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Hey everyone, just curious. If any of you ever put tattooed someone's name would you cover it up or just leave it? I think its just a chapter in life that we all go thruough so I for one, would just leave it. So tell me, What would you do?

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Well, before I'd seen what laser does (and doesn't do) for people, I would've said to get it lasered off! But seeing as laser doesn't work unless you get like LITERALLY 20 treatments, I would have to say I'd cover it up. There's no way I would leave it. The next guy I was with would have to look at it all the time. That's not fair to him and it's a bit much to ask him to just forget about it... that's just my opinion though!

I can answer this from first hand experience, on both ends. I married my high school sweetheart at 18 (dumb me!) My first tattoo was a tribal black sun with the chinese symbol for soldier in the middle. My (EX)husband is in the army hence the soldier symbol. I decided not to cover up the entire tattoo because no matter how hideous it is, it is a part of my past. I did however cover up the symbol out of respect for my now husband.
When my current husband and I got together he had his ex's name tattooed over his HEART! A bit more dramatic than my tattoo was. Every time we made love..there was her skank-ass name on his chest. I told him from the time he asked me to marry him that I would not do so till he covered it up. He didn't really get it till later on down the road. He did get it covered before we got married and it has been years now and I dont even remember what it looked like.
I personally see no reason to ever get a tattooed "removed". There are times to have them altered or covered but they are all a part of who we are or once were. My tattoos are my history, they tell my story.
I don't know what I would do. That is such a good question!! I see what you are saying about how it's a chapter in your life and I get the whole "no regrets" thing which I try to stand by but.... I also agree with Smythe. I think it would be a LITTLE weird to have to see another woman's name tatooed on my man's body long term.... through out a marriage I mean. I don't know though. I personally don't have a name tatooed on me at this point but who knows. I guess it would depend on the situation......

AWESOME question though!!!
OMG!!! hahahaha That's pretty funny though, I have to admit.

{M} NolaChick™ said:
I would never get a tattoo of someone's name in the first place, but if I did I think I would cover it. I wouldn't give the other party the satisfaction of knowing their name was on me. My friend's (now) ex got her name tattooed on him and when they broke up he got "F#ck" tattooed above it. As in "f#ck Lena". Yeah, classy.
Wow yeah the forbidden curse! I guess if it was a painful memory I'd blast that s*** off with a laser. It's a painful process but you have more freedom of covering it with whatever you want once you're all healed. But like most of you said, I would NEVER get a name. It's just not a good idea!
Did you guys see Sabina has a tattoo lazer business thing going on?? "Bombshell tattoo removal" I caught it on her myspace..
CRAZY.. but i guess it makes sense!

Good question!!!
You know... My first tattoo is on my left arm. Again, shoulder to elbow. It is a version of a sacred heart. It's just a big old heart, surrounded by hot-rod style flames and across it is a multifold banner. On that banner are two sets of initials. One set belongs to my ex-wife of 15 years and the other set is of her daughter who I helped raise since she was 6.
Sure, they're only initials and no one else knows what they mean.
I know what they mean, and any female that I get close to eventually ask the question of "Who's initials are those?"
The thing of it is this... Regardless of if we're still together, they are still a huge part of my life. Not only that, they are a huge part of who I am as a person today. We may not be married, we may not kiss, we may not be "in love".. but me and my ex still love each other...I still care about her.
I was 22 when I met her... her, my stepdaughter, and my mom are the three biggest female influences in my life.
I have a girl now that I'm crazy for. I'd like to think that she finds me to be nice, hard working, respectful, affectionate, and polite. A lot of those qualities came from being married for so long, and raising a daughter.
No matter how you try to split it... all of your ex's, regardless of it it was a 6 month BF/GF or a 15 year marriage, come along with you to the next relationship.
I would certainly hope that my girl now, would see that tattoo as a sign of respect to the past, and not a disrespect to our future.
i have Danny's Girl on my lower back, in a retro script with a star above the i. He is my fiance, and i made sure that if anything ever happened i could have it changed to Daddys girl pretty easy. He has my name on his chest in a jigsaw piece, he could also have that filled if needs be.

but i dont see it happening. :)

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