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So I found a photographer on craigslist (I know, I know, but where else do I look?). He said I could not bring my boyfriend because boyfriends "get in the way". I am not going anywhere without my "bodyguard"! Plus, these pics are not for pay, they are just for my portfolio, so shouldn't I be able to do whatever I want to? (Lol.....I may be branding myself as VERY amateur, but oh well.)

Thanks guys!!

Any input is greatly appreciated, as I feel kind of stumped!


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If it's a no one allowed policy then find somebody else, but if is a no significant other policy then it is understandable;.. definitely double check on this
I'd never shoot with a guy with no references and no portfolio.
Why would you do that? You'd probably be better of having a friend snap pictures of you and save you time and energy to think and be nervous about this "photographer".
A guy (or girl) with a camera does not make him/her a photographer.

ALWAYS check references! Someone stating on the net "Contact me for photos I'm a photographer" is really not someone who probably will give you amazing pictures.
There is a chance this person actually would take good shots, but why take the chance?

At least look around on Model Mayhem (even if that is not any guaranties) so you could have a look at their previous work.

On my first ever shoots I bought a girlfriend with me and the photographer had shot a friend of mine before.

I understand why photographers have a "no escort policy" and their reasons are legit.
But it's a difference if a professional photographer with a studio has this demand due to experience and a GWC who wants to take lingerie shots of you in his living room.

Both model and photographers are people and both can be a******* and trick you, listen to your guts and if you feel something is wrong. Don't go!

In the US you are lucky to have amazing pinup photographers with good rates.
I know it might cost you. But instead of working with some shady guy and get maybe not even decent pinup shots you'll get amazing professional photos at cool locations.

If you are looking into doing your first shoot:
1. Save up and book a shoot with a professional pinup photographer (loads of them on PL).

2 (if it would be IMPOSSIBLE for you to afford no 1). Do your research and find a photographer with references and BRING an escort. If they don't allow it, shoot with another photographer for your first time, when you are experienced and feel OK without an escort maybe you can shoot with that photographer and both respect his/hers way of working and be comfortable on your own.

There are tons of photogs out there that allow escorts so start with those before going to shoots alone.

Always listen to heart and make sure that you are comfortable. Start trying out shoots with clothes ON.

Good luck with modeling and have FUN!
Thats because MM is heavy on creeper photogs and amateur models

I do agree with some of what you say, it should be ok to bring an escort, however discouraged to have that person be your bf or hubby. Take a gf that may have a comfort zone that jives with yours.

Mischa Marie said:
Seriously... just because a photographer doesn't want you to bring an escort doesn't mean they are not legit or are a creep.

Does he have a website or model mayhem? Is there a way to check references on him?

Just be smart about it.

Are you on model mayhem? Post this there and see the responses you get. They will be completely opposite of everyone here.
you need to be safe TAKE THE BOYFRIEND/BODYGUARD because thats how girls get raped and beaten and all that stuff if you need a photographer look here everyones legit and safe
girl trust me bring the man cause hell protect you and i dont go no where like that without my man and my man has never gotten in the way of a photoshoot
well put, alot of photographers prefer if the sig other isnt present but dont care if you bring your big burly guy friend or a best friend with 50 cans of mace!

Harlean Carpenter {★} said:
I have to jump in here and ask a question; did the photographer say you couldn't bring ANYONE, or just specifically say you couldn't bring your boyfriend? There is a difference. One of my oldest and closest friends is a photographer, I've worked with him since the 80's, and one of his conditions for shoots is you are welcome to bring 30 of your closest friends along to any shoot but no boyfriend/husband/significant other because if they are the jealous type, it can create a great deal of tension on the set and pretty well ruin the photos.

So you might want to clarify that with your photographer. If he says no, absolutely no one can come with you, then forget him, he's most likely scum. If he has a good reason for specifically excluding someone who might respond badly to the kind of flirty playful interaction that can result in a fantastic shoot while still remaining completely platonic, you might want to give him a chance to explain that
My first suggestion is that you must get references - find out who else he has worked with and how their shoot went.

Your safety and security is paramount, and you need to be 100% that the guy is genuine and above board.

However, as a photographer I've discovered over many shoots that, particularly with novice models, they do get distracted and self conscious with an audience, and the more so with a boyfriend or significant other. I always suggest models bring a chaperone, preferably female, if they feel more comfortable, but recommend the chaperone waits next door in the dressing room. If they want the chaperone in the studio then that is fine by me...but generally those shoots result in stilted uncomfortable looking images!
I agree the photographer needs to maintain control, but it isn't usually a matter of meddling that causes the problem with having a boyfriend around. It's the model being tense because she's trying to keep both the boyfriend and the photographer happy, then having that tension show in the photos and ruin a day's work.

Charlie Loeven said:
If the photographer will not allow an escort there is a reason. Usually it is that he or she is an a.....h***!
If you can't handle a medaling boyfriend you need to find a new line of work.
I would give the Boyfriend a drink - And - A Pretty Girl to sit With - And - Tell Him His Opinions were not Welcome......
However .....As Long As He Behaved Himself - There Would Be No Problem !
Take Care -

[For My Own 'Protection' - I always have another Female Present - When I Shoot On a 'Closed Set'.....]
Wow, after reading all the responses I can only think one thing...... there are a lot of Models who need to get better boyfriends!!! If it is enough of a problem that photogs on a whole do not want boyfriends at the shoot, that sounds like a problem with the boyfriends of the world.

Boyfriends, come on! It's just a photo shoot, stop causing problems!

I truly feel bad for every model and photographer who's had to deal with that kind of thing. The fact that anyone would make someone uncomfortable on a shoot is just wrong... and unprofessional.
I won't argue with you that a lot of girls could do with better boyfriends but I would like to share a story.

I was helping out on a shoot once where the model brought her boyfriend along, her nice, supportive boyfriend who thought the whole idea was great and wanted to see how things worked. He stayed out of the way and kept quiet, and everything was fine until the photographer got to a shot where the model's arm needed to be at a very specific angle to align with part of the background. After almost a full minute of "little to the left, little down, elbow bent a little more" he just walked over and guided her arm into the position it needed to be in. Perfectly innocent. From where the boyfriend was sitting, however, the photographer's hand looked dangerously close to the model's breast. The boyfriend didn't say anything or cause trouble, but he went from being a casual onlooker to a hawk-like observer of everything that happened from that point forward. The model thought something was bothering him but since he hadn't said anything, she didn't want to say anything. Things got tense, and a lot of the shots from that part of the set were unusable as a result.

This all came out after the fact, when we all sat down to figure out what had gone awry. And this was back in the time of pictures requiring film, so it was an expensive lesson as well as a time-consuming one. Nothing untoward went on, and if someone with a vested interest in no one touching the model hadn't been present, it would have been a non-issue. As it was, it created a problem even though no one actually did anything wrong.

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
Wow, after reading all the responses I can only think one thing...... there are a lot of Models who need to get better boyfriends!!! If it is enough of a problem that photogs on a whole do not want boyfriends at the shoot, that sounds like a problem with the boyfriends of the world.

Boyfriends, come on! It's just a photo shoot, stop causing problems!

I truly feel bad for every model and photographer who's had to deal with that kind of thing. The fact that anyone would make someone uncomfortable on a shoot is just wrong... and unprofessional.
mhm If someone would tell to me you can't bring someone with you.
mhm I would not trust him you know...

Don't go...

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