make them be quiet!" I said. Both my mom and step dad, who are very much into Indian History and Traditions, initially passed it off. "go to sleep honey" they said, kissed me goodnight, and off they went, leaving the door cracked, and the hall light on.

The next day, my mom and aunt were in the kitchen watching my sisters and I play in the backyard. My aunt noticed that I looked like I was talking to someone while playing with the play dough. I kept looking up, and shaking my head in the affirmative. After about 5 minutes, I ran inside and declared: "Mommy, the Indians say we have to leave. We're not supposed to be here, and they're not happy." Odd thing for a 5 year old to say, especially since I didn't know much about Indians or anything at that age. My aunts interest was piqued, and she began doing some research on the property.

The next day, my mom and aunt are sitting in the living room, and they hear me speaking with someone, and I sounded scared. They looked out back, and I'm standing damn near at attention, holding back tears, and shaking my head wildly "yes". As my mom and aunt are standing there, confused, I run to my mom like someone lit a fire under my ass and frantically tell her in a very stern tone "Mom...the CHIEF says we have to leave. N O W."

Now my mom is freaking out. My aunt decides to go to a local Indian reservation to further her research on the area of San Diego we were living in. She ended up on a Diegueños Reservation looking at a reproduction map of Sacred Diegueños Indian Sites. Our housing complex was located on the outskirts of a Diegueños ritual site. Not burial ground, but where they did their (you guessed it) Ritual Dancing and Ceremonies. This was very close to where their main tribe camp was located. My aunt told my mom, and we moved the next day. (my mom doesn't mess around with that!)

It's also interesting to note, that I had a Chow Chow that I got when I was a year old. At a year old, I called him Diego (mighty close to Diegueños huh?). My mom thought it was because I heard "San Diego" all the time. She asked me once why I named him that (when I was 2) she said my reply was: "Because the Indians said it was a noble name". ((insert creepy music)) My mom said she just let it go, until this whole thing when I was 5 happened.

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