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Hello my lovely PL members. This is something that most of you may not think about but unknowingly to you, it could very well be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things in your life to be AWARE of. So here laies the question again? WHAT IS YOUR FINANCIAL TEMPERATURE?

It doesn't have to do with HOT OR COLD, but you're close. It actually relates but what I mean by that is, How high have you set your financial thermostat? For me it's pretty darn high. So let me elaborate on this before I lose you.

Your FInancial Temperature is basically your COMFORT ZONE of where you are fianncially in your life and bank account. It's the BLUEPRINT inside your subconscious mind, that controls how you truly feel about money. Now, I know we all want alot of money, there's no mistake about it, but ARE WE REALLY DOING WHAT IT'LL TAKE to become financially free? SO think about that for a second. It's ok to be truthful to your own thoughts/self. You see, if your comfort zone is to have $1,000 in the bank at all times, and suddenly you go down to $50 in your account, surely by nature you will fight and scrape to get back to the initial COMFORT ZONE of $1,000. On the flipside of this, which is true, if your account managed to balloon to $10,000. Well, you would then spend and spend frivelously till you were back into your COMFORT ZONE of $1,000. It happens time and time again. Lottery winners are perfect examples.

A great example to describe FINANCIAL TEMPERATURE IS:

A thermostat in a room is set at 70 degrees and let's say a gust of cold air comes in and brings it down to 64 degrees. Well the heater will kick right in to raise it back up to the SETTING OF 70 DEGREES. Same goes for, if a burst of Hot air sweeps in. The Air conditioner kicks right on to stabilize the room back to a SUPERCOMFY TEMP OF 70 DEGREES. Do you see where I am going with this?

If you want to be successfull in the area of money and are tired of just scrounging from paycheck to paycheck or not being able to buy all these gorgeous dresses on PL by these awesome vendors, then it's time that CHANGE THE SETTING ON YOUR THERMOSTAT.

BELIEVE that you can AFFORD a certain lifestyle. Make it happen. Believe it or not, it this type of thinking that will take you places that you can only dream of. Well, why not make your dreams come true? People all over the world do it daily, why not you? We were all created equally and I mean it from my heart, when I say that if we can create a POWERFUL THOUGHT in our minds, and IF we believe in that thought wholeheartedly, IT IS ONLY THEN, that we can make anything happen.

Please do not misread into what I'm saying too. I'm not here to lecture or try to teach you something. I am above no one, but I just wanted to express my opinion on a wonderful technique that's been working wonders for m andhopefully get some feedback from some of you.




Please share your thoughts. Thanks - XOXO Aubrey

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I already planning out my retirement. Being old and not having enough money is not my dream.

Fortunatly my company offers a 401k and a pension. So far I am fully vested in the pension, started it when I turned 18. So now I am adding money to the 401k every week, just add whatever the company matches.

As a back up plan I have direct deposit and it automatically puts 25% of my check into my savings account.

Self control is super hard for me, if I don't see the money it doesn't hurt as bad.
That is a great idea! My husband thought I was crazy when I suggested it, but I'll have him read this now so he knows that it works. And no TMI, I plan on breastfeeding too!

Mrs.Killer said:
totally understand, that is what kinda sunk our ship. we wouldn't have it any other way though. we thought about wik and medicaid, but hubby makes WAY too much for us to get approved so we did little things, before i was even 5 months we stock piled on things we knew we would need like diapers and wipes, ya know? the essentials. not even kidding, but by the time she got here there was no room whatsoever in her room or in the spare bedroom because they were filled with baby clothes, huge boxes of diapers and wipes, we never had to worry about buying that stuff once she was here because we accumulated so much, and (sorry if this is TMI) i breastfed so we saved thousands of $$$. the second you find out you are expecting, buy a box of diapers or two and wipes like once a week or more.

Ellie Monster said:
I'm pretty careful about money. Although I haven't always been so. My husband and I acquired some debt early on that we are paying off now. It is hard but we try to sneak a little into savings every month too. I know that you are supposed to save like 10% of your income every month, but we manage closer to 5%. We also have money saved up within our checking acount for different things (Car Maintenance: both vehicles have over 100,000 miles on them, Veterinary Expense: my dog was attacked this year and had to have emergency surgery which was $$$$$$, and our Fluff Buys: my husband wants a utilikilt.) This money isn't used for general expenses and just pads our account until something comes up and we need it.
Although reading above someone mentioned that they had multiple accounts, which would probably be a good idea for us. But we have been using this system and leaving ourselves notes concerning our balance for years.
We are not wanting for anything and are comfortable. I wish that we had a little for padding in the savings account, but I also know that will come in time once some students loans and what not are paid off. The thing that I lose sleep over now is the fact that my husband and I want to start trying for our first child in December, and I have no idea how that is gonna effect our budget. I know that diapers, wipes, and what not really add up. I know that we can handle it, but it is intimidating for sure!
it really really works. our motto is "...hope for the best, expect the worst, prepare for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING..." we stockpile on everything, from groceries (non-perishables), to bathroom supplies (tooth paste, shampoo, etc...), just in case money gets tight, or some freak accident (example: all the local grocery stores catch on fire or something, HAHAHAH, which is HIGHLY unlikely, but it could happen, lol.) we know we will have what we need, handy. we've done this for years now and it works. only downside is that you run out of room, lol.

Ellie Monster said:
That is a great idea! My husband thought I was crazy when I suggested it, but I'll have him read this now so he knows that it works. And no TMI, I plan on breastfeeding too!

Mrs.Killer said:
totally understand, that is what kinda sunk our ship. we wouldn't have it any other way though. we thought about wik and medicaid, but hubby makes WAY too much for us to get approved so we did little things, before i was even 5 months we stock piled on things we knew we would need like diapers and wipes, ya know? the essentials. not even kidding, but by the time she got here there was no room whatsoever in her room or in the spare bedroom because they were filled with baby clothes, huge boxes of diapers and wipes, we never had to worry about buying that stuff once she was here because we accumulated so much, and (sorry if this is TMI) i breastfed so we saved thousands of $$$. the second you find out you are expecting, buy a box of diapers or two and wipes like once a week or more.

Ellie Monster said:
I'm pretty careful about money. Although I haven't always been so. My husband and I acquired some debt early on that we are paying off now. It is hard but we try to sneak a little into savings every month too. I know that you are supposed to save like 10% of your income every month, but we manage closer to 5%. We also have money saved up within our checking acount for different things (Car Maintenance: both vehicles have over 100,000 miles on them, Veterinary Expense: my dog was attacked this year and had to have emergency surgery which was $$$$$$, and our Fluff Buys: my husband wants a utilikilt.) This money isn't used for general expenses and just pads our account until something comes up and we need it.
Although reading above someone mentioned that they had multiple accounts, which would probably be a good idea for us. But we have been using this system and leaving ourselves notes concerning our balance for years.
We are not wanting for anything and are comfortable. I wish that we had a little for padding in the savings account, but I also know that will come in time once some students loans and what not are paid off. The thing that I lose sleep over now is the fact that my husband and I want to start trying for our first child in December, and I have no idea how that is gonna effect our budget. I know that diapers, wipes, and what not really add up. I know that we can handle it, but it is intimidating for sure!
I wish I could just buy whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. Problem is, if I did that my kids would be scraping by on canned pasta. Offspring really throw a rench in trying to live glamorously.

I do believe I need to start spoiling myself here and there. Perhaps if I spend it like I have it, it will magically appear? Mind over matter? We shall see! Maybe looking that much better will land me an even sweeter job.

I too stockpiled for my first son. I don't think I had to buy a thing for him until he was nearly a year old... but I was a little more careless/unemployed with the second one!
Hello Trish, first off I just want to commend you for having the strength to take of your children. I read that you have a child with autism and I know your inner strength carries you through every day.
We all know how much having children costs and the message I am putting out there is for people to BELIEVE. If you can harness the power of your thoughts and make them a reality, what amazing things could a person do for themselves and their community. It is never easy and I will never say that it will be, but you must muster every once of power you can to make your life enjoyable. For when it is all said and done, you want to look back and say that you gave it your all. This is me speaking generally.
I'd like to say that I am thankful that there are people out there like you, that reach out and are willing to open up about some of their hardships so that others can see how struggles can be overcome. I also applaud you for deciding to take some "ME" time. You need it, otherwise you just become a shell of your former self and who wants that. I wish you good luck with your future endeavors. Don't let life's doldrums, bring you down. You must always find the route needed to rise above every situation. Take care my dear!! - XOXO Aubrey

Hellcat Trish said:
I wish I could just buy whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. Problem is, if I did that my kids would be scraping by on canned pasta. Offspring really throw a rench in trying to live glamorously.

I do believe I need to start spoiling myself here and there. Perhaps if I spend it like I have it, it will magically appear? Mind over matter? We shall see! Maybe looking that much better will land me an even sweeter job.

I too stockpiled for my first son. I don't think I had to buy a thing for him until he was nearly a year old... but I was a little more careless/unemployed with the second one!

I already planning out my retirement. Being old and not having enough money is not my dream.

Fortunatly my company offers a 401k and a pension. So far I am fully vested in the pension, started it when I turned 18. So now I am adding money to the 401k every week, just add whatever the company matches.

As a back up plan I have direct deposit and it automatically puts 25% of my check into my savings account.

Self control is super hard for me, if I don't see the money it doesn't hurt as bad.
Well, the family and I just got to Oak Harbor, Washington. I love the area, the people are great (it's mostly sailors around here!) The only thing is the shopping. This place is DYING for the shopping. I have decided to open up a clothing store in town here. Not my own line at first, that will take a while, but a GOOD alternative/pinup clothing store. (that carries plus sizes!)

Now, my husband and I don't exactly live paycheck to paycheck, but we don't always have a ton left for savings afterwards. We put money in our kids savings accounts, money in our long-term savings, and then pay bills and what-not. But I BELIEVE that my shop will succeed. I KNOW it will. I have never been so sure of anything EVER. So my husband is behind me 100%.

Saving money is important, even though my husband will be retiring in ~10 years with a pension (at the age of 40) we still are saving. We want to buy a nice big sailboat to live on, a nice plot of land to put a house on (for when we're in port) and enough money to live comfortably in the meantime.

Of course, by then I'll probably be a multi-millionaire business no worries.
You Got My Noggin a Thinking! he he he good way to put it!

Money Management is hard when you are Single Mommy! My mentality is do I want or do I need! And then we both go from there! Penny pinching here and there, but there is splurging also. It gets uswhat we both need and want, pays the bills. also Leaving enough for the rainy day fund and the Little Mans Future Fund! A give and take thing.
Oak Harbor is a beautiful area! We used to have family there, but you are right the shopping is really lax! I bet your store will do fantastic! Best of Luck!

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
Well, the family and I just got to Oak Harbor, Washington. I love the area, the people are great (it's mostly sailors around here!) The only thing is the shopping. This place is DYING for the shopping. I have decided to open up a clothing store in town here. Not my own line at first, that will take a while, but a GOOD alternative/pinup clothing store. (that carries plus sizes!)

Now, my husband and I don't exactly live paycheck to paycheck, but we don't always have a ton left for savings afterwards. We put money in our kids savings accounts, money in our long-term savings, and then pay bills and what-not. But I BELIEVE that my shop will succeed. I KNOW it will. I have never been so sure of anything EVER. So my husband is behind me 100%.

Saving money is important, even though my husband will be retiring in ~10 years with a pension (at the age of 40) we still are saving. We want to buy a nice big sailboat to live on, a nice plot of land to put a house on (for when we're in port) and enough money to live comfortably in the meantime.

Of course, by then I'll probably be a multi-millionaire business no worries.
Thank you ma'am! If you ever make it up this way again, pop in and say hello! we'll have coffee!

Ellie Monster said:
Oak Harbor is a beautiful area! We used to have family there, but you are right the shopping is really lax! I bet your store will do fantastic! Best of Luck!

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
Well, the family and I just got to Oak Harbor, Washington. I love the area, the people are great (it's mostly sailors around here!) The only thing is the shopping. This place is DYING for the shopping. I have decided to open up a clothing store in town here. Not my own line at first, that will take a while, but a GOOD alternative/pinup clothing store. (that carries plus sizes!)

Now, my husband and I don't exactly live paycheck to paycheck, but we don't always have a ton left for savings afterwards. We put money in our kids savings accounts, money in our long-term savings, and then pay bills and what-not. But I BELIEVE that my shop will succeed. I KNOW it will. I have never been so sure of anything EVER. So my husband is behind me 100%.

Saving money is important, even though my husband will be retiring in ~10 years with a pension (at the age of 40) we still are saving. We want to buy a nice big sailboat to live on, a nice plot of land to put a house on (for when we're in port) and enough money to live comfortably in the meantime.

Of course, by then I'll probably be a multi-millionaire business no worries.
My Husband is a Sailor so I'm sure that it is just a matter of!

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
Thank you ma'am! If you ever make it up this way again, pop in and say hello! we'll have coffee!

Ellie Monster said:
Oak Harbor is a beautiful area! We used to have family there, but you are right the shopping is really lax! I bet your store will do fantastic! Best of Luck!

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
Well, the family and I just got to Oak Harbor, Washington. I love the area, the people are great (it's mostly sailors around here!) The only thing is the shopping. This place is DYING for the shopping. I have decided to open up a clothing store in town here. Not my own line at first, that will take a while, but a GOOD alternative/pinup clothing store. (that carries plus sizes!)

Now, my husband and I don't exactly live paycheck to paycheck, but we don't always have a ton left for savings afterwards. We put money in our kids savings accounts, money in our long-term savings, and then pay bills and what-not. But I BELIEVE that my shop will succeed. I KNOW it will. I have never been so sure of anything EVER. So my husband is behind me 100%.

Saving money is important, even though my husband will be retiring in ~10 years with a pension (at the age of 40) we still are saving. We want to buy a nice big sailboat to live on, a nice plot of land to put a house on (for when we're in port) and enough money to live comfortably in the meantime.

Of course, by then I'll probably be a multi-millionaire business no worries.

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