B. Nice PhotographyphotoB. Nice Photography2 LovesApanduh Bear legsphotoApanduh Bear legs3 LovesApanduh BearphotoApanduh Bear2 LovesApanduh BearphotoApanduh Bear11 LovesVarga PinupphotoVarga Pinup13 LovesMarie MartinezphotoMarie Martinez10 LovesLilaphotoLila10 LovesFor Etta JamesI'm just picturing a special place in Heaven where all the greats are resting at, and they're welcoming Miss. James right about now ♥DiscussionFor Etta James20 LovesRoth and Ramberg photographyphotoRoth and Ramberg photography4 LovesAmeliephotoAmelie3 LovesBy Jo AndrephotoBy Jo Andre9 LovesBy Jo AndrephotoBy Jo Andre3 LovesKitty KosmophotoKitty Kosmo7 LovesEDEN BERLINphotoEDEN BERLIN4 LovesEDEN BERLINphotoEDEN BERLIN4 LovesDOTphotoDOT5 LovesJohannaphotoJohanna1 Lovejohannabarbackphotojohannabarback1 LoveKittyKosmofrontviewphotoKittyKosmofrontview1 LoveTriciaclosebacksidephotoTriciaclosebackside4 LovesKittyKosmobackbarphotoKittyKosmobackbar2 Loves