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I went to a purse party with my gorgeous mother today and I expected to see beautiful handbags carefully hung up on silver hooks. I expected it to be in a hygenic room. When we arrived, all I saw was an ugly wooden table with fake and ghetto designer bags strewn across it as cheaply as some girls apply their eyeliner. I was shocked. These were handbags. Staples of a woman's wardrobe. Needless to say, I was not impressed. To quote Sex and the City (roughly), "But seeing those fake bags in the back of his trunk made me feel sick. I knew that it wasn't the bags themselves, but me. I would always know that it was fake." That's exactly how I felt when I saw the imitation Chanel and Dior. Disgusted, shocked, and dismayed. So I told my mother that we could find inexpensive REAL designer handbags at this store I knew, so we went there instead. I found an ADORABLE Betsey Johnson Betseyville weekender bag for only $39.99. Nobody likes fake people, but is buying fake handbags okay? Is it just a bag and should I get over it? When it comes to handbags, is it ever okay to fake it?

(Do you like my Carrie-inspired closing lines? haha)

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I say no. For many reasons. The PC, "real life bad stuff" reasons can be read here: and here: and just about a ton of other places.

All that aside, I love designers, and every one of them, from Paris Couture to the DIYers on etsy should be celebrated for what they do, not ripped off. Also, when you buy the real thing, you get the amazing quality that the designer is (hopefully) known for.

And my last reason is a personal one. I own a lot of designer bags/shoes/sunglasses/stuff. And nothing is more insulting then someone asking if my Louis Vuitton is real. And then comparing their knock off piece of s*** to mine. I earned these bags damn it, go peddle your knock off crap some where else.
DAMN RIGHT! If I like a bag, but can't afford it, I try to make it myself, or I draw inspiration from it and make something original!

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
I say no. For many reasons. The PC, "real life bad stuff" reasons can be read here: and here: and just about a ton of other places.

All that aside, I love designers, and every one of them, from Paris Couture to the DIYers on etsy should be celebrated for what they do, not ripped off. Also, when you buy the real thing, you get the amazing quality that the designer is (hopefully) known for.

And my last reason is a personal one. I own a lot of designer bags/shoes/sunglasses/stuff. And nothing is more insulting then someone asking if my Louis Vuitton is real. And then comparing their knock off piece of s*** to mine. I earned these bags damn it, go peddle your knock off crap some where else.
I don't mind quality replicas.
You won my heart at Betsey. There is a store near me that also sells discounted designer. I actually just picked up a BJ tote today for only $25! (As well as some Paris Hilton stilettos for only $50, but that's aside the point =0p). Nothing makes my heart happier than owning a durable authentic label, *especially* at an affordable price. HOWEVER, I will admit that I have owned a few knock-offs in the past. Okay it was only ever one knock-off, but it was made of really good material and looked like a true Don Ed Hardy. The rhinestone detailing and placement were precise, as opposed to most wannabes. Nothing is more irritating than a replica purse that can't even get the general design right. X0D
I've found Betsey bags for cheap I think there the real deal since I compared to the Betsey bag I paid like $90.00 Ebay has great deals, they even opened a Betsey store at the outlet mall near my house, bad! bad! I would never pay more then $100.00 for a purse I don't know how people spend so much, probley because I sew so I'm always thinking I can make my own
Keep in mind Designer Replicas are way different from simple knockoffs.

Many times a "replica" costs about 1/2 the price of the original vs. 1/10th for a chinatown special.
I own a "real" classic Chanel Bag and when I see a fake it is so obviously cheap. To me it comes down the the simple fact that the people selling what they know to be fakes are comitting a crime. Do you associate with criminals in other aspects of your life? Probably not, so why forget about your integrity to buy a bag to pretend it is real. Some people say the large number of fakes out there just makes the real one cost more. Upscale resale shops have slightly used designer bags at great prices. TJ Maxx also has great deals on high quality bags. Much better option than buying a fake from the trunk of a car. Prada or Frauda?
Amen girl!

Shirley Rowe{★} said:
I own a "real" classic Chanel Bag and when I see a fake it is so obviously cheap. To me it comes down the the simple fact that the people selling what they know to be fakes are comitting a crime. Do you associate with criminals in other aspects of your life? Probably not, so why forget about your integrity to buy a bag to pretend it is real. Some people say the large number of fakes out there just makes the real one cost more. Upscale resale shops have slightly used designer bags at great prices. TJ Maxx also has great deals on high quality bags. Much better option than buying a fake from the trunk of a car. Prada or Frauda?
I agree with Shirley! I guess some people don't know that those knock-offs (aka Chinatown specials as Edson calls them) are illegal. Of course, then you have the "designer inspired" handbags that look very similar to the real thing, but don't have a discernable logo, so it's not illegal. It's still wrong, though. I would rather have a well-made item that doesn't have a well-known label in it than a crappy fake piece of s***. A lot of the women I work with have faux Coach bags and Tiffany bracelets, etc. What's the point? So you can walk around thinking you're cool with your "designer" stuff. You're not fooling anyone and it just shows that you're as fake as your Chinatown special!
In the timepiece world there are replicas that are so friggin legit most stores that sell the real deal wouldn't know the difference. If the original costs about $4000, replica is about $1500.00. So we're not talking chinatown specials on price or quality.

The same industry exists for purses and shoes, there are designer replicas that will fool just about everyone. They cost a pretty penny and are still "replicas" but they fool most at a fraction of the price !

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