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So this is kind of a sequel to an article i wrote a little bit ago...
found here.

Finally I have woken up from this ...funk.. I have been in. Going back to basics, cleaning up my act.

A big part of that is separating myself from people or a persons that are not healthy... Not an unhealthy person but a someone isn't healthy for you.

It was more about letting go of my abusers. People that barely classify as friends, who use you in some way shape or form. They inconvenience you everyday but they themselves can't be bothered.

This has to be done with some amount of "Grace".

It is no ones fault but my own i allowed people to take advantage of me.... Your getting something out of the deal whether it's to feel "needed" or "important". Now I could get real aggressive and tell people to "(fill in the blank)". At the end of the day, it's not healthy to get into dramatics with someone who don't care about you! It's like getting into an argument over the internet, pointless.

Keep It simple and have some "Gumption".

Most of the time these are people I have to deal with everyday. I can't 'break off' from them but being fake ain't the answer either. The truth is in the networking; recognize that people are who they are. Retain that information.

Exercise some "Verve".

I can't hold on to the somebody "owes me", "did this", or "said that". I am not even going to participate. I don't have to forget what happened but I can forgive and move on. It's allot harder to do but I would rather 'get over it' than 'be in it' all the time.

Sometimes it's good to bring certain words back into your vocabulary.

Double Kisses


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