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Since VLV is the great rockabilly/swing/retro/vintage/burlesque/pinup exodus, maybe we should decide on a place and time to all meet up there? It might be the only chance we have to meet each other in person. Just a thought...

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Yay, you moved it! Um, the post, that is. Not VLV. He-he.

I think a get-together is a fabulous idea. Sweetpea holds her annual Hooch & Smooch right before things officially open; we could all get together there if everyone is already in town.
Me and the boy will be totally lost coming all the way from Sweden, hope to meet up!! :)
Ooooo I love it! I'll be watching this thread! ;)
Stay tuned - we have been tossing around ideas for a PL meet-up at Viva. :)
I'm down!
sounds fun!! ill keep in touch
Well, I'm already in town, so I can be there damn near anytime. I'm gonna try to get the whole weekend off work (can I claim it as a religious holiday?), but even if I work, I get done at six. No Prob.
Somebody mentioned getting a booth when I first posted this on my blog (shameless self-promotion there)- maybe we could all help pay for a booth, by sending in money to someone to print up photo badges, so we recognize each other. Or am I overthinking it here?
Maybe it would be a good time for all the girls to wear gloves and the fellas to wear hats ;)
Hot diggity dog! You betcha!

Golden Browne said:
Maybe it would be a good time for all the girls to wear gloves and the fellas to wear hats ;)
Goodness that would be fun!
To get a booth at Viva, you have to go through the organizers. Vendors at Viva are signed up more than a year in advance and the choice spots (inside close to the music ballroom) are always taken by previous vendors. They have priority.

The car show vending spots for booths are usually more available, but even with this short notice, it might be difficult.

Gary Rabuzzi said:
Somebody mentioned getting a booth when I first posted this on my blog (shameless self-promotion there)- maybe we could all help pay for a booth, by sending in money to someone to print up photo badges, so we recognize each other. Or am I overthinking it here?

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