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This one's for the ladies, haha. I'm looking into birth control options, but wanna know what works for others before making a decision.
I had a Mirena IUD implanted shortly after my son was born (August of '07) but had it removed in March due to comfort issues.
In chat the other day, discussion of Implanon came up. I'm not all too comfortable with the thought of having a match-stick sized rod implanted into my arm, but if anyone has this and likes it I may reconsider. =0p
I'm more so interested in Seasonique, but it's still rather new to the market, which makes me hesitant. =0/
What kinds of birth control are you ladies on?

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Haha, oh the options! Cherry Cyanide's right in saying that it can be overwhelming, that's for sure. I'll definitely be going over everything with my doc, but real-life stories are a major help, so thanks ladies!
I'm personally terrified of birth control in general. I find it scary to funk with my horomones. =0/
I absolutely loved the Mirena IUD, though. It's suggested for women that have had children because they have to dialate your cervix to insert it. It really didn't hurt when having it put in, and although it's technically an implant, it isn't implanted under any skin. It just kind of sits at the top of your cervix, if that makes sense. It creates a physical barrier as well as release a small amount of horomones to prevent pregnancy. Although it varies from woman to woman, I didn't have any periods while having the IUD. No spotting, no nothing, which was an obvious plus... Buuuut, it gradually began to make me have terrible cramps at random, especially after intercourse. I couldn't have anymore of that, so bye-bye Mirena.
I figured that since I went so long without having periods, I would allow my body to get back on track for a few months. I was hoping we could just get used to over-the-counter contraceptives so I could avoid tampering with my horomones, but blah. Encare spermicidal inserts are too messy, and are only recommended to be used once daily. They aren't exactly ideal for quickies, either. Condoms break literally every time, so it looks like I'm screwed into having to get back on some form of birth control, haha.
I've heard a lot of horror stories about the Depo shot. At least that it can lead to infertility problems, anyway. I plan on having *at least* a million more babies. Mayyybe a million and one. Just not right this second...
And, wasn't there some sort of recall on Yaz? I know I've heard something about lawsuits being made against it, anyway. I just can't remember the details.
I think I'm going to talk to my doctor more about Implanon. I hate taking pills almost as much as I hate having to remember just to take one on a daily basis.
Either way, thanks again ladies! Keep the personal birth control experiences coming, though. I <3 insight.
I am a huge fan of the IUD, but agree that sometimes after hubba hubbing there is a discomfort....well depending on the partner...never had problems prior to my boyfriend....but since I can't ditch him (because I love him) and I know I am not responsible enough for the pill..and I have 2 kids.....boyfriend is getting the snippity snip on Friday..Now that is love:) hahaha

The gels and film are both great alternatives if you are in a committed/safe relationship and your only worry is since there is a young'n reading this....I do have to may be committed and safe but your partner may not be, condoms are always the best route to take if you are sexually active..
Crystal Rose said: since there is a young'n reading this....I do have to may be committed and safe but your partner may not be, condoms are always the best route to take if you are sexually active.
I'm assuming this was directed toward Baby Doll? Figured I'd reply in saying that I agree! If condoms are not a hassle, by all means, use them!
I was on the pill for years and then switched to Depo. I love it. It's easy, you can't forget it, and I only have my period every 3 months. I don't plan on changing any time soon.
It sounds like you might be on the wrong pill. There are so many other options; talk to your gyn about your symptoms. PMDD is also something to consider if your symptoms are severe enough.

Alice Cat said:
I'm on the pill (Mercilon)..
Has anyone else found that they're reeeeally emotional on the pill? :/
Like the kinda emotional where you think "Uh-oh, time of the month coming up!".. 'cept I'm getting it 24/7 throughout the month, crying at really stupid things and getting really easily aggitated :/
Seems to have started since I went back on the pill (I stopped during a period of abstinence after splitting from my last cock of a bf)
Any help ladies?
Ok wow, how did I not think about that with all the medical tv I watch... getting different pill, duh Licia, lol. Thanks Cherry!

I just realized last month (after being off the pill for 2 months) that my BC pill, Loestrin, is the reason I've been so emotional the last year! So I'm right there with ya Alice Cat. My hub would look at me "wrong" and I'd start to cry or it's start up over something that was stupid. And I hate crying.

About the impant that goes under the skin of your arm, I've heard if it's placed too deep it won't be effective and could cause problems (which I'm not exactly sure how deep is too deep when it comes to layers of tissue). If you go that route make sure your doc is well practiced

I took a sample month of Yaz a few years ago. My face broke out, but not in bumps exactly; just in spots. It was horrible! See attached pics.

Cherry Cyanide said:
It sounds like you might be on the wrong pill. There are so many other options; talk to your gyn about your symptoms. PMDD is also something to consider if your symptoms are severe enough.

Alice Cat said:
I'm on the pill (Mercilon)..
Has anyone else found that they're reeeeally emotional on the pill? :/
Like the kinda emotional where you think "Uh-oh, time of the month coming up!".. 'cept I'm getting it 24/7 throughout the month, crying at really stupid things and getting really easily aggitated :/
Seems to have started since I went back on the pill (I stopped during a period of abstinence after splitting from my last cock of a bf)
Any help ladies?
I guess it's my turn to provide a DIY...

Welcome to my studio,

Step 1, take this image and print it on high quality photo paper.

Step 2, cut out the head.

Step 3, poke 2 holes one on either side of the head

Step 4, insert elastic band and tie on each side.

Wear anytime you plan on being close to a member of the opposite sex, cheap, effective, and best of all, crafty!
I take Ocella which is a generic for Yaz. I love it. it's basically amazing. it helped clear my skin, regulate my cycle, and it helped me to not be (as) crazy!
I got a tubligation so I am no help. But let me tell you it was the easiest thing ever. I love all 5 of my lil munchkins but 5 is plenty for now.
I have an IUD. Ask for the smaller version if the other one wasn't comfortable for you. I've had mine for 4 years and I have another 6 years before I have to have it removed. My husband has a vasectomy though, so I may get it removed sooner.

I don't have a period, and I like not having to worry about taking a pill, or putting on a patch, and I HATE needles...(no depo for me, thanks!)
a classic Edson answer, with Classic Edson flair. Thank you sir. lol

In the military, during bootcamp, if you need glasses they prescribe BCG's. (Boot Camp Glasses)

Us ladies, however, called them Birth Control Glasses. Trust one can POSSIBLY look attractive in these:

Edson {PL Team} said:
I guess it's my turn to provide a DIY...
Welcome to my studio, Step 1, take this image and print it on high quality photo paper.

Step 2, cut out the head.

Step 3, poke 2 holes one on either side of the head

Step 4, insert elastic band and tie on each side.

Wear anytime you plan on being close to a member of the opposite sex, cheap, effective, and best of all, crafty!

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