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Do you know that feeling, when you are so close to something you could ALMOST touch it? A goal you are on the brink of reaching but can't quite seem to get there?

Now, I have always been one of those people who preaches the whole "if you want something bad enough you will have it"..... the old "dreams do come true ," spiel. But, I am leaning quickly toward the reality that there are just some things, no matter HOW bad you want them, that you can't have.

In my quest to understand myself and the way I behave I have discovered this bit of information:

Austrian philosopher, Alfred Adler, named the human creation of things in life that are not reality, "fictional finalism". He proposed that we all start coming up with these "fictions' during our childhood as a way to cope and lead us through the strange and difficult world we live in. He believed that we are born with a subconscious feeling of inferiority, that we begin helpless and feeble and therefore begin seeking superiority. In his eyes, this "Strive For Superiority" is the motivation initiating our every move. There are things we might not be able to have (ever or at the moment) but our conscious mind says "it is possible. There IS always a chance".

From here, according to Adler, our ambitions to be successful and accomplished and our drive to obtain that which is out of reach can lead in two directions. We either overcome the negative part of ourselves we so readily desire to be rid of or we are overwhelmed and end up seeing ourselves as less deserving and unmotivated. We begin feeling hopeless and incomplete.

I don't know if Adler's theory is correct. I'd like to know WHY I choose to chase after insanely unrealistic goals and dreams and what he says seems to make SOME sort of sense. I hope that if he IS right, I don't end up as the latter example, that my striving leads me to some sort of victory and not demise!

I DO know that EVERY DAY I look at myself in the mirror and my life at the moment and see something like this:


If... I.....Could.....Reach........Just......A......LITTLE......Farther..........

(For more about Adler and his theories:)

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Comment by Poppy Fields on June 3, 2009 at 10:18am
What Daddy said :) (And it was good for me to hear it too!)
It's a fine line to walk between "I'll show you. I'll show you ALL!" and "Am I just being a goddamn moron after all??" I am having alternating days of "Hell yes I can!" and "Fool." I have considered lobotomy. If you come up with a better solution, let me know ;) Until then, keep reaching for the candy.
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And don't ever stop with the posting, unless it's because you don't want to anymore. Like DC said, you've got it down. I was also concerned in the beginning that my posts were too personal and not pinup-centric enough, but who doesn't like to look in other people's medicine cabinets and diaries?!

Just think of it as building your brand :)

Comment by Syd Valentine on May 29, 2009 at 11:22am
Thanks DC! I sometimes think my blogs might be seen as inappropriate because they don't ALWAYS apply or relate to the pin-up scene, so it's re-assuring to hear that!

Yeah, I guess I just need to keep growing hair on my chest and balls, right? I haven't been that EXTREME of a risk taker in my past but I am starting to see myself breaking away from that.... slowly but surely. I won't ever take my hand out... it's pretty much stuck.

Thanks for all your support and great advice!!!
Comment by Edson Carlos on May 29, 2009 at 10:26am
I love reading your thoughts by the way, people have much to learn here about the difference between what should go in a blog and what belongs in a forum and you have blogs pinned down PERFECTLY. They are diary like entries that perhaps you choose to be private, or perhaps public....

The unachievable, is achievable doll. However what they don't tell you is that a VERY select few have the chops or the gene that allows extreme risk taking needed to complete the journey alone.

Steve jobs, says f*** college, takes a typography class because he likes fonts, creates the Mac. Success.
Donald Trump, bankrupt how many times? And just keeps getting the hell up on his feet again.
the list goes on...

And they are no different from you and I. In many cases you or I could even be more educated! Its about the support structure. Thats what they never tell you. Surround yourself with SUCCESS. Network and meet people that MAY just be able to contribute a small part to your ultimate goal. It's not USING them if it's what they do, its collaboration for creating something grand, your dream. Find out what people do, dont surround yourself with losers, dont get lost in drama, start many journeys to your goal and learn from the failures. I've started many many websites, who would have thought that the one idea I had one morning and gave Desi would be the "airplane with the most air time". Our very own official "first flight". You can do it, you WILL do it and the shitty part is, you will probably not even know when you are close...

The second you pull your hand out of that vending machine, when the door hits will fall.
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