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We are in need of some help from friends and pit bull lovers this holiday!
Chomp is such a happy puppy that he never stops wagging his tail! He has split it opened by hitting it on the furniture so much that it is in really bad shape! The wound is not healing and his tail won't ever be the same! The end must be amputated and hopefully he will be back to his old self. As of now we have a Vet appointment tomorrow where we will find out the exact cost of the procedure and how extensive the damage really is. Hopefully he won't lose his whole tail! During these tough times we really have no idea how we are going to afford this. Right now all his mommy and daddy want for Christmas is the support and help of friends and for Chompy to be 100% again. Our pits are our babies and we would do anything for them! I will post photos and blogs to keep you updated. Even if you can't chip in, a comment would help cheer the spirits in the home right now. We feel so bad for him! Right now he is wearing an e-collar to keep him from licking at his tail. He was so mad when we put it on him that he just sat in the corner and ignored us! Poor baby!
Chomp thanks you for caring!
Much love from us all!

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Comment by King of fools on December 22, 2008 at 4:34pm
Hey, sorry to hear about you puppy. Wish I could chip in but I'm really tight these days. You all are in my thoughts. Hope all goes well.
Comment by Filmmonkey on December 21, 2008 at 8:38am
Hey Ms. Wicked.
I'm so sorry to hear about the pups ordeal. We will definitely be pulling for him.
I wish we could help out more, it's just been a very tough year for us.

But please know that we're thinking of you guys and hope he is back to his tail wagging self in no time.
Comment by Marissa Lily on December 21, 2008 at 8:02am
I'll see what I can spare, i'm down to bare bones myself. the good thing is it llokks like your dog will be just fine after he gets the surgery. I feel for you though. 2 months ago I had to have my dog put to sleep because I couldn't afford the surgery on him. It was a minimum of $3300!! i already had to pay $1000 on the spot just to have him looked and put to sleep. I was crying all night long trying to find a way to come up with that money :(
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