ReVamped Barbie HeadvasephotoReVamped Barbie Headvase1 LoveLady in RedphotoLady in Red7 LovesMan EaterphotoMan Eater5 LovesClassicphotoClassic11 Lovesoooooooh!photooooooooh!4 LovesIMG_0614photoIMG_06141 LoveIMG_0649_1photoIMG_0649_12 LovesBlack and White Peek A Boo;)photoBlack and White Peek A Boo;)23 Lovesbit mephotobit me3 Lovesfeathersphotofeathers1 LoveSassphotoSass2 LovesMy BDayphotoMy BDay3 LovesShoot with Dirty Dolly March 2011photoShoot with Dirty Dolly March 20111 LovePin Up NursephotoPin Up Nurse11 LovesMonstersphotoMonsters2 LovesLolitaphotoLolita8 Loves600_18978966photo600_189789661 LoveThe first photos from The Diversity Pinup Pr…Makeup and hair by me! Model is Neicey. Location is in Richmond VA. DiscussionThe first photos from The Diversity Pinup Pr…10 LovesMasked Girl 2photoMasked Girl 29 Lovesbinding bettyphotobinding betty1 Love