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I don't know about you girls, but I have to work at keeping my body in shape. One thing I love about pinup is that it is full of real honest to goodness ladies and we are not all shaped the same. The perfect body is not required, but we all want to look our best.

The purpose of this discussion is to talk about exercise tips for the ladies targeting certain areas of our bodies!!! Let us know tricks you have learned or any crazy things you have tried in the past. :)

Timebomb Tessy

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I'm trying to lose the weight that I've gained from a previous medication. I was down to 165 and I ballooned up to 225, i'm down 15 lbs but I still have a lot to go. I've found that pilates really helps, when i lost my weight the last time it was eating right, pilates and a fantastic website called sparkpeople it helps youtrack your daily intake of food and water along with your measurements and weight. They have a ton of things you keep you motivated. I've found that keeping your calories between 1200 and 1500 helps you lose that weight too. I've just started the wii fit, i've been doing 30 minutes of cardio a day on it. It's been hard trying to find the time between the kiddos and the business and school, but I've gotta do it in order to get healthy again.
ummmm can I get one tho? just kidding, that pretty gross. I wanted to add that I have a Body Bugg ( and it is what the Biggest Losers wear. I lost 30 lbs wearing that thing and recording what I ate. As long as you had a calorie deficit for the day you were doing good. And I could see where I was slacking in my diet. It was very neat to see which activities gave me the most calorie burn and which ones had the longest burn after the class ended. I think it made me way more efficient so I am strapping that sucker back on tomorrow until VLV

Roxy Tart {M} said:
At least we aren't doing this.... just have to accept yourself for how you are naturally or you'll be miserable for life. I'm not "perfect" one is. I have the whole Jlo behind going on so I'm NEVER going to fit into the smallest pair of jeans. Whatever. There are worse things in life then that. I wish girls would stop stressing out about it.

LisaLuxx said:
I've always tried to live by the idea that there is perfect (which there is no such thing) and then there is "perfectly me" and that is me as I am, doing the things that are right for me and my body. Ask RoxyTart about the square pumpkin ;)

Anita Fixx said:
Yes! I'm glad someone agrees with me! I have friends who are clearly meant to be bigger gals and there's NOTHING wrong with that! Not everyone is born to be a size zero! We have to get over that crap! It's really sad to see girls that are healthy and beautiful feeling down because they don't look like an anorexic super model. Believe me being super skinny isn't all it's cracked up to be. I used to be nothing but skin and bones and it was nothing but people worrying that I was starving to death even though I was not! I ate like a pig but could'nt gain a sucked. Believe me, I did'nt get any dates then. I'm glad I have some curves now..I don't look as awkward and freakish as before.

Timebomb Tessy said:
I agree with you whole-heartedly. I have seen so many girls that would look BETTER if they were the size their body was meant to be. Have you seen people that are bigger boned lose too much weight? Their head is too big for their bodies.

I wish women would learn to embrace what they love about themselves a little more, then maybe the image that is trying to be reached would be different. :)

Anita Fixx said:
There is no such thing as the "perfect" body...just a healthy body. All you can do is eat well and exercise. There is no ideal body, everyone is different. Too bad that's not the view of most people today. It's such a waste of time trying to fit into a size zero or whatever when you were never meant to.
Jumping onto what Sara Sundae said, my vote is for ballet, too! Wear high heels everywhere you can, too, and walk really fast. I also lift weights, but that is to keep my body balanced. I have one of those long, skinny, dancer's bodies, but I'd kill to have boobs. Drink lots of water, too. It flushes toxins and it really will help flatten your tummy.
I agree with the water completely! I have replaced soda-pop and most other drinks with bottled water. I carry it with me everywhere I go. I used to drink so much coffee (so bad to do - especially when it is some peppermint mocha concauction). I have lost 10lbs over the past month 135-125. I also do at least 30 min. of cardio at least 4 times a week and try my hardest to eat breakfast and lunch. I'm really bad about not eating all day b/c I'm busy and then stuffing myself full late at night.
Good ideas everyone!!!

xoxo~Timebomb Tessy
Yeah, don't skip any's the worse thing you can do to your body. And don't diet, it never will gain back the weight. Just eat healthy..vegetarian or vegan if possible. I've been using the cookbooks "Garden of Vegan" and "Vegan A Go Go" by Sarah Kramer..amazing recipes! Delicous, healthy and no starving involved!

Timebomb Tessy said:
I agree with the water completely! I have replaced soda-pop and most other drinks with bottled water. I carry it with me everywhere I go. I used to drink so much coffee (so bad to do - especially when it is some peppermint mocha concauction). I have lost 10lbs over the past month 135-125. I also do at least 30 min. of cardio at least 4 times a week and try my hardest to eat breakfast and lunch. I'm really bad about not eating all day b/c I'm busy and then stuffing myself full late at night.
Good ideas everyone!!!

xoxo~Timebomb Tessy
So once upon a time, I used to be a gym junkie, 5 days a week, 2 hours a day. No longer - I suck at working out :(

What works for me is this:
I am a vegetarian (when I first started, I lost 22lbs in a month and a half)
I eat very little processed food
I eat breakfast at least 6 days/week
Sleep. (I struggle with this)
I am a hairstylist (great upper-body workout)

Lately I have been hittin the Wii Fit aswell. So far so good! I hate cardio, so the only time I get any aerobic excercise is when I go dancing. I can cut a rug for hours :)

But please eveyone keep in mind that your outer apearance is not an indicator of your health. I have been everything from a 3 to a 13, and I am sure that my healthiest was somewhere around a size 10.
I have been doing weight watchers and have lost over 30 pounds since July. In September I started going jive dancing and swing dancing at a bar that plays rockabilly on Friday nights. Dancing helped increase my weight loss by about a pound a week. also, my measurements are the same as they were when I weighed about 10 pounds less, and I attribute that to the dancing. My legs are getting firmer and my arms are firming up. Also great practice for Viva!
I've done weight watchers a whole lot over the years and I have to say that it works for most people except for me and on a whole I'd say it is a good program. I like the group support. The thing I would say to watch out for within the framework of WW is to make sure that the eating that you do within the points system (and I know they have that Turn Around program now) is adequately balanced nutrition with protein/carbs/fat for saeity purposes over the long haul. What was popular for WW members to do when I was a member a few years back was to try to shove as much food in for as few points as possible so I wound up eating a large amount of carbohydrates and my hunger was just never satisfied so I eventually learned what worked well for me and what my body needed after visiting a clinical nutritionist which I had not seen while I was doing the WW program. It sounds like you are doing well though Kim and I wish you all the best with this!

Kim Bombshell said:
I have been doing weight watchers and have lost over 30 pounds since July. In September I started going jive dancing and swing dancing at a bar that plays rockabilly on Friday nights. Dancing helped increase my weight loss by about a pound a week. also, my measurements are the same as they were when I weighed about 10 pounds less, and I attribute that to the dancing. My legs are getting firmer and my arms are firming up. Also great practice for Viva!
I weigh more than u think /guess I do. I don't have the discipline nor the desire or motivation to diet :-/
Between full time job, baby, husband,family. I can not find the time to exersice . But sometimes I do find some time to wrk out :-)
Try running on the treadmill, to classical music. I know, it sounds crazy, but classical music puts your mind in a state of euphoria and calmness (scientifically proven!). I used to only be able to run on the treadmill for about 10 minutes (even when I only weighed 135!) but now, I can run for 30 minutes, no breaks as long as I have some Chopin, Beethoven, Bach or Mozart blaring in my headphones.

Also, it works even BETTER outside! something about running to classical music outside is very "Zen".
I have started a huge campaign to lose weight just recently because I've gotten way too sedentary with my boyfriend who is a loving heavyset guy. I'm somewhat heavy in my photos but had gained more a short time since and decided to put an end to that as I was feeling unhealthy and not myself. I'm pretty athletic normally and enjoy a healthy lifestyle and this just doesn't feel like me.

By the time I decided to do something about this I had already recently quit sugar and caffeine mainly for health reasons at the advice of my doctor, and from that alone I shed 4 lbs as a side-benefit. Since I finally got over that HUGE hump (sweets are a huge addiction for me) and had weeks of withdrawal behind me, I decided to join a 24 hour gym they built right across the street from one of my jobs and start doing at least 30 min of cardio three times a week, along with reducing the calories in my diet. From this I lost another 3 lbs very quickly.

I decided with that success to really amp up the volume & to set a goal of 15 more lbs by January 15th & get a trainer to help me meet the goal as a support, because I knew I just wasn't going to get to the weight lifting in without one. So I now train with him 3 days a week until I meet my goal and will cut it down to 2x a week after that.

Resistance exercise is highly calorie burning and is essential to avoid osteoporosis and muscle-loss when you are older, so I think it's a must for my program.

In addition to the trainer, I do 45-60 minutes of cardio a day or 30-45 minutes on the days I train with him. I feel the stair climber is the best for me because I really feel the exertion from it and it is a great way to keep in shape for backpacking, which I'd like to do more of and keep in shape for.

Food-wise I count calories and try to eat only nutrition-containing and whole foods, and eat about 4-5 meals of 200-300 calories a piece, trying to keep the total under 1,110 calories a day, which is right for my height.

I think it's really important not to eat too little so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and start to lose muscle, but really watch those calories because unless you know your input and output you will have variable results.

ALSO, it's amazing how much MORE motivated I am in my life and how much more I get done in general now that I'm doing this. Time was always a problem but I am now feeling that time is somehow expanding for me because of my renewed motivation. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen.

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