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Do you want to be a sickgirl? how to join the sickgirl club *SGC*

Here's What You Need To Do:

You must be at least 18 years old to apply

I must be able to view your profile.So if its blocked make sure you add us. I will read your profile and see what you're all about, and make sure you will be a good fit for for the Sickgirl Club.

Membership: ADD the *SGC* to the end of your name on your Pin up lifestyle account, myspace, Facebook or any other social network you belong to, so that all members can identify you and put sickgirl creations in your top friends if option is available (keep this reqirements or you will lose your free membership). Once you have done this message me for the final OK for membership.

(unfortunatly we wont be doing the girl of the month contest anymore but keep checking back I may resume it in the future.

What is a Sickgirl:

A Sickgirl has to be 18 or older

The Sickgirl Club *SGC* is an off shoot of Sickgirl Creations. It was formed by a few girls who got together and began to hangout and found a need for a different type of social club. The owner of Sickgirl Creations Lilith had already been involved in charities and donating various items that she made to these orginazations to help them raise funds, so it only seemed natural to reach out and see if any other girls would be interested in becoming involved.
Sickgirls are girls who like to have fun, make new friends, have a love for unique looks and style. We are not held together by religion, politics, or even similarities. We are brought together by our differences and our willingness to help eachother and those in need. Sickgirls are girls that are willing to help others and not just themselves. We do alot of charity and volunter work and if your to self absorbed to help others, then don't bother joining the sickgirls.
This company is willing to help you only as much as you are willing to help yourself. Members get special discounts and offers throughout the year. All that you have to do to become a member is get involved in or donate to one of the Sickgirls Sponsored Charities. You can contact Lilith @ for more info on how you can get involved and make a difference.

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Comment by Lauren Calderon on May 8, 2009 at 9:01am
What if I don't have a Myspace account but I am interested in participating? Do you have an alternate email address that I can send my photos, info to?
Comment by Mi'Chelle S. on April 27, 2009 at 11:57am
This sounds really cool. I would love to apart of the Sick Girls. I live in northern california will that be a problem. Any events coming up this summer?

Comment by Syd Valentine on February 13, 2009 at 7:13am
Thanks for the opportunity! I'm definatly going to enter!!
Comment by Terri Valentine on February 5, 2009 at 10:55pm
I would love to be apart of this...would I be able to, even though I'm in Houston, Tx???
Comment by Classique on January 17, 2009 at 6:54am
can i still apply to b a sickgirl even tho i am from the uk? also do i have to be of "model" size/height/weight etc...???
Comment by Layne on January 17, 2009 at 6:32am
Going to enter! How many pics do you want?
Comment by GUNNER on December 23, 2008 at 7:53am
will enter :) live in san diego so this is perfect :)
Comment by Miss Bea Rock on October 28, 2008 at 8:22am
this is a VERY cool thing you're doing and your stuff looks adorable. keep it up, lovely!

Comment by +DemenCia+ on October 27, 2008 at 9:57pm
sounds fun be expectin a message ;)
Comment by Raven Foxx on October 26, 2008 at 6:59pm
This sounds like alot of fun and SD is not too far from the IE. I'll have to def. add you to my myspace pages!! Who knows...maybe you'll dig my look!
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