As many of us are, I'm trying to lose weight and get healthy. I'd like to be able to walk up two flights of stairs without being out of breath, who wouldn't right? But one of my biggest problems is not holding myself accountable. I start off well, but tend to lose momentum after a week or two. So this morning, as i was reading Honey Hooligans blog on weight loss, I thought to myself, I should do this too. This is a great way to keep yourself honest. However, I don't blog, lol. I never have. But I DO spend 95% of my internet time on PL, so I thought, why not start a thread!
So here is it, I'm putting my self out here for you fine folks to see. What better way to keep myself motivated then by posting up my progress for all my friends to see. If I fail, you'll all know it. And I will be HELLA embarrassed.
So read if you want, comment if you want, or ignore if you want. More then anything I'm hoping that this will be the thing that works!
So... here we go!!
*Edit: if you are trying to lose weight as well, please, start your own post! It will be great to see everyones goals and progress. We all deserve to lose weight and get healthy, don't we also deserve our own threads?!? Just use the same title and change it to your name!!
Let's do this!