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Okay so I just got my first tat and now I'm ready for my second one. I want your opinion on this idea but first let me explain my reasoning behind it......

When I was a kid one of my favorite dolls was my Cabbage Patch Doll. In fact, my mother stood in line outside of a toy store in a blizzard so she could get one for me when they first came out!

Okay...... so here's my idea: There's a signature on the left butt-cheek of every cabbage patch kid......Sooooo I was thinking about of getting "Pinup Girly" or "Pinup Doll" in the same script/font and in the same place on my body as the cabbage patch doll.

What do you think? Trashy or kinda cute-n-sexy?

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It's your body and I think you should do whatever you like. If you are happy then that's all that matters.

But since you asked...I do think butt tattoos are more on the trashy side. Just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone with butt tats!
Yea, I usually do things without caring about what other people think of me. But with this, it was more of my curiosity on the matter. Thanx for replying to my discussion and for your opinion.... I will definitely keep it in mind...... lol :)

Josie Raven said:
It's your body and I think you should do whatever you like. If you are happy then that's all that matters.

But since you asked...I do think butt tattoos are more on the trashy side. Just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone with butt tats!
i think that possibly the only people to see it would be a guy? so in that sense any guy would probably think a girls but is cute no matter what. its a cute concept. i say do it if u want it, life's short! xo
I think it's a cute idea, especially if you keep the size "in poprtion" and not too wickedly huge. But hey I just got what I am calling my mid-life crisis tattoo. A My Little Pony Unicorn that is all punked out, so just weigh my opinion with that info in mind...LOL
I think it's a super cute idea. I say do what you want, it's your body, and if you like it, go for it!
Sounds pretty damn adorable, actually, especially with the reasoning behind it. I'd say to go for it!
Do what makes YOU happy. I think it's kinda cute-n-sexy. Keep it proportional to your size. Just my 2 cents.
I think it's pretty damn cute.. I used to have a bunch of those dolls too.. So adorable.. and would have been even cuter if I had ever kept them clean:P
I was quite the destructive child.. Naked headless barbies everywhere and cabbage patch kids covered in dirt, marker and makeup.
LOL I know what you mean... All of my dolls had little bob haircuts by the time I was done with them.... Its no wonder I'm a hair stylist now!

Violet Fox said:
I think it's pretty damn cute.. I used to have a bunch of those dolls too.. So adorable.. and would have been even cuter if I had ever kept them clean:P
I was quite the destructive child.. Naked headless barbies everywhere and cabbage patch kids covered in dirt, marker and makeup.
WOW!!!! Thanx everyone! I'm sooo pleased with the feedback. I will definitely keep it in proportion to my size..... now to find a tat artist who I'm comfortable with seeing my ass.... eeeeek!!!! lol
I think it great! cabage patches are the bomb!! do it!
If i "stumbled" across it on your body, I'd say "Hahaha damn tight, i love it very creative!"

there is my 2 cents =)

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