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Since we all love pin ups, we must all be at least a little into the vintage lifestyle, so I'm wondering, how vintage are you?

I try to wear vintage inspired outfits every time I go out. Flowers in my hair, pearls, dresses, heels, gloves, and of course my red lipstick. I'm also a huge fan of Emily Post, and try to follow her advice as best I can (although it's not always easy!). I have a vintage (1950's) styled bedroom so that I wake up in the mood every morning. I also watch as many old movies, and read as many old mags and books as I can. I love the vintage lifestyle, and try to live my life as a pin up every day.

So... what about you?

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I have an amazing vintage wardrobe but I must admit my daily uniform is jeans and tees. I dress up a lot though, particularly in the summer. My apartment is all 1950s-1970s furniture, pariticularly Danish Modern.

I like to listen to Old time radio shows on Live 365 while I work---if anyone has any other suggestions for vintage online radio, I'd love to hear them.

I'm trying to wear a lot more vintage lately since I've gotten too far out of the habit!
I'm not so much vintage as I am modern/psychobilly. I lost my entire collection of music and memorabilia when I moved from San Diego to Hawaii 5 years ago. (stupid movers are THIEVES!)

I'm slowly, but surely, building my collection up again.
Yet another great thread Roxy!

I like to say "I was born in the wrong era" I live and breath vintage things. Like Roxy I enjoy vintage inspired outfits and have quite the collection. I have some vintage furniture pieces about the house and have an obsession for old ads that reflect the golden days. I collect nick naks and doo dads of all sorts. I love to turn the tv music channels on and sing along and notice I know more old tunes than new. When I was with job i tuned into pandora a website that plays a library of whatever you'd ask it to for free. I still listen to it free. We're talking stories over the internet like when all you had was a radio for entertainment type things. Sigh. And though, I'd love to wake up and pin my hair up and wear a flower all darn day and have impecible makeup from day to day i'm guilty of wearing t's and jeans too. I gotta as a mother of 3.
well, prefer to drive vintage cars, but some seasons in "the great north west" would ruin your car, if not the weather, THE wet salt on the road from the snow falls in the winter... my house is styled and full of my vintage goodies...
i have a closet full of pinup gear, and style my makeup only in a pinup way extending my cat eye eyeliner.... i always wear a handcrafted pinup flower, and vintage styled hair....if there is something modern in my wardrobe, or household goodies, i bet it has a "vintage feel" to it...
im a hair stylist, and i'm BEST at pinup updo's (i prefre to do only colour, and pinup updo's)
i like to think i'm vintage (and random people comment that to me), but i like to think i have a hotrod pinup lifestlye....
i cant be fully vintage, i am sitting in front of a state of the art computer! (and my dad is getting me an itouch for christmas)......
but i FEEL vintage, cause i lOVE it, and i feel RIGHT, and normal in the etire, and reading materials, and .... (blah blah blah "i love vintage")

I try my hardest to put a little vintage into my day-to-day wear, but its hard to find the pieces and, sometimes, the time. I tried to get my hairdresser to cut a 'U' shaped 'Betty Page' fringe on my last trip to the hairdressers but she had no idea how to do it. So £23 later I cut it myself. Now I have vintage hair most days and am always experimenting with different styles and practicing my pin curls. My wardrobe has the usual array of vintage-y pieces, as well as some modern, but its my going out/special occassion clothes that I have to have vintage. Whenever I wear them I always get complimented and I am always asked where I got it, how did I do my hair, how long does all of it take, etc? Personally, I think I look and feel most gorgeous when I'm in my vintage gear.

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