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Women always want to be attractive and be considered beautiful (i think most would consider that a better compliment than "hot"). The question is, what is beauty anyway? I do have to say that Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" ads are good at trying to get that message out that beauty comes in many forms. I think pin-up is the epitome of that, really embracing femininity and the female form in general. I have noticed that men seem to find many more things beautiful about women than we do ourselves. So everyone, chime in with your thoughts, what is beautiful to you?

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I actually brought up this topic to see what men find attractive in a woman, so that women can see it and realize men are far more forgiving than we are! and that women should stop beating ourselves up. I have been noticing over the years that men can find beauty in most women.

I definitely agree with you that whatever hang-up someone has is wrong and unhealthy. There should never be any reason to feel bad about your body or yourself. You should feel bad about yourself based on how you treat others not based on how you look.

Brittany said:
I totally agree with you. True beauty is what comes from the inside. I don't know how many times I may have met someone who might have been *very* easy on the eyes, and was a total jerk (which made them less attractive in my eyes), as well as I've met many people who may not be poster models, but had the most gentle souls and enthusiastic spirits. That to me is what counts.

Show me a woman who lives out their passions despite who or what stands in their way, a woman who isn't afraid to stand up to a man when the need arises, a woman who fights for what she wants to do (whatever that may be), and I would say you have met a *beautiful* woman.

And, might I add something that I've noticed? I think despite the fact this conversation has been brought up to possibly get past all the media-filled opinions of beauty, the statements we say are still brainwashing in one way or another. A girl thinks she's too skinny, so she eats and eats to gain weight. Or, girls think they're too big so they diet. Curvy figures are what makes a woman, not stick-thin fashion models, or vice-versa. None of those statements or thoughts are healthy, nor any of them correct. I am not a curvy woman by any means, but that doesn't mean that I am any less of a woman -- and it certainly doesn't stop me from pin-up modeling :)

That is so true, Marissa! I have a small scar on my forehead that guys seem to think is the cutest thing... although I suspect that my wearing bangs makes them feel that much more special if they get to see it. :) But more generically, it seems that the body parts that I'm most bothered by are sometimes the very parts that men enjoy looking at on me. We are definitely our own worst critics, and when we stop emotionally abusing ourselves by trying to fit into some ill-perceived notion of how we "should" look, our true beauty comes through.

I'll still always fix my flyaways in Photoshop, though. :)

Marissa Lily said:
I actually brought up this topic to see what men find attractive in a woman, so that women can see it and realize men are far more forgiving than we are! and that women should stop beating ourselves up. I have been noticing over the years that men can find beauty in most women.

This was what I was thinking too! Aside from confidence, a welcoming attitude. One that has a smile for everyone and treats all people kindly.

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
What makes a woman beautiful? Simple. Confidence. Nothing less attractive than needy people, that have to be told that how wonderful or attractive they are.

Confidence, my dear, Confidence!

~Rob/Pin-ups Hair Design~
I haven't read through all the comments, but I would like to add something.

I've met men who have a particular standard for beauty. The only find the media's "ideal" to be beautiful. In character, these men are often shallow, self-centered, and insecure.

I've been fortunate enough to meet men that LOVE women. All kinds of women. They find beauty in all shapes, sizes, colors. They find contentment in the company of many sorts of women, as long as the woman has wit, intelligence, and a kind disposition.

Now, lets talk about the beauty of MEN! I have always appreciated men of all types. When I was about 18 I had a friend tell me "You always end up with a totally cute guy, that I would have never realized was cute until you picked him out of the crowd!" That is just my style. I have never gone for the traditional pretty boy, although I can appreciate a handsome man.

The men I find most attractive, are the ones that make me laugh. Maybe it's age, but it is rare for me to just look at a guy and think "He's hot." I usually need to have a conversation before I find him attractive. The biggest thing that makes me think he's attractive is if he finds ME attractive after getting to know me.
To quote Sophia Loren, "Beauty is 50% what you've got and 50% what other people think you've got" I always live by those words!
I have a friend that told me "If you think you have the tastiest treat, everyone else will think you have the tastiest treat too!"

Maria Bella said:
To quote Sophia Loren, "Beauty is 50% what you've got and 50% what other people think you've got" I always live by those words!
I want to add also, overly tan, straightened hair and obvious plastic surgery I do not find attractive. I believe aging gracefully is beautiful. I also think laugh lines are beautiful. It doesn't matter how old you are if you still have glamor in your appearance (says the 42 year old mother of 3 who wears false eyelashes to go to the grocery store!).
I really like what you have to say in your comments. I agree. There is beauty in so many different forms and moods. I saw an old lady one day look up into the eyes of the man that she undoubtedly has spent her life with, and the fire, tenderness and devotion in her eyes, took my breath away. Beauty can be seen in the eyes and smile. If someone can easily laugh at life, I feel that it is a treasure to hold onto. We all are going to be that old lady some day. How will your eyes reflect your life?

Poppy Fields said:
I think that there is very little in the world that is truly "ugly". Absolutely what is inside (spite, cruelty etc.) will show on the outside in a repulsive way, but in general, everyone is beautiful. I grew up surrounded by art and have worked with bodies as an artist and as a clothing designer-constructor and so I guess I look at the "meat" a little differently... Hmm, you can probably divide "beautiful women" into 3 categories:

1. Candy: eye-catching, striking, conventional, but they don't hold your attention
2. Jaw-breakers: the timeless beauties who we keep coming back to as ideals, the ones artists have been drawing for centuries, the "goddesses" (Women in Art - 500 years of female portraits in western art. Look at the general features and you'll see it's the same woman being painted over and over again. Fascinating!)
3. Storytellers: bodies with meaning and history, trials and triumphs, fat rolls and visible bone structure, scars and bumps and wrinkles! These are the exciting ones that hold your attention, that make you want to know more. I enjoy the challenge that these bodies present to me as a 2D and 3D artist.

I think all 3 types are necessary to satisfy different needs that we all have. Unfortunately, we tend to focus far too much on #1. This is one of the reasons that pinup photography is such a powerful tool: a wider range of women feel that they can pull it off, and the results encourage even more women to do the same. After doing my first shoot this past weekend, I can't BELIEVE that that is me in some of my shots!

So there you have it: we pinup fans aren't just crazy retrophiles; we're making the world a better place ;)
It is definately about what is inside, ones capacity to learn, ability to love, willingness to give and all that jazz, i also agree that an aesthetically beautiful person uglies themselves when only negativity pretrudes from their entity... but i think beauty needs to b taken up a level... everybody can be nice, well mannered... good hearted even... but i think in general we shud step the game up... become actively angry abt the ugliness in the world... help more charirties, help out at home, help the young ladies who dont know they are beautiful to learn it for themselves instea of relying on some stranger to mislead them... help the misguided young men who lack role models to know they are beautiful and very capable of rising above whatever barriers lead them astray too... older ppl shud learn they are STILL beautiful and that it DOES NOT fade with age... children should learn they are beautiful so that whe told otherwise on the playground they can walk away easily and know differently... our frends should know they are beautiful so that when they get lonely and are tempted to think otherwise can rise above emotions with confidence and step away fromt he harm they may have considered... our families should learn they are beautifil so that these blood-tied feuds become abolished rather than swept inconspicuously under the carpet...

i think beauty ties in very closely with love, when u believe your are beautiful [not gorgeous] then you have learned to love yourself and if more people used it to build up this perpetuating cycle of destruction called life could become a thing of the past... i only speak in such ideals because that is what ppl shud work for instead of the usual defeatest approach...

REMEMBER: every problem in the world is because a child wasnt loved...

i think ive rambled on enuff for now, lol
I hope that I am able to be truly present for enough moments in my life that my eyes will still reflect passionate interest in my surroundings and a peace that comes from a life not wasted. I never want to be so disconnected from the world that I become bored with life.

Wild Card Kitty quoted Francis Bacon further up the thread: "There is no Beauty that hath not some flaw"
and, without *fingers crossed* sounding too glib, I'd like to suggest "There is no flaw that hath not some Beauty".

Raven Foxx said:
... I saw an old lady one day look up into the eyes of the man that she undoubtedly has spent her life with, and the fire, tenderness and devotion in her eyes, took my breath away. Beauty can be seen in the eyes and smile. If someone can easily laugh at life, I feel that it is a treasure to hold onto. We all are going to be that old lady some day. How will your eyes reflect your life?
I'm glad someone knows what I mean! Look I'm NOT saying skinny girls can't be pin up models or anything like that. I was just writing about MY OWN EXPERIENCE. I disgusted MYSELF being that skinny even though every other girl in my high school was most likely jealous. Ya know I kinda got tired of people asking me if I had an eating disorder.. I eat like a pig! At least I look more like that now..although I admit I exercise a bit to keep healthy now.

Stephanie Jay said:
Anita Fixx - I too used to be really skinny naturally. My mum thought I was anorexic but yet I used to drink build up milk shakes to try and make myself put on weight! I used to eat tons too. I still do though really shouldn't...high cholesterol. Pah.

It is very sad how the media now shows how women "should be" these days. No, women weren't supposed to have naturally flat stomachs (well some might but the majority, no). I'm very glad I've grown into a proper lady shape.

I also had a major back operation about...7/8 years ago now and have a big scar all the way down my back and a big one across my side...I don't like them at all and don't like displaying them but my boyfriend says they're lovely. I guess that's something I need to work on myself! I can't bend my back (constant good posture is a good point) so if I ever ever ever do any studio pin up inspired photos I hope that can be worked around!

Poppy Fields - try and ignore Ultimo (very very tough to do). I'm going to write them a hefty email at somepoint..not that it'll do any good! Check out Bravissimo if you haven't already. Proper ladies! Yay for them!

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