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As you might know, I'm trying to boost myself as a model this year as part of my new year's resolution. I've heard people talking about and I just want to know...

a) what exactly is it?
b) are you on there?
c) is it worth it?

Thanks guys!

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Purestorm has a feature where you add feedback, only good if people can be bothered to leave it!
The trouble is all shoots have there positives and negatives, i done a shoot with a photographer who have 30 odd good feedback on purestorm, but it didn't tell me that he would take forever with the photos, and then would lose half the set and we would have to re do them! x
The idea of feedback on a networking site, such as MM, could really open up a shitstorm of liability that no one would want to deal with. There could be many reasons why a model may choose not to work with a photographer, and vice versa, and unwarranted negative feedback could really hurt someone. Plus, even when dealing with professionals, not every one conducts themselves that way. A photographer may post negative feedback about a model simply b/c their personalities didn't match. That's not fair b/c that has nothing to do with ones work ethic or ability to acheive the desired product or capabilities in general as a model or photographer.

You would also have to consider that, if someone were left negative feedback which they felt was unwarranted, they could leave retaliatory feedback for that person. That just hurts everybody. I wouldn't want my feedback rating to go down simply b/c a photog had a bad experience out there. Plus, there are A LOT of flakes out there who might just leave bad feedback at will.

IMO, I think that it's pretty easy to spot the GWC's out there by the lack of info on their profile and lack of creativity in their port. That's not to say, however, that someone who is just starting out and trying to make contacts to build a port would not be professional and turn out a good product.

You should really just research who the potential photog has shot with in the past, and contact the model privately. A model will always be straight with another model (at least I am) and you can get the scoop from the horses mouth and make your own decision. There may be things that a model may be willing to put up with during a shoot that another may not. That doesn't mean that the first model should leave him negative feedback, but if contacted by another model be honest and say, "Hey, Photog X was really nice and easy to work with, but he did waste a good bit of my time because he was unprepared that day." Or whatever the case may be.

It'a also a good idea to see who the top models are within the genre that you're interested in. For instance, I work mainly in the fetish genre, so I am familiar with the bigger names and if I see that one of those models has worked with a photographer that I feel may be questionable, I'll contact her for the lowdown. The type of modeling I do can cross over into what is considered "adult" and I do do a lot of bondage, so you can see how I may be more vulnerable to a photog who isn't on the up and up once I start the shoot. It's uber important for me to get those references from models!

If you have any questions, you can always pm me privately too. Good luck!!!
Yeah, the liabilities and flakiness is what I was thinking with my Catiness remark. I know in LA there is some blog type thing where people talk about entertainment "scams" and shady people. Nyxon as well as most others are indeed right on with the general "how to spot a GWC".

Funny - in pinup there are TONS of female shooters.... so GWC could be Girl With Camera there's a t-shirt for Cafe Press.....
Oooh! I'll be in L.A. in two weeks. I should look up that blog-thing you were talking about!

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