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Pencil skirts and wiggle dresses on a (very) bottom-heavy figure?

So, I am wondering--having a very bottom heavy figure (my measurements being 34-30-40)--would wearing pencil skirts and wiggle dresses make me look more unbalanced? Is there any tips anyone has for balancing my upper half?

While I am a fan of swing dresses and own a couple; they just don't have the same.. "oompf" as wiggle dresses or pencil skirts, if you get what I mean..

Can anyone suggest a pencil skirt or a wiggle dress that would be good? Or just your favourite ones?

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Your bust/hip measurements are similar to mine, and for years I hid my curves behind full skirts. Some friends encouraged me to try some closer-fitting dresses, and whaddya know! It works! My waist is comparatively tiny, so I still need to take things in, but sometimes I just fit to my waist and wear the skirt that much tighter. Stop Staring dresses are an excellent way to go, because their fabrics have stretch to them. Zombie Kitten makes great skirts, again out of a forgiving (and flattering) fabric. In a pinch, I've made a few of my own skirts. The hard part isn't the dresses, it's the right undergarments! With skirts that tight, it's important to make sure you're only showing what you want seen.
For the upper half, illusion can be your friend. A sweetheart neckline can fool the eye into seeing more than is there, and it never hurts to "embellish" with some cutlets if your dress just isn't sitting right.
i know, i know, right! so i worry about the same thing. but its all about being confident in the curves, and be like, BA BAM! here is my big ass! and you want it, i know it. haa. try shirts with collars and attention grabbing things to ballance it out. im a pear too!
I LOVE YOU, DELYSSIA! You said it just right!

Delyssia LaBelle said:
i know, i know, right! so i worry about the same thing. but its all about being confident in the curves, and be like, BA BAM! here is my big ass! and you want it, i know it. haa. try shirts with collars and attention grabbing things to ballance it out. im a pear too!
From a guy's point of view... an older guy... (I have the advantage over most of you - I was a young man when the entire retro business was today!).. I have to say that pencil skirts told me that here was a woman happy with herself and her attractiveness.
I would often walk half a mile out of my way following a woman whose skirt was so tight, I could see the bumps of her suspender (oooops, garter belt) clips on her upper thigh. Really tight, I could see the garter belt straps themselves and I'd walk two miles.
Sometimes, a bit hunched over.
I hereby take back everything I said about making sure your underpinnings aren't showing. :D

PatM said:
From a guy's point of view... an older guy... (I have the advantage over most of you - I was a young man when the entire retro business was today!).. I have to say that pencil skirts told me that here was a woman happy with herself and her attractiveness.
I would often walk half a mile out of my way following a woman whose skirt was so tight, I could see the bumps of her suspender (oooops, garter belt) clips on her upper thigh. Really tight, I could see the garter belt straps themselves and I'd walk two miles.
Sometimes, a bit hunched over.
I have the same problem, my bust is 40, waist 34 and hips are a whopping 48...I wear pencil skirts and get just as much male attention as the girl with a 36-26-36 figure. I think if you are comfortable with the way you look, it says more than your measurements. I had one man tell me recently, while I was wearing a pencil skirt, that he had been admiring me from behind and just had to meet me.

Mode Merr is a great site for high wasted pencil skirts that have enough stretch to hug your curves. I also wear a girdle to keep me firm under the pencil skirt.

Delyssia LaBelle said:
i know, i know, right! so i worry about the same thing. but its all about being confident in the curves, and be like, BA BAM! here is my big ass! and you want it, i know it. haa. try shirts with collars and attention grabbing things to ballance it out. im a pear too!
I do kind of get a thrill when I'm dancing in a circle skirt and know my garters are showing when I twirl ;-)

Wink Holliday said:
I hereby take back everything I said about making sure your underpinnings aren't showing. :D

PatM said:
From a guy's point of view... an older guy... (I have the advantage over most of you - I was a young man when the entire retro business was today!).. I have to say that pencil skirts told me that here was a woman happy with herself and her attractiveness.
I would often walk half a mile out of my way following a woman whose skirt was so tight, I could see the bumps of her suspender (oooops, garter belt) clips on her upper thigh. Really tight, I could see the garter belt straps themselves and I'd walk two miles.
Sometimes, a bit hunched over.
That's right Kim. Never wear a pencil skirt to a party or a dance. Always wear that circle skirt and spin a lot! Stocking tops, garter belts and panties... should be on display at all good parties!
I love that these were considered "short" skirts!

Haha! That's adorable! I wonder what people thought when the mini-skirt first came out?

Wink Holliday said:
I love that these were considered "short" skirts!

A girdle is a great idea! Do they make longerline girdles or should I go for something like a body-shapping-dress-thing?

Kim Bombshell said:
I have the same problem, my bust is 40, waist 34 and hips are a whopping 48...I wear pencil skirts and get just as much male attention as the girl with a 36-26-36 figure. I think if you are comfortable with the way you look, it says more than your measurements. I had one man tell me recently, while I was wearing a pencil skirt, that he had been admiring me from behind and just had to meet me.

Mode Merr is a great site for high wasted pencil skirts that have enough stretch to hug your curves. I also wear a girdle to keep me firm under the pencil skirt.

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