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My horscope said that I should really think about what I want from a guy and veer towards that decision, and after Andrew, my most wonderful love advice giver and friend who i regretably only get to see once a week, told me I really need to get less agressive towards guys, I decided that maybe I should think about what I want in a guy so this is what I came up with:

I like a guy who let's me say and be whoever i want, whenever I want.

And who doesn't care if I wake up one morning and talk about going on an adventure right away and doesn't mind...


who actually would love to go with me.

and someone who can play an instrument

several instruments

someone who loves music for music's sake, not for its popularity.

Someone who will laugh and get just as crazy as me

but still be alright with the moments when all I want to do is whisper song lyrics in his ear

And someone who will lay in bed with me

all day

just because we both feel like the whole world has stopped just for us to lay and soak up this moment, this day.

Someone who doesn't mind me running around



and screaming

and slurring curse words as loud as I possibly can(its happened)

until I fall asleep,

just because I saw two old people walking hand and hand into and eckerd drug store and I wished I could do the same one day.

someone who doesn't mind me telling them I love them,

when i truly feel it needs to be said,

and kissing them,

just because they look so perfect right at that exact moment,

right when the sun just hits their hair right,

and they sparkle,

and I realize how lucky I am to have them.

someone who is open to anything and everything, and who is willing to try just about anything.

ya, thats what I want dammit, now to go out searching

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