I found out last minute that Go-Go Amy's Pinup Girl classes are coming to town just a few days ago - but March is a broke month for us so I sadly figured wouldn't be attending because we couldn't afford it. But then, today my honey told me I could go because (eh I hate to say this part) of our tax return, err
confession. **Note: It is illegal for the government to collect income taxes and we know this, but don't have all the info to fight it at the moment - watch the documentary by Aaron Russo
Freedom to Fascism and
livefreenow.org to learn a bit more.
Anyways, so now I'm going to have pinup classes and my first photo shoot tomorrow! I also perform with my burlesque troupe tonight - I'm SO HAPPY! This is what I've been planning and waiting for, for so long! I'll post how it goes later.
Now I need to rehearse and get ready. :-D
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