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I had an interesting conversation with a photog in my area via Model Mayhem, that got me thinking. The conversation involved us talking about my modeling style and his photography style. I told him that I like to do pin up, or something with a theme to it. Lots of theatrics, bold poses, hair, make up etc. I said that I'm not a "stand over there and look pretty" kind of model. He said that after reviewing my portfolio, he didn't think that we were a good match because he wants to take photos of women who make guys say, and I quote, "Whoa, she's hot!" Thus implying that I am not that kind of woman. He aslo said that I seem to be too much of a "character." Ok. Well, being from a theatre background, I have learned to take comments about my looks (good and bad) with grace, humor, and a grain of salt. I wasn't mad, or offended that he didn't think I was "hot". But it got me thinking.... I don't WANT to be viewed as traditionaly "hot". It's just boring. I think this is why I love pin up because it truly celebrates what being a woman is. We have "flaws", and we are all "characters". I see so many beautiful woman on PL who don't always fall under a traditional frat boy deffinition of "hot" but who are stunning in their own right. We are special and interesting! I guess I just had to get this off my chest... but.. does anyone else feel this way? Just curious what everyone else has to say about this.

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Ha ha... I just pictured some gal getting her makeup removed by a bulldozer!! Tammy Faye much?

GiGi Von Vroom said:
He and his camera can go take a flying leap! He wants some girl with a waist the size of my 3 year old daughters, massive boulder boobs, so much makeup you couldn't budge it with a bulldozer and MAYBE an ounce of clothing! That's not hot, its just pathetic.
Hahaha! And what the heck is "too vintage?!" HELLO!!!!!
Yep, my thoughts exactly. I rather quicky cut contact with him.
*blushing* yeah, he missed out on my awesome awesomeness. Just like your photog did

Birdie La Rouge said:
Too vintage? What does that mean!? ha ha... What a tool! He obviously didn't really know what he wanted. Wich is a shame because he missed out on you! xoxo

Betty Maraschino said:
Urgh I hate photogs who say things like that. Sweetie you are f-ing gorgeous! Who wants plain old everyday "hot" when you can have something different, and as you said with character.

I had a guy on MM looking for vintage pin ups. Then told me my look was too vintage and pin up for what he wanted. I personally don't give two hoots what anyone thinks, some guys will think your the hottest thing alive. Some guys want the airbrushed 23inch waist with big tits.

Your unique, your gorgeous, and most importantly You are you.

Yup, good to know that a girl can be too vintage. If that even made sense

GiGi Von Vroom said:
Hahaha! And what the heck is "too vintage?!" HELLO!!!!!
What he's really saying is that he wants other guys to thinks those models are "his" women.
There are plenty of idiots out there. Thankfully, there's some great folks here.

And I have to agree, having seen your pics, that you have got it going on...

"he wants to take photos of women who make guys say, and I quote, "Whoa, she's hot!"
Thanks Filmmonkey! This guy got in touch with me... AGAIN... and told me that he may need me to do a Mad Max themed shoot. But, he told me, it has to be "hot" with lots of "skin". I just am getting a creep vibe off of him. I told him I have been there, done that, and if he really wants to do it, that he has to know what he's doing. He's just a some dude who has managed to get some pretty faces in front of his lens so now he thinks he's a big shot.
Made me feel lucky that the people who I have worked with so far have been very professional, kind, and are interested in accentuating my positives. ;-) Hmmm... this may be the start of a new discussion. Best and worst photo shoot experiences. From a models POV and a photogs... mmm...

Filmmonkey said:
What he's really saying is that he wants other guys to thinks those models are "his" women.
There are plenty of idiots out there. Thankfully, there's some great folks here.

And I have to agree, having seen your pics, that you have got it going on...

"he wants to take photos of women who make guys say, and I quote, "Whoa, she's hot!"
Sounds to me like this guy is a One Dimensional Photog. It's not that he didn't WANT to shoot you...that's made obvious by the fact that he contacted YOU. It's that he CAN'T photograph you. He can only do the "okay, now look angry, and push your chest out" photography. He just CAN'T DO pinup photography. He wouldn't know what to do with you. So he got scared, and insulted you instead, while at the same time trying in inflate his ego by saying he only wants women who make men say "wow! she's hot!"...implying that only HE can make a woman look hot.

Any good pinup model would smell his b******* a mile away and steer clear. So you were good in going with your gut. And BRAVO for being humble and gracious! I applaud you!

Birdie La Rouge said:
Awwwwww *kicks rocks* gosh.... he he. Thanks everyone for the kind words! I took a closer look at this guys portfolio after the whole conversation. And yep! Every model in it is beautiful for sure, but in more of a Maxim magazine sort of way wich to me is *yawwwwnnn* boring and over played. I was relieved that he wasn't interested in me to tell you the truth. Whats funny is, he approached me first! I guess having a brain, personality and too much "character" proved to be too much a of a challenge for him. He did indeed want, to quote Edson, a "slutbag". It really made me appreciate the PL community and I suppose that was the origional intent of my post. I think that there is something special about pin up models and rockabilly gals. Everyone who I have met through PL has a unique spice and zest to his or her look that, I think, takes someone with higher faculties to appreciate! So there! *sticks tongue out*
The one IMPORTANT THING I learned in life is the word NEXT. Anytime you want or ask for something or you want something from someone, and they say NO or REJECT you in some way, you simply reply with "NEXT". Move on immediately, don't dwell on it.

There will always be people that will not like you for some reason or not like what you're representing. It doesn't matter, just say "NEXT". What's next? You know what it is, it's the very next type of "whatever" it is you are trying to achieve. In this case a photographer.

My site has garnered some success, I've worked with some of the biggest companies in the industry and it's because I've always said Next. If one vendor won't work with me or I can't an exclusive interview with someone in the industry, then I move on. There is always someone who will, and the ones who rejected me will come back.

In life, it's important to recognize your setback, how minor, (in this case, a big jerk), but move FORWARD. Roadblocks and OBSTACLES will get in our way, it's our job to make sure we find the path to up, down, or around these setbacks and triumph the way we know how. Good luck hun. I also want to add that I think you are very beautiful.
You know, I remember the first time I bombed an audition. I was 11 and REALLLYYYY wanted to be in this stage production of Cinderella. I cried and cried and was heartbroken over it. My mother told me that every famous actor/ artist/ author could easily paper their walls with rejection letters. And yes, Aubrey, "Next" is a very powerful word to have in your vocabulary! I have already said it mentally in regards to this guy. It was just such an odd situation!
And Honey B., I think you hit the nail on the head. it's just so strange that he approached me, then said no, and is now knocking on my door again. Oh well. People are strange. Thanks everyone for the mutual bashing of this loser! lol

Aubrey London {Madam} said:
The one IMPORTANT THING I learned in life is the word NEXT. Anytime you want or ask for something or you want something from someone, and they say NO or REJECT you in some way, you simply reply with "NEXT". Move on immediately, don't dwell on it.

There will always be people that will not like you for some reason or not like what you're representing. It doesn't matter, just say "NEXT". What's next? You know what it is, it's the very next type of "whatever" it is you are trying to achieve. In this case a photographer.

My site has garnered some success, I've worked with some of the biggest companies in the industry and it's because I've always said Next. If one vendor won't work with me or I can't an exclusive interview with someone in the industry, then I move on. There is always someone who will, and the ones who rejected me will come back.

In life, it's important to recognize your setback, how minor, (in this case, a big jerk), but move FORWARD. Roadblocks and OBSTACLES will get in our way, it's our job to make sure we find the path to up, down, or around these setbacks and triumph the way we know how. Good luck hun. I also want to add that I think you are very beautiful.
I love what you are saying. It's why I'm also drawn to Pinup. I am a size 14 "character" and have never been classically "pretty". I prefer to be interesting. Obviously that photog is lame. You are beautiful!!!
Dita Von Tease said that she wasn't born a great beauty either. She had to create it! I love your photos btw. You are part of a burlesque troupe??? Love it!!!!

DesdaMoana said:
I love what you are saying. It's why I'm also drawn to Pinup. I am a size 14 "character" and have never been classically "pretty". I prefer to be interesting. Obviously that photog is lame. You are beautiful!!!
He'd find it hard to take pictures with a camera rammed up his arse!... he got off lightly!

Keep doing what your doing ... I think you're fantastic whatever one person in the world might say!

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